June 30, 2024
17 Guests and Online

Violent J slams CM Punk on socials: “Come beat me up b*tch!”

The Duke of the Wicked came to the defense of long-time homie Colt Cabana on Twitter/IG/Facebook about comments made by CM Punk nearly two years ago.  CM Punk alleged that Colt shared a bank account with his mother.  (See More Here.)  Violent J also referenced something more recent, accusing Punk of not shaking his hand during J’s stink with the TNA wrestling organization.

This is what was said.

From Instagram.com/ViolentJ.ICP:

F*ck @cmpunk for life. You wouldn’t shake our hands in TNA lil b*tch and you clown on the only real friend you ever had in Colt Cabana you b*tch. I Shared my bank account with my mom before she passed you little insensitive b*tch. You little heartless alien.

Suck my d*ck you little weak b*tch couldn’t beat a jobber in UFC you f*ckin nearly pathetic little joke. Come beat me up b*tch. You suffer inside everyone, and they momma knows that. Get your head right you little suffering ass b*tch. .. VJ of Insane Clown Posse- just as legendary as you lil b*tch. Face it

I don’t follow wrestling, so I guess I’m just trying to figure out what sparked this.  Either way, it has hit a TON of media outlets (both wrestling and entertainment related), so it’s a great way to get people talking!

There are several others, so take your pick!

What do you think about this?  Is it kayfabe? Will we see some kind of response from CM Punk?  Let us know!


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