Since 1992 the Insane Clown Posse has done what no other Underground label has been able to do. They created a movement for those society rejects. Although they themselves have rarely been accepted by modern society, they created a home for the “lost” and made everyone feel welcome. They have managed to keep a ravenous fan base enthralled in every move they make. No matter what direction they have gone the millions and millions of fans followed almost religiously. They have pushed a positive message masked behind wicked lyrics and left many on the outside in shock at times. At the end of the first “Era” of jokers cards fans and skeptics found out the message behind the music was one of finding faith and trusting in a higher power. The latest release “The Marvelous Missing Link (Lost)” once again touches on the topic. The first of a two part story (The second to be released July 28, 2015) this release touches on those who have lost the “link” to that faith. It once again touches on dark and not so nice topics that most people try to avoid. Does this album continue the legacy that is the Insane Clown Posse? Or will the message behind it be “Lost”?
Track listing
- Intro
- Lost
- Apocalypse
- Shock
- Confederate Flag
- Vomit
- Falling Apart
- How
- Explosions
- I’ll Keep My Hatchet
- Neighbors Are Fighting
- You Should Know
- Flamethrower
- I See The Devil
Track by track review and rating
Intro- Spoken word intro. This harkens back to the jokers card theme and presents the direction for the album. N/A
Lost- This track has a very heavy and hard hitting beat that reminds listeners of “Hells Pit”. Violent J raps slow and methodical in time with the beat. The hook is simple and more melodic and is a nice foil to the verses. Shaggy hits the last verse hard while rapping around the beat here. 4.2/5
Apocalypse- A very trap heavy beat that is like nothing they have tried before. The hook is simple and repetitive but that isn’t a bad thing. This track embraces the dark sound that sets the tone for the album. The verses are dark and pull no punches. A nice return to the wicked sound. 4.4/5
Shock- A unique beat grabs the listener’s attention immediately. The hook is super simple but is hella dope. The verses are simple also but the theme of the song is great. The dark and nasty tone continues here. 4.5/5
Confederate Flag- A song very similar in content to “Fuck Your Rebel Flag” but the beat and music are super wicked and that adds another dimension to this one. The verse talks of the racism behind the confederate flag and what they really think of that movement. The hook pays direct homage to the previous song and that is a nice throwback. 4.5/5
Vomit- One of the first singles fans heard from this album. The intro is a discussion with Satan and that gives way to a bass heavy and disjointed beat. The verses speak of people who are self absorbed and really embody the negatives of society. The hook is simple but very catchy. 4.3/5
Falling Apart- A bass heavy beat backed by a simple guitar and piano riff. Violent J has described this song as his representation of turning 40 and the toll it takes on someone. The tone of the track is much more introspective but keeps with the darker tone of the album. The hook is simple and sung and it works. 4/5
How- A slower beat backed again by piano. The track takes a more rock turn. Very deep and thought provoking lyrics ask a lot of questions and that works here. The hook is much more rock but that is a nice change of pace here. 3.7/5
Explosions- Another trap heavy beat backs this one. The verses flow with the beat and it adds to the hard hitting nature. The hook is almost non-existent but it really isn’t needed here. 3.8/5
I’ll Keep My Hatchet- A track about ICP’s weapon of choice. A trap heavy hard hitting bass beat lead the verses here. The verses hit on various forms of weaponry but always fall back to their preference. The hook is simple and slow and that fits well in the track. 3.7/5
Neighbors Are Fighting- The beat in this track is very bass heavy. The verses speak of fighting and what they plan to do to people. The hook is simple almost to a fault here. Lyrically not the deepest song here but it fits in the album. 3.7/5
You Should Know- The hook is done with singing here and it definitely changes the pace and tone a little. This track is somewhat a love song, at least as close as ICP ever gets. This is all about disclosing infidelity to a girl prior to marriage. 4/5
Flamethrower- The beat is dark and heavy. The verses talk of a homemade flamethrower and its many uses. Once again the dark and wicked tone shines through. The hook strips the beat away but only for a few lines. 4/5
I See The Devil- A stripped down beat allows the lyrics to shine here. The hook is sung once again but it rounds the track off. The end of the track gives way to a majestic and calmer sound. A nice lead in to the second volume “Found.” 4.3/5
Overall Rating: 4.08 /5
Conclusion: In this the first appearance of The Marvelous Missing Link ICP manages to recapture the wicked shit that fans have been begging for. The combination of trap heavy beats and EDM bass drops allows the group to reinvent the original sound they began so many years ago. Although comparable to “Hells Pit” in content there will be no mistaking the two. ICP gives fans the solid wicked album they have wanted while being able to once again tell great stories and push the ideology that has made them famous. By allowing producers Kuma and Otis to work the album they reinvented themselves here. Although in the future Mike E Clark will be back. With the new sounds and old school vibe Juggalos will love this album.
Favorite Tracks:
- Shock
- Confederate Flag
- 58 Minutes
Record Label:
- Psychopathic Records
Release Date:
- 04/28/2015
Faygoluvers Comments
Comment posted on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 07:01 pm GMT -5 at 7:01 pm
I have not received my copy yet from Hatchet Gear – I have learned not to give my opinion on an album until I’ve listen to it for at least a month to three months. Most albums I do not like for the first go around. I thought I would never like the Calm but I do like some of the songs now.
From the streaming of the few songs I heard off the album, I give it 2.2 out of 5. However, this rating means nothing but everyone feels compelled to give a review after one listen.
Thanks for the review.
Comment posted on Thursday, April 30th, 2015 05:28 pm GMT -5 at 5:28 pm
The reviews on faygoluvers are always so terrible and not thoughtful at all. Pisses me off that you guys always write of intros like “eh its not a real song”. Not only is the person writing these not very good, but not one single five star? What keeps confederate flag or flamethrower from being a 5? How gets a high 3? It’s one of the best songs on the freaking album!!!! yes everybody has their own opinions, but i feel like faygoluvers acts like its narrow minded to fully love most, if not all songs. You ninjas need to listen to mainstream pop and rap for a month and they will realize that many many songs by ICP and other underground rappers are MASTERPIECES, especially when compared to the shit thats out there. Most of these songs I would confidently give a 5. We have had so much music from the clowns from the last 20 years that juggalos are becoming spoiled and don’t realize how incredible ICP still is.
Comment posted on Thursday, April 30th, 2015 08:55 pm GMT -5 at 8:55 pm
Dako thank you so much for the feedback. Unfortunately if I approached our reviews from a purely fan perspective and not an objective one every single review I do would be rated on emotion and not a real musical perspective. I do keep up with all aspects of mainstream and underground hip hop and rap and can honestly say I do find the Underground to be a lot better. The reason I do not rate any track that is under a min or so such as intros is because it is usually no music and spoken word which is hard to rate. I do appreciate your input and hope you continue to check the reviews out and give us your thoughts as well!
And to answer your input maskedninja I listen to every single album I review at least 5 times through. This allows me to not only get a vibe for the album but be able to break down all of the smaller things like lyrics, beat, and how it all flows together. I have found very few albums I give an opinion on this way to change my thoughts after that. Thank you also for your opinion here!
Comment posted on Friday, May 1st, 2015 06:38 pm GMT -5 at 6:38 pm
I wrote a review as well if you’d like an additional perspective.
1. Intro 6/10
The album begins with an ambient yet isolated chant of “The Marvelous Missing Link”. Jumpsteady enters and prompts the message of TMML. It seems to keep saying the same idea/message but slightly changing the words around which may become a bit repetitive but as an Intro it’s appropriate enough. ‘Dark’ isn’t the correct term here. ‘Desolate’ may be a better suited term to describe the feel of where the album is taking us. Not one of the best intros but certainly sets the ambiance.
2. Lost 7/10
You can feel the frustration in Violent J’s voice. He has a message. He’s been telling it for too long to deaf it and now he’s going to make sure he’s heard. It’s personal, it’s real, and it only gets followed up by a powerful verse from Shaggy. The anger hits a wall and transitions into a defeated sounding chorus. Not to say the chorus is defeated. Their tone shifts as if they’re defeated. Truly capturing the aspect of being “Lost”. This one is a ‘grower’ for sure, but the more you listen the ore nuances you’ll discover.
3. Apocalypse 8/10
Listen to this one up loud. It’s a manic storytelling of the end of days but not through the typical humorous lens ICP is known for. An interesting take they chose was how human kind would react to catastrophes. They will set up the scene but really lay more focus on the unmerciful acts of mankind in times of tragedy. Throw in an uptempo beat (somewhat reminiscent of ‘They Shootin’ from FTFO2) and drop the bass for the chorus and you have a certified banger for concerts.
4. Shock 7/10
The album shifts gears and takes us through the mind of someone struggling with both substance abuse and mental anguish. It took a few listens to try to grasp what was happening. It seemed all over the place at first, however, after a few listens I realized that the song itself actually embodies a physical response to what the character is experiencing. Disoriented, fragmented, and just trying to paste it all together while finding the next fix. Short but fun and although it’s not lighthearted or humorous per se, it’s the lightest this album will get so enjoy it.
5. Confederate Flag 7/10
With all of the social commentary regarding racial bigotry and hatred in the last few years, this feels not only appropriate but welcomed. Although the subject matter is the same as Rebel Flag from Carnival of Carnage, the sound and feel is completely different. It feels more true to heart than Rebel Flag. As if the curtain was pulled aside and the gimmicks were wiped away to show the true detest of this vile form of mankind. The theme of racism, bigotry, and crooked law enforcement plays a bigger role on this album than it has in a while. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try… When you listen to “Terrible” off AJB it feels true and real from Joe & Joey. When you listen to “Chicken Huntin” the message is still the same but it sounds like it’s coming more from the clowns, Violent J & Shaggy. I’ve talked myself into a corner… Look over there! *Dashes off*
6. Vomit 8/10
This has an original feel to it while still somehow making it sound like the old acid rap catalogs from HOK/Esham/etc. The story tells us of the despicable human beings who shunned and manipulated loved ones to further their own selfish needs. These types of people deserve a whole separate kind of justice. No slicing their throats, no chopped up with axe fates for these abominations. These souls took those closest to them and hurt them in a way physical pain never could. What’s more fitting than having your soul pulled forcibly down to the depths of hell only to be greeted by Beelzebub himself. The very sight of you makes the devil himself want to vomit… so he does… right on your face. The chant at the end reminds me of the Hell’s Pit era when the website had “Throw your hands in the air, if you don’t care, that it’s f**king raining blood everywhere!” on a loop (later released for Bodies Fly on FF4). I can see this being great for shows with an extra bass boost.
7. Falling Apart 8/10
ICP gives us a ballad about a man’s personal hell of falling apart piece by piece. Feeling every ounce of anguish and pain but never feeling the release of death. The chorus is catchy and shows the character’s confusion, fear, and frustration. The song sounds very familiar to Violent J’s “Dead Man Walking” from Let Em Bleed: Vol.2 but with a stronger narrative and emotion to paint the picture for the listener. The music is a steady flow that comes to a swell on the chorus. The chorus sounds like a more familiar ICP tune than the rest of the album all while still keeping that gritty feel. Sure to be a fan favorite for some.
8. How 7/10
I’ve been listening to ICP since 1998 and have read every interview, article, and book they’ve released. This song explores personal topics that they’ve yet to explore in past endeavors. Some of their examples are true while others are truly genuine fears and concerns they’ve asked themselves for years. This song is probably the most synonymous with the Lost Missing Link storyline. True fears and concerns from what very much sounds like Joe, Joey, J, and Shaggy which is rare. Young Wicked sings the chorus and the boy has some chops. Even if this type of chorus isn’t your cup of tea you have to appreciate that they have a talented singer on the roster. Between his skills on the boards, his writing, and his voice he gives hope for the future of Psychopathic Records. This song is a grower though. Give it a few listens.
9. Explosions 9/10
This song looks like it would be a blast at concerts. High energy beat, lyrics that coincide with a hard bass drop, and a steady swaying undertone that would compliment crowd serving perfectly. The lyrics actually talk about the characters they’re portraying to be the despised and vile ones. The type to hide in a basement and make explosives to hurt the innocent. They ask “what drives a man to commit these atrocities?” and ends with the man falling with his chest exploded out, feeling down, and never knowing why. It’s a strong message that goes into the psyche of a man who is lost and expresses it through this outlet of explosives. The chorus is catchy and the verses are easy to nod your head to.
10. I’ll Keep My Hatchet 6/10
This song is reminiscent of “I’m Dead” from the original Violent J Solo CD from The Gathering. They list off a series of weapons that don’t compare to their weapon of choice, the hatchet. Unfortunately, I don’t see this having a HUGE replay value and is one of the first songs to sort of step out of the mold the rest of the album was presenting. Violent J’s voice also resorts back to his strained Mighty Death Pop tone. Some may very well enjoy it, but I typically skip songs that don’t raise the stakes in their verses. This song starts at one level and remains there for the duration. The ending has a cool industrial sounding scratching portion though.
11. The Neighbors Are Fighting 6/10
‘The Neighbors Are Fighting’ is way too similar to the tone of ‘I’ll Keep My Hatchet’. So much so that I didn’t notice it changed songs while listening through the album twice in a row. Without the beginning dialogue talking about neighbors fighting I wouldn’t have any context clues what this song is about at all. They never discuss neighbors or why they’re fighting with them at all. I also am unsure if J & Shaggy are the two neighbors battling each other or they’re telling us what they’ll do to their neighbors. The song (just like I’ll Keep My Hatchet) keeps the same level the entire time and just lists off what they’ll do to their neighbors. It’s fun to listen to for a bit and it certainly isn’t bad by any means, but it’s hardly memorable. I can’t stress enough how frustrating the lack of context is in this song. It could’ve literally been called ANYTHING and still have the same message which is not a good thing. We could call it “I’ll Kill You”, “Beat Yo @$$”, “Beat Down By A Street Clown”, “Fist Fight”…It wouldn’t matter or change a single thing in the song. If it’s that indiscernible than it doesn’t stand a great chance of withstanding the test of time.
12. You Should Know 9/10
I know a lot of you older Juggalos may have found love and settled down. This song may hit pretty close to home for some things. Maybe not as exaggerated as J’s character but as far as not being the Mr. Right they might have thought you were or having some skeletons that you could never tell them in fear that you’d skew the image you worked so hard to obtain in their eyes. ‘You Should Know’ is about a man who plays mind games and has been manipulating his love in the worst of ways. He’s repenting his actions and coming clean once and for all, but no matter how sorry he is, he’s the monster and is now realizing it. It feels like a combo between ‘Gone’ (unreleased track. Youtube it. It’s great.) & ‘Bitch I Lied’ but a lot more personal and true. It may strike true for a lot of you Juggalos as well. The realness of his examples make each listen even more rewarding than the last. Excellent effort put in on this one. Proof that J can still be direct about personal subject matter while still staying true to his wicked clown persona. More like that, please!
13. Flamethrower 10/10
This song had it all for me. It felt eerie. The tone was uncomfortable but so catchy. The descriptive story played out so vividly and didn’t feel forced. It wasn’t like “Night of the Axe/Chainsaw/44”. It wasn’t a mad man running around without a purpose, but to kill (love those songs, but I’m proving a point here…). These two characters had an objective and would follow through by any means necessary. The chorus makes you feel as if you’re in a trance and then drops a heavy bass beat. All I can compare it to is when an action star tosses a lighter behind him and walks towards the camera as the building explodes. It’s slow and methodical. I can’t stress this enough…IT DIDN’T FEEL FORCED! It was like the young Wicked Clowns who were still hungry and angry came back for one last ride. Not to say the new stuff isn’t great or deserves merit. It’s just different (and that’s okay, Juggalos!). The song also ends with the main characters not receiving their happy ending. A powerful trait most exercised in the Hell’s Pit days where our heroes don’t always come out on top, but it makes the narrative that much more real. Give this one a chance. Made me feel 11 years old again when listening to a group called Insane Clown Posse made me a little scared, but way more excited and on the edge of my seat.
14. I See The Devil 8/10
This song tries to bring the message of the Marvelous Missing Link home while still remaining gritty and relate-able to the Juggalos. Young Wicked brings the vocals on the chorus again. Don’t mistake singing for softness. They build up the track every time they hit the chorus to boost the power behind the message. This is the difference between a memorable track and a forgettable one that just stays on one level the entire time. Every line they raise the stakes and it pays off. I can imagine it’s difficult to discuss faith and religion while being in character as a wicked clown and still trying to fit the gritty and isolated feel of the album, but I think they pull it off nicely.
OVERALL: This album doesn’t feel like a typical Joker’s Card AND I FIND IT REFRESHING. We are now on the 3rd Card of the Second Deck and however you feel about that decision it doesn’t change the outcome of the work put into the projects. They didn’t come out and tell us it’s going to sound like their old stuff like Bang!Pow!Boom!. They didn’t say they wanted to explore new territory with music they’ve been playing with for a bit like Mighty Death Pop!. They said they had a story to tell and they took a whole separate path than they’ve used past. They had a lot of original ideas/messages and they also strengthened old themes with stronger beats and lyrics. The point is after all these years the Insane Clown Posse is still putting out new styles of music, and while exploring new depths, keeping it close to home for the family. It took me a few listens to appreciate what this album is. My brain tried to rationalize it and question WHY it wasn’t a certain way, but that’s a somewhat ignorant way to view new material. When I finally allowed myself to view it as the piece of music it WAS instead of what I was thinking it their catalog resembled in the past I REALLY enjoyed this album. It’s NOT Hell’s Pit. It’s NOT Ringmaster. It’s NOT Riddlebox. It has become it’s own entity, The Marvelous Missing Link.
And his era begins now…
Comment posted on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 02:14 pm GMT -5 at 2:14 pm
Thanks for the review Masin!
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