April 19, 2024
58 Guests and Online

Mackenzie Nicole - "The House above the World" [Official Music Video]

Considered to be the most experimental piece of production on the album, “The House above the World” stands to be the best song Mackenzie has ever written and recorded. A gorgeous piece inspired by a setting from Albert Camus’s novel ‘A Happy Death’ called “The House Above the World”, an ethereal house high above the sea on the Algerian coast. The novel’s centric character and his three female friends living in this House do nothing but eat fresh fruit from the gardens and speak only the truth. In this space of honesty and integrity, outsiders come in and feel uncomfortable by the level of pure honesty, just as the sheer reality of the World can make us uncomfortable, but just past this discomfort lies the joy of straight simplicity. The personification of the World reveals that it is not an overlord or a merciless habitat, but a cohabitant in existence meant to keep us company and live alongside us. This revelation suggests the individual’s significance. The World and each of us are equal, imperfect beings.

Video Details

  • Views:
  • 523
  • Runtime:
  • 3 Minutes 10 Seconds
Submitter: Steven Eli

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