April 18, 2024
40 Guests and 1 Member Online

Mike McCluskey's "Therapy" Book [Commercial]

This is Mike McCluskey’s eleventh full-length poem book. It includes forty-nine poems and the story poem “Grim.” Mike takes you into the deepest and darkest confines of his mind. Delving into the thoughts of a madman and inner reaches of insanity. Discover the therapeutic reasons behind why he writes. His own personal therapy and his own personal prescription is penned specifically to himself—the self-medication of a psychopath. Mike injects a positive way to deal with the pangs of a tragic and sad life. This is his escape within his mind that the world tried to keep locked away, trapped like a patient. He became his own doctor, and the patient has escaped! He can see it all clearly now—an artist finding a patient escape and reflects stress when therapy is expressed. The doctor can see you now!

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  • Views:
  • 467
  • Runtime:
  • 0 Minutes 52 Seconds
Submitter: N/A

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