September 22, 2024
39 Guests and Online

Attention Twiztid VIP Package customers…

If you were one of the ninjas who took part in the Twiztid “Kaos & Kronik” VIP Packages, and your tour date fell towards the end of the tour, then they may have ran out of merch by the time you got to have your VIP experience.  In Dallas, we were told that beanies and stickers would be mailed to those who didn’t get them in person at the show.  Well, it looks like they have started to show up!  We got an email from a ninja named Daetsu who got a super fresh hookup!  Instead of a standard issue Twiztid beanie, he got a fresh new white one that says “Abominationz” on it!  Check it here:

Click to enlarge!

I’m not sure if Daetsu’s tour stop was one of the ones that didn’t get the vinyl sticker either, but I’m hoping we get an extra hookup on that end too!  If I receive anything different when I get my package I’ll make sure to post it!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Carnivalkilla44


    Comment posted on Friday, July 6th, 2012 06:24 pm GMT -5 at 6:24 pm

    Fuckin eh how about bringing enough tour CD’s to sell to everyone even if they didn’t feel like getting raped for the $100 VIP? Assholes!

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