September 22, 2024
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TONS more media coverage of the Gathering infomercial!

You ninjas thought that when I posted about the media coverage of the Gathering Infomercial the first time that it was out of control.  Well you haven’t seen shit yet!  There was a barrage of links posted up at of websites from every corner of the earth covering the annual spectacle.  Even Myspace came in with an article, and yes, it’s still around!  Here’s the ridiculous list of links to which I have no intent of ever going to:



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Violentdope


    Comment posted on Thursday, July 19th, 2012 02:19 pm GMT -5 at 2:19 pm

    shit changes…life never stays the same..accept it or move on..icp still does the wicked shit maybe not what u want them to sound like but they are still dope…mdp sounds better than tempest and bpb so thats awesome..tempest was their weakest and bpb was a step in the right direction…cant wait to get this but i do miss the old icp..

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