May 8, 2024
53 Guests and Online

Help get MadChild of Swollen Members back to the United States!

For one reason or another, MadChild of the Swollen Members is banned from the USA.  It is said that it’s because he was hanging out with the wrong crowd, but they really have nothing to pin on him other than his past reputation.  He would love to start touring the states again (and I think it’s safe to say that he’d LOVE to play the Gathering!), and you can help!  All you have to do is take like 10 seconds to sign a petition that they’ve got set up.  Here’s a brief explanation of the issue:

As you all are well-aware, Madchild is currently banned from the United States of America for poor allegations of hanging out with the wrong crowd in his past. There is no reason to have Madchild unable to enter the country due to biased opinions of him. LA is his second home and he is more than eager to start touring with his group and seeing his American fans again. You can help by going to and signing this petition to get Madchild back into the states! Click here to add your signature.

If you missed that link in the article, just click on the pic below to sign the petition:

Sign the petition to get MadChild back to the U.S.!




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