June 30, 2024
14 Guests and Online

The Madness Is Klokwerk!

Alright you guys, there’s a lot to cover here when it comes to those crazy silver alien rappers known as Klokwerk E so pull out them reading glasses, pour yourself a nice glass Faygo, and get that pipe ready because we got that smoke you’ve been craving! For starters, Klokwerk E’s much-anticipated debut album, The Emerald Tablets, is dropping this Saturday June 29th. Now, to get the word out about a new album, most artists these days would simply share their flyer online, shoot a music video, try to get an interview, maybe even hand out some flyers at the local clubs. What does Klokwerk E do to promote their album? They take to the streets with a petition to legalize crack. You heard that right ninjas, Klokwerk E hit the streets of Columbus in an attempt to legaize crack while also promoting their upcoming album. This is something you simply have to see to believe.

Now, that we know what Klokwerk E does to get you prepared for upcoming album, what’s next after the album drops? How about a FREE fresh ass album release party, July 13th at the Rehab Tavern in Columbus Ohio, featuring performances by S.O.N, Pariah, and Fory. Now that sounds dope! Come and celebrate the release of The Emerald Tablets and hear Klokwerk E perform their debute album in its entirety. Now, this is a free event, so make sure you get there early to guarantee entry. Trust us, you don’t want to sleep on your chance to be part of this historic night!

But the party doesn’t stop there! On July 20th, you catch your favorite aliens in Chicago tearing up the stage alongside SHADE – HEKA and Fro5o187. If you’re you an artist’s that’s interested in an opening slot for this epic event, you can contact [email protected] for more info on how you can join this fresh line up. Click here for tickets.

Finally, East Coast, get ready because Klokwerk is hitting the road and heading your way for a co-headlining tour alongside The Super Famous Fun Time Guys to bring The Mighty Morphin Wackness Tour to you. A 5-date mini-tour taking place from August 24th to 30th. Each date will feature exclusive merchandise, so that’s a fresh piece of flavor for all the hardcore fans and collectors out there! Check the dates on the flyer below.

Klokwerk E have really been putting in that werk, proving to be a powerhouse force not to be reckoned with! It’s so fresh to see these guys grinding as hard as they have been, and we here at Faygoluvers look forward to documenting their continued success. With that said, much love everyone!

Written by @SethMoon17

@KlokwerkE @klokwerk_e_billy_d @kylekombs614


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