September 22, 2024
27 Guests and 1 Member Online

While You’re Sleeping

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Now I lay me down to sleep 
I pray my dreams don’t slowly creep 
Caught up in a web with no escape 
Something the mind can’t break unless you wide awake 
Have you ever had a nightmare and been scared 
Then woke up in the morning and forgot it was there? 
Then the shit really happens like deja-vu 
But you sit back and act like you never knew 
The same situation happened in my life 
And I feel that I should tell it cause the timing is right 
Now the only reason that I’m speakin is cause I’m teachin 
Thinkin if I let it out my head’ll stop tweakin 
Mixed emotions caused from stress 
That reunite when you lay your head down to rest 
It’s like creatures of the night leavin nothing but bad news 
And things about the future that might make you confused 
I remember way back in the day 
At the age of 13 before moms passed away 
The dreams that I had people said weren’t right 
Like the evilness of afterlife lurkin in the night 
Candlelight blew out, bed stops shakin 
Down on my knees prayin askin to be taken 
To another life where it’s safer than this 
Not a dream, but reality I hope for this wish 
But it never came true so I’m stuck in this place 
Just a native actin crazy that keeps changin his face 
Searchin for the final answer so I can spread the word 
Now that you really see me I’m just askin to be heard 
We all in this together, so they call us night crawlers 
Think the world’s feelin weary because we gettin smarter 
Silohettes in the hallway, dead men holla 
Can’t sleep at night cause the spirits won’t allow you 
(You know bein dead 
I remember thinkin death would be horrible and terrifying 
Shit I mean that’s what everybody thinks 
But now having died and shit 
I can now see everything 
Like every question the living have I now know the answers to 
It’s like I’m awake now and living was just a dream) 
Call me the dream catcher, mother earth smoker 
Peyote pack piece pipes, hallucinatin toker 
Blessed with the wisdom that you see in my eyes 
Don’t be surprised if you ever think you caught up inside 
Like the awakening of life or the passion of death 
That keeps you jumpin up in shivers from ice cold breath 
Now you swear you’re being followed every time that you rest 
Or you feel sharp pains drillin deep in your chest 
I don’t expect anyone to believe if they don’t want to 
But don’t expect yourself to rest in peace when spirits haunt you 
Make your choice people dream it or not 
It’s time to look into the situation we got 
Pinpoint the whole problem get rid of all the anger 
Release all the stress before the world becomes a stranger 
Medicine man above your headboard with a dream catcher 
In the blood of the boogie man the warrior’ll protect you


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