June 30, 2024
18 Guests and Online

All SHADE – HEKA CD’s Currently on Sale For $6.65 Each!!!

The underground’s Prince of Horrorcore, Shade, just made the announcement that all CD’s in his shop are currently on sale for low price of just $6.65 each! You can peep the official announcement below.

🔥🎶 To celebrate the release of my upcoming project, “The Forgotten,” droping this Friday June 28th, all CDs in the Heka Shop, including The Forgotten, are currently on sale for juggalo hook up price of just $6.65 each! This is a super fresh opportunity for anyone who’s been thinking about picking up CDs, so don’t miss out on your chance to scoop them up for the low low! It’s all for the ❤️ fam! 💯 #heka #TheForgotten #CDsale #ShopHeka #whoopwhoop #665 🤡🎧🔥




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