September 22, 2024
30 Guests and Online

Only 7 dates left of the Kaos & Kronik Tour!

Can you believe it?  There are only 7 dates left of the Kaos & Kronik Tour featuring Twiztid, KMK, Blaze, and Big B!  If you’re in or around one of the few dates left, I highly recommend you make it to this show!  The energy that every single artist puts into their performances is unsurpassed!  The bill is stacked…no fillers on this one!  Here’s a recent post that put up to hype up the remainder of the tour:




May 14th, 2012

Less than two weeks! That’s how long you have left to witness Twiztid, the Kottonmouth Kings, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, and Big B during the most fuckin’ EPIC tour that is hittin’ the underground right now! It’s the Kaos & Kronik Tour and there are only about nine shows left before it comes to an end!

Have you been peepin’ out what people are sayin’ about this tour!? The reviews have been absolutely off the fuckin’ chain! Twiztid have brought it hard, as per usual, but EVERY single artist on this tour is bringin’ their A-game! This is a hatchet history makin’ tour and once it’s done who knows when the fuck you’ll see another line-up like this again?

Stop fuckin’ around! Hit up the tour section, find the date closest to you, and grab your tickets now! It’s The Kaos & Kronik Tour with Twiztid, Kottonmouth Kings, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, and Big B! BE THERE!


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