September 22, 2024
10 Guests and 1 Member Online


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Hey anybody wanna hear something dirty? 
Well ya know you’re gonna have to help me 
You know that old building next to the Indian burial grounds 
Well word has it there’s a chest buried underneath the floor boards under the stairway there 
And inside it there’s all type of dirty history 
Left behind by this crazy warrior 
And people say if it was ever dug up 
It would bring this guy back around 
Then he would spread all these messages himself 
So now that I’ve told you all 
Do you still wanna hear something dirty? 
Ok, follow me 
Look, there’s the stairway 
Come on, hurry up let’s pull up these floor boards 
Look there it is help me pull it up 
Quick, give me something to break off this lock 
Cool now help me open it up 
What the –


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