September 21, 2024
35 Guests and Online interview with Alzymerz (of Dyad Souls)

Exclusive interview with Alzymerz formerly of Australia’s Dyad Souls (Has worked with Mr. Hyde Of Psychological Records and Kidcrusher) and features brand new track “Lock Jaw” featuring Kid Fade of Reel Wolf Productions Psych Ward.  Alzymerz drops Knowledge about his debut LP “Methods Of Madness” Discusses Collaborations with Canada’s Psych Ward and behind the scene details for his music videos. Tracks from Methods Of Madness featured Back In The Day Featuring Cherie Sandoval, Lock Jaw Featuring Kid Fade, and Who’s Sicker!

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]

Video Details

  • Views:
  • 489
  • Runtime:
  • 1 Hour 40 Minutes 24 Seconds
Submitter: Chad Carsten

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