June 30, 2024
12 Guests and Online

The Emsee Releases his 5th album ” Cabin Fever”

After capturing the attention of the likes of Strange Music, Psychopathic Records, Majik Ninja Ent and Half-Life Records – The Emsee returns with his long anticipated 5th album ” Cabin Fever”

Direct from his instagram The Emsee Wrote the following:

*insert Lou Bega Voice* Ladies and gentleman, this is Album No. 5!

The concept for this album is pretty straight forward. I was starting to feel like I had been in the same place for a while (both musically and mentally) so this past winter I went into a metaphorical cabin with nothing but my recording equipment and cleansed my soul. The idea was to make an album as if no one was going to hear it with hopes of tapping into a level of vulnerability that I’ve never experienced. I was successful.

This album starts with a very broken, bitter, negative man wanting to make excuses but throughout this 9-song journey I begin to let go and also take accountability. I begin to understand that some things are out my control. I begin to give “flowers” to others and live in the moment again. Most importantly, I begin to remember that I am ENOUGH.

This album has helped me in many ways, maybe it can do the same for you.

‘Cabin Fever’ is out now. Stream it whereever you stream music

Peep the links below for a taste




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