We are back once again with a fresh new edition of the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight. This is where we get the chance to take a deeper look in to some of the Underground’s finest and some of the best up and comers in the scene. Today we are fortunate enough to sit down with Force 5 Records artist, Skribbal. An Oregon born rapper, who’s been residing in California since 2003 and rapping nearly as long. After many mixtapes and various other releases, he’s prepared to release his latest EP.
Things are looking up for Skribbal and he’ll take us down the road that led him here, his inspirations and where he’s heading next. So, let’s get started.
Johnny O: First off I’d like to welcome you to the Faygoluvers Underground Spotlight and thank you for taking the time to conduct this interview with us. How about we start with a brief introduction to the man known as Skribbal?
Skribbal: Thanks for reaching out to me bro! I appreciate the fuck out of shit like this. Always down to show the juggalos love. I’m just a rapper tryin’ to make some sorta mark with my music. I was born in Oregon, put through the foster care system from 9 to 11 and send to live in California with my grandparents in 2003. I started rapping almost the moment I got here.
JO: Now I know that no artist wants to be put in a box so to speak, but can you give us an idea of your personal music style for those who may not be familiar with your music?
Skribbal: Yeah. My style is just a mix of everybody that influenced me. I’d love to say “hey, I got this brand new style that no one has ever heard before. This shit is all original.” The fact is, everyone is influenced by everything. So my style is influenced from shit like Megadeth, Slayer, Pantera and Mushroomhead all the way down to the first KJ-52 album, Limp Bizkit, White Zombie, Kid Rock’s ‘Early Mornin Stoned Pimp’ album from ’96, Em, Jedi Mind Tricks and Ice-T. All that shit. Just all music I grew up loving. There’s way too much. What do I call it? I don’t even fuckin know. My past music has relied heavily on the horror elements but this new shit will be, while still being true to my love of horror, more real life situations. You can only kill a bitch so many times on an album.
JO: So, how would you say the reception has been for your music from fans so far?
Skribbal: It’s been overwhelmingly fresh and positive. The juggalo community is really embracing to raw hip hop. You don’t necessarily have to be horrorcore or death rap or any of that shit. As long as you’re a real motherfucker, they get you. I get haters here and there but that doesn’t bother me. Either you get this shit or you don’t. If you’re listening’ to Lil Pump & Uzi or any of that, chances are you ain’t gonna dig my shit. So move along. Why take the time to tell me my beats are too boom bap? Blow me.
JO: Your family actually has interesting story within the music business, can you tell us a little bit about this and how it helped shape you as an artist?
Skribbal: Yeah, sure bro. My grandfather was a bass player and wrote a song called Baby Fallin’ In Love. The band kicked him out and stole his music. The song became a number one hit in the 70s. Here’s my grandfather with two kids eating rice and beans while these fuckin’ dickheads were out touring the world on the strength of his music. As for my pops, he’s a killer guitar player. It’s too bad his band was full of junkies, not that he was any different but he could at least keep his shit together somewhat. They had a chance to tour with Pantera in 1996 but a couple members bailed and boom… there went that opportunity. I’m bummed they weren’t able to do that tour because they were fucking beastly. But the shining light in my family is definitely my uncle, Abel or “Katfish,” who is the drum tech for Korn. All these things have kind of shaped my ideas of what to do and what no to do. For better or worse. I’d say Abel is definitely a giant inspiration to me as far as hustle, persistence and honesty with people.
JO: You’ve been working with the guys at Force 5 Records for your upcoming EP, which we will get to shortly, but how has the experience been working with this label?
Skribbal: Being on Force 5 has been cool so far. Ya know, this is underground hip hop. You gotta stick together and form an alliance. You’re stronger together than apart and if you can find people that you respect and that respect you back it can be a powerful thing. The label is still in its infancy stage though, so I’m not expecting to blow up over night. This shit takes a lot of time, effort and hard work to get it where it needs to be. I get constant messages from people who love this label already and everyone on it. People that want to form street teams and spread the word however possible. It’s easy to think that there aint any real motherfuckers out there that are just fans. Just people that are genuine and want to help you because they support you. Lately I been changing’ my stance on that position. I announced the EP a couple months back and am still getting messages every fucking day asking when its coming, what they can do to promote, that sorta shit. I love it.
JO: Speaking of the new EP, what can fans and perspective fans expect from this release?
Skribbal: Like I said, most of my music has been pretty horror-based. But this new EP is definitely on some dark real life shit. My life really does have parts that are scarier than some bs you saw in the latest flick, so I want to bring that stuff back to life through this new music. My next few releases are gonna be kinda like chapters in my life. Getting all that pent up shit off my chest. As for the EP, there’s gonna be eight tracks, half of those are serious real life joints and the other half is that sinister, dark wicked shit. I’m all about being diverse with my talent. I don’t want to just be a horrorcore rapper and be stuck in a fuckin’ basement all my life. I don’t want to just be reality rap, where all I do is depress motherfucker either. I want to mix everything together in a powerful way that every walk of life can fuck with.
JO: How would you say this release compares to your previous work?
Skribbal: It’s a lot more cohesive. I’ve only got one album out but I’ve also got 5 or 6 mixtapes, so it can get difficult to keep coming up with new flows and rhyme schemes. Somehow, I’ve managed to do it though. This new EP is really me at my best. The songs are full. The cadence is perfected. I know how the songs start and end before I write them. I’m completely confident in who Skribbal is at this point. I tend to look back at everything I’ve done in the past with some sort of distaine, because I’m always growing as a person. This is a different feeling. This time, the music is growing with me.
JO: Is there anything you can let us in on as far as the upcoming release?
Skribbal: The EP drops in about 2 months, April 27th. I’ve still got a couple tracks to record and some mixing that has to be done but everything else is ready to go. Not too many features lined up for this one other than my Force 5 homies, DRP & Saint Dog. I’m thinkin’ about getting a female emcee on a track but I haven’t found one that really sparks a fire under my ass. As for the title of the EP, I’ve got a few different ideas but don’t want to give a definitive answer until I’ve completely locked it down.
JO: With everything that’s coming for you, I’m sure you’ve hit a few goals, but what do you feel has biggest achievement thus far in your musical career?
Skribbal: Honestly, paying my rent with collab money is the absolute shit. Every time I get paid for a verse I still can’t believe it. When you realize people really do have a love for your music and are willing to PAY to have you a song with them? It’s un-fucking-real. But of course, you’ll always get the butt-hurt motherfucker who doesn’t understand that you’re trying to do this for a living. This is how I pay rent. This is how I feed my kid. This is how I survive. Now maybe YOU’RE just trying to do this for fun or the love of it, which is all cool with me. Don’t get me wrong, I get it. But sometimes people don’t get that at all and it can be real fuckin nauseating. But to sum it all up, yeah, that’s been my biggest personal achievement. Now have I gotten to the point where I can buy a brand new house and a killer car? Not yet, but that’s damn sure the fucking goal.
JO: Staying on this same note, what would you say is something that you’d love to check off your bucket list with you music?
Skribbal: Other than making a living with the music, not too much else. A strong cult following is all I need I don’t have these fuckin’ illusions of rocking Madison Square Garden and shit. I expect the worst but hope for the best. The fact that I’ve already gotten as far as I have just on the strength of Drug Spun Funk is kind of crazy to me. Now do I want to be recognized and respected as an emcee? Fuck yeah I do. I think every rapper does. I would love to work with some of my heroes on a homie level, of course. If it happens one day, fantastic. If it doesn’t, then I didn’t work hard enough.
JO: I know that you also have a big upcoming show during Juggalo Weekend in Vegas. Force 5 Records will be presenting The Juggalo Weekender with big names like Kung Fu Vampire, Mars and Twisted Insane, amongst others. How did this come about and what can fans attending expect from yourself and the rest of the show in general?
JO: Do you have anything else in the works that you could let us in on?
Skribbal: Yeah bro. After I drop the EP, we will be doing our best to plan a tour, most likely on a opening slot for a bigger artist, to promote the label and new release. Force 5 just hooked up with a killer booking agent who books some of the dopest fuckin’ rappers in the underground. After the EP, I’ll be dropping another mixtape just because I like to drop one at least every 9 months to a year. That will feature Mars, Danny Diablo, Saint Dog, everyone on the label and some of my homies. Then I’ll be starting work on the second full length album for a late 2018 release.
JO: I know that these things are not the only big pieces of your life, you are also a father and I know that can be a hard balance. How do you make it all work with family life, a music career amongst other things as well?
Skribbal: It’s really simple. I spend as much time with my son as possible. He means the world to me. He comes before my music, before myself or anything in my life. It’s an easy balance when you truly love being a father.
JO: So, where can everyone check out more from Skribbal online and where can we find the album available for purchase upon its’ release?
Skribbal: The new EP will be available everywhere online of course, like everything is. Physical copies will include two bonus tracks only available if you pre-order from the first 100. All that shit will be available at force5records.com As for all of my past music, my first full length album is everywhere online, not hard to find. The mixtapes however are available exclusively at www.skribbal.bandcamp.com
JO: Who would you say you find yourself listening to the most lately, which artists really excite you now?
Skribbal: As far as hip hop goes, I don’t really listen to much. I enjoy Merkules cause that dude is just a beast. I really enjoy G-Mo Skee, I been listening and talkin’ to that dude since 2011. I been a big supporter of that guy and to see him get to where he’s at right now is a big inspiration to us real emcees. You look at him and see that perseverance can get you where you want to be. Sir Mix Alot has really been my shit too though. I never realized how dope this dude was. On cadence alone he would jizz all over these new school lames.
JO: In that same vain, if you could reach out to any artist for a dream collaboration, who would it be and why would you choose them?
Skribbal: Fuck. That’s a hard one. I’ve got so many. I’d definitely have to start with Ice-T. From his band Body Count to his solo records, I’m the biggest Ice-T fan on the planet. James Broadway, my co-producer on Drug Spun Funk, actually worked for Rhyme Syndicate as a beatmaker back in the day, so to hear that story kind of pumped me up. Next, for sure I’d go with Kid Rock and Fred Durst. People talk shit but I say fuck ’em. Two of my favorites. Vinnie Paz, Everlast, Jus Allah, Tech, J… there’s a lot of motherfuckers I would love to collab with. I did a song with Diabolic back in 2012, that was a big deal for me. I basically got into hardcore hip hop through that Liar & a Thief album. Too many to list man.
JO: Before we officially call this the end of the interview, is there any last words you’d like to give to the Faygoluvers Family?
Skribbal: Just keep being yourself and inspiring other people to be themselves. One thing I found about the juggalos is that most of us have the same spirit. Most of us had similar shitty childhoods and shitty parents. We all get out our aggression of being wronged, hurt. abused, talked down to, whatever it was.. we all get it out in the same way. Music is a life changer in that regard. Fuck a therapist, put on Rust In Peace. Shit put on Riddle Box and I’ll go fuckin apeshit.
JO: So, as always I like to end on a positive note, so how about a few shout outs before we go?
Skribbal: Again, thanks for reaching out bro. Faygoluvers has shown me a lot of support in the last couple years and I really do appreciate that. So a big shout out to John and all the staff at Faygoluvers. Whatup to all the homies: Dopey, Apakalips, Danny Diablo, DRP, Mars, Danny Diablo, Prolifik, Morus and everyone that’s ever supported my hip hop en-devours.
As much as I always hate to say it, that will close the book on this Underground Spotlight interview. I want to thank Skribbal for taking the time to give us a closer look into his life and career. A big Thank You to the whole Force 5 Records crew as well. Make sure to hit up those links, follow Skribbal and be on the look out when his latest EP drops.
Now before I officially sign off, as always if you would like to be featured right here on the Underground Spotlight or possibly a part of the mixtape, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. Make sure to include a short bio, why you would like to/should be featured, a track or two and a couple of pics. Of course, don’t forget to include UGS or something similar in the subject line. So, until next time…
Johnny O.
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