September 22, 2024
21 Guests and Online

Shaggy 2 Dope & DJ Clay on “THAFUKEVA” Tonight! [with Archive!]

It’s Tuesday, and what better way to get your week moving than with a 4 Hour Episode of THAFUKEVA with DJ Clay and Shaggy 2 Dope!  That’s what you’re gonna get tonight starting at 9 PM EST!  What surprises, stories, music, and other flavor do they have in store?  You’ll just have to tune in to find out!  And we’re even gonna make it easy on that ass:

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]

And even if you miss it, you can STILL come back to this link tomorrow to view the archive!  Don’t miss out and be sure to call in while they’re live!  That number is 248-306-5616!



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