May 9, 2024
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Hazin Article Published In The New York Times: Don’t Blame the Insane Clown Posse for Rumors of Marauding Clowns

Juggalos, check it out. Photographer, Juggalo, owner of, Faygoluvers Music Award winner for Underground Photographer of the Year, and all around good guy, Hazin has just had an article published in The New York Times!

It’s called “Don’t Blame the Insane Clown Posse for Rumors of Marauding Clowns” and it’s fresh.
Check out the full article by CLICKING HERE or check it out below.

Props, Hazin!

The Clownpocalypse of 2016 — It would make for a great B-rated movie.

Evil clowns are in the zeitgeist right now. It’s October, of course, so that means that grease paint and masks are available for purchase everywhere. But there are also a number of horror movies that have just come out, or will come out soon, about clowns. There is “31,” a Rob Zombie horror flick about sadistic clowns that hold carnival workers hostage; “Clown,” a movie about a father who gets stuck in an evil clown suit that begins to warp his personality; “ClownTown,” which is being marketed with the tagline, “They’ll rip out your funny bone;” and finally, theforthcoming remake of Stephen King’s “It.”

This isn’t the first panic about clowns. And as most of the clown sightings so far have been false reports, pranks, copy-cats and hoaxes, I tend to believe kids are reporting run-ins with evil clowns just to get out of school.

Because of the way their fans (juggalos) dress up for festivals, the Insane Clown Posse, a horrorcore rap duo, has gotten roped into the discussion of marauding clowns. But it isn’t the juggalos society needs to fear. As Violent J, one half of the act, wrote in Time: The scary clowns out there aren’t wearing greasepaint. “From keystone-cop clowns shooting unarmed citizens, to racist clowns burning down Islamic centers or clowns in the NSA spying on us through our cell phones and laptops, America has turned into something far more terrifying than Insane Clown Posse’s Dark Carnival.” The reality of America right now, he wrote, “is scarier than anything you’ll ever hear on one of our albums.”

Let’s say it definitively: The juggalo subculture is not behind the latest creepy clown scare. It is a devoted fan base to a musical act — similar to the Grateful Dead’s Deadheads — and not a group of insane clowns (or even a “hybrid gang,” as we’ve been unfairly classified by the F.B.I.)

The real clowns aren’t dressed up for a festival. They’re hidden in plain sight.




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