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Get the brand new EP from T.R.1.N.E. now!

TR1NE is:

  • Tippy (formerly Blahzay Roze)
  • Roxxi Red
  • The Goddess Inanna

Stream the new II.XXII.XXII album for FREE below, or download for $4.99 at



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Noawareness

    Comment posted on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 05:33 am GMT -5 at 5:33 am

    No thanks. I’m full.

  2. Neverthrive

    Comment posted on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 08:11 pm GMT -5 at 8:11 pm

    Its, uh, not great? I guess it didn’t assault my ear holes but… meh

  3. Art_of_Mishap

    Comment posted on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 06:12 pm GMT -5 at 6:12 pm

    It’s not that bad chill out

  4. Papa

    Comment posted on Saturday, February 26th, 2022 08:39 pm GMT -5 at 8:39 pm

    Rating: ***1/2 (Good +) First things first: I’m the first to admit that I was never a fan of Blahzah Roze’s. But that said, even she (Becky Kristene Pulsifer) has said goodbye to that persona and now as “Tippy,” she has a chance to show a different side of herself, and she has put forth an effort to roll with that here. Along with her sisters-in-rhyme “Roxy Red” and “The Goddess Inanna,” they strike a hardcore street sound and honestly speaking, it seems to work just fine here.

    Known collectively as “T.R.1.N.E.” (there is already a band called “Trine” formed by four students, who were attending Florida State University in 2009) these women don’t do “Horrorcore” rap; opting instead to do just straight up hardcore. But the sound works well and all three deliver a strong, solid flow; even with the faster rhythm of “Bo$$ Bitche$,” a track produced by the still amazing Devereaux and one of two standout tracks of this debut six track EP. “New Lyfe Who Di$” is the other of the two that I felt hit hard with hyped lyrics and that pulsating beat! It apparently, along with the remaining four tracks were produced by Roxy Red herself, which is something she should be proud of, not to mention any other female in the business who also should be!

    A full-blown CD album as a Sophomore effort, will be the true decisive factor of their success, of course. That, and the sales of both it and this EP. But as a debut release, “II-XXII-XXII” (2-22-22, the release date) proves that an artist, or in this case, artists, do not have to have a penis to deliver powerful performances. And there damn sure is strength in these numbers. Grade: C+.

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