September 21, 2024
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ICP’s “Chris Benoit” nominated for French video award!

Just in case you thought your favorite serial killin’ wicked clowns were ONLY (in)famous in the United States, some big news pops up straight out of Paris, France to flip your wigs!  After narrowing down hundreds of not THOUSANDS of videos for this festival called Protoclip, the ICP video “Chris Benoit” has made it into the Top 50! What does this mean for Juggalos and Juggalettes?  Well, it’s in OUR HANDS to help make sure they win this thing!  Now here’s the hard part. The whole website is in French.  Now if you are using Google Chrome like I do, then it can automatically translate the page for you.  If not, has given you pretty easy instructions on how to vote anyways.  Just check it out below:


Here’s some dope international news, ‘Los and ‘Lettes! There is a mad exclusive film festival called the Protoclip Festival that is based out of Paris. They get tooons of music video submissions and first they narrow them down to only 50 videos, then they present those selections to the public for voting.

Well, the reason we’re explainin’ all of this to you is because the Insane Clown Posse’s music video for “Christ Benoit”, directed by The Deka Brothers, was one of the 50 selected videos! This is really dope for everyone aroundPsychopathic Records because we had such an amazin’ time workin’ with The Deka Brothers on this video. But we’re also stoked because this video features the Juggalos and Juggalettes themselves and they’re gettin’ their shine on overseas!

If you want to check out the website for the Protoclip Festival and you’re interested in putting in your vote, you can CLICK HERE. The entire site is in straight up French, but it’s pretty easy to navigate. Just scroll towards the bottom of the list of videos on the right and hit “JE VOTE POUR LUI” next to ICP’s Chris Benoit. That’s means “VOTE, MUTHA FACKO” in French. A pop-up will appear asking for a valid e-mail address. Enter your email addy then JE VOTE! You’ll get an email in your inbox asking you to confirm your vote by pressing the given link. Click it and you’re all good!

In celebration of this bit of flavor, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope have decided to share some secret information that NO ONE KNOWS! This is the first time this is being revealed ANYWHERE. On November 4th in Detroit, MI the Insane Clown Posse will be shooting a second music video with The Deka Brothers! What song is it for? You’ll find out soon!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Violentdope


    Comment posted on Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 04:42 pm GMT -5 at 4:42 pm

    very cool

  2. byron166long


    Comment posted on Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 05:05 pm GMT -5 at 5:05 pm

    Haha harassment!

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