September 19, 2024
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The Palladium in Worcester, MA denies rumors of shutting down.

So I hate to contribute to any false allegations that The Palladium is shutting down, but there were some pretty reliable sources saying that it could just be the case!  However, it looks as though the outpouring of support and the petition that was started has caused ownership of the historic venue to respond via the Palladium Facebook.  Here’s what was said:


Despite false rumors of The Palladium closing we are open and have no plans close our doors. Yes Taxes are up 200% but our landlord is appealing. While the tax and rent increase will put us in a difficult position financially we will do our best to make things work while the tax appeal process plays out.
We have been blown away by the groundswell of support we have received and want to thank everyone for reaching out. We will continue to bring great live music to Worcester so please check our schedule for up coming shows and events and follow us on twitter

So there you have it ninjas.  I’m sure that’s a huge collective sigh of relief for all of you Worcester Juggalos!  Hopefully the landlord and the city get something worked out to where they can keep the venue open indefinitely.  We’ll keep you posted!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Ypsi Foolish

    Ypsi Foolish

    Comment posted on Monday, June 11th, 2012 02:21 pm GMT -5 at 2:21 pm

    glad to hear it

  2. iLLuZioN


    Comment posted on Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 12:30 pm GMT -5 at 12:30 pm

    My first show at The Palladium was the Hatchet Rizing Tour back in 01′. Since then i’ve only missed 3 of the PSY tours to come through MA, and been to 3 Gatehrings, and The Palladium is really the best expierences i’ve had in music. Anyone that i’ve really wanted to see has played at The Palladium, and most several times. It’s a home away from home, not just for Juggalos, but for most underground fans of any genre in Mass and NE. It’s some place that deserves to be fixed up, not closed down.

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