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Archive for Friday, August 3rd, 2012 06:23 pm GMT -5

New ICP interview with the Hollywood Reporter!

There’s a quick 3-1/2 minute interview that was conducted by The Hollywood Reporter!  In it, they talk about their new album “The Mighty Death Pop“, how fresh

Last Hatchet Herald before the 2012 Juggalo Gathering!

This is it Juggalos and Juggalettes!  It’s the final Hatchet Herald before the 2012 Gathering of the Juggalos!  In this edition, it is ALL about the Gathering!

Gathering of the Juggalos on iPPV!

It’s Friday, August 3rd, and if you don’t already know whether you’ll be at the Gathering of the Juggalos in a  few days, then let’s

Black Mask – “Key to the City”

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]

La Coka Nostra – “Masters of the Dark Arts”

The supergroup birthed on Ill BIll’s “Ill Bill Is The Future Vol.2: Ima Goon!” is back! A few things have happened since the release of

Jane Doe Juggalette still unidentified…

We’ve got an update for those of you who are curious about the Jane Doe Juggalette that was found in Suwannee County, FL. She is STILL

The Prime Eights – “What’s Love?”

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube]

ICP makes list of WCW’s craziest celebrity appearances!

I think there’s been another list similar to this, but the WWE has compiled a list of the 20 craziest WCW celebrity appearances!  Some of the celebrities

Moka Only ” Airport 6″ Ontario,Canada Tour Dates

Ontario,Canada Ninjas listen up! Our good homie Moka Only is doing a few shows over there . His support for the date tomorrow will be

As I Lay Dying band goes Juggalo?! followed the band As I Lay Dying around for a day, and at the very end, they planned their post performance party.  That day’s party

Origix & DC and Upchuck host tonight’s Psychopathic Radio!

Can you believe this?  Tonight’s broadcast of Psychopathic Radio will be the LAST ONE before they go LIVE at the Gathering of the Juggalos!  So I bet

¡MAYDAY! “Thrift Store Halos” EP Preview has released a sneak peak of ¡MAYDAY!‘s upcoming “Thrift Store Halos” EP which is set to drop this Tuesday (August 7th). The EP contains

Preorder The Mighty Death Pop on iTunes!

For those of you who want to get a jumpstart into the new era of “no physical album copies” from ICP, this is your chance!

Cancer – “Blood”

[youtube width=”560″ height=”344″][/youtube] Cancer may be new to Beats At Will, but as an MC he’s been around the Detroit scene for years. Starting out

Dmize – “Hell Mind”