September 21, 2024
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Lost Soul

Mr. Grey

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Mr. Grey brings us his debut album.  A lot of underground rap fans did not know about him until they saw him live on the Love Bites Tour with Kung Fu Vampire.  For those new fans here is a brief bio from Mr. Grey himself:

Coming from San Jose, California, Mr. Grey brings a unique fusion of music influenced by every genre, from Hip Hop to Metal. Growing up, he learned to play guitar and bass and was a member of multiple bands, but in 2011 he focused his attention on the music he loves most: Hip Hop. One year later, he released his first album, “Lost Soul,” which is available now on both iTunes and CD Baby. Drawing inspiration from internal and life struggles, he brings a hard-edged, emotionally charged style to the genre. Recently–from Oct 12th to Dec 8th–he traveled the nation in support of the “Love Bites” Tour with Kung Fu Vampire and Liquid Assassin, and now, freshly returned home, he will begin work on his second album. He’s prepping to hit the road again in the summer of 2013.

Track listing


  1. Evoke Feat Genevieve
  2. Sound the Alarm
  3. Dark Days Feat ClockworC
  4. I Win Feat Mecha One
  5. Favorite Things Feat ClockworC
  6. Lost Soul Feat ClockworC
  7. Voices Feat Genevieve
  8. Blackout
  9. Mosh Pit
  10. 20,000 Leagues
  11. Something to Say
  12. Some Kind of Hell Feat Psyluss, The Butcher, Bones Almighty, Kao & ClockworC
  13. Angel

Track by track review and rating

1. Evoke Feat Genevieve:  Min long intro with a female evoking the name of Mr. Grey.  Interesting intro to the album.  N/A

2. Sound the Alarm:  A nice hard hitting beat with a generous strings backing.  The vocals are very well delivered and the hook keeps pace with the dark sound of the track.  9/10

3. Dark Days Feat ClockworC:  The beat in this track is a mix of electronic sounds and a slower rhythm.  ClockworC adds a nice verse and good change of pace to the sound of the vocals. The      hook will have the listener singing along.       8/10

4. I Win Feat ClockworC:  A solid piano intro gives way to a slow but old school sound.  The verses are ok but lack the punch of the last two tracks.  The hook is good and well done.  7/10

5. Favorite Things Feat ClockworC:  Another electronic beat but it has a great sounds.  Both the verses and hook will keep the listener bumping this on.       8/10

6. Lost Soul Feat ClockworC:  Great beat get the listener’s attention from the jump.  ClockworC once again adds nicely to the track.  I complex hook adds flavor and diversity.  8/10

7. Voices Feat Genevieve:  This is an interlude track.  Compliments the intro well.  7/10

8. Blackout:  One of the most generic beats on the album.  The verses don’t really stand out but are well put together.  The hook is nice.  6/10

9. Mosh Pit Feat ClockworC:  Dubstep sounds back the beat well.  The hook is catchy and will have a nice impact on the listener.  The verses are good as a whole.  8/10

10. 20,000 Leagues:  Another slow track.  The hook is hard to understand due to the effects.  The verses also have the effects on them but they are a little easier to make out.  This track would have done well to have fewer effects on it.  6/10

11. Something to Say:  The hard hitting beat in this track is a nice change at this point in the album.  The hook could be better and brings the track down.  6/10

12. Some Kind of Hell Feat Psyluss, The Butcher, Bones Almighty, Kao, & ClockworC:  A faster beat allows Mr. Grey to show his ability to flow quicker.  The featured artists add a lot to the track with their verses.  A very nice track to bump.  9/10

13. Angel:  Another complex beat adds a good sound to the track.  The hook is ok but doesn’t really stand out.  A good message behind the track overall.  7/10


Conclusion:  Mr. Grey has a long history in music and that comes through on this album.  It will be interesting to see his evolution as he moves further into the Rap/Hip Hop community.  For his first Rap release he has done a great job mixing beats, verses, and hooks allowing the listener to enjoy the CD from beginning to end.  If you love hip hop and rap this is a great album to add to your collection.

Favorite Tracks:

  1. Sound the Alarm
  2. Some Kind of Hell Feat Psyluss, The Butcher, Bones Almighty, Kao & ClockworC


  • 44 Minutes

Record Label:

  • Unsigned

Release Date:

  • 10/01/2012





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