September 16, 2024
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Samhain Ceremony 4 Announced w/ S.O.N, Alla Xul Elu, King Gordy & More!

Long Live Evil just officially announced that Samhain Ceremony 4 officially goes down Friday, October 18th, 2024 in Youngstown, Ohio at the West Side Bowl! As Samhain Ceremony 4 will be featuring performances by S.O.N, Alla Xul Elu, King Gordy, Super Famous Fun Time Guys, Klokwerk E, Mj Lovecraft, The Hooliganz, Keagan Grimm, The Cult of Space Skull and even Apollo Exodus! Keep a look out for tickets to go on sale for Samhain Ceremony 4 sometime next week via

From Long Live Evil Across Social Media:

As the leaves fall one by one from the trees pushed by the now-turned cold wind to their grave below the veil between worlds will become thin and the dead will walk the earth once again. A wailing can be heard through the land this year. A precious baby boy waits to be born. With the energy from the hive both the dead and alive, we will bring through the veil new life and a new era for us all. The final birthing ritual. The celebration of the dead. For the 4th year in a row, we will gather for the Samhain ceremony in the place where it all started for us.

On October 18th we come home to the Westside Bowl in Youngstown Ohio for our baby boy King Umbra to come through to this realm and take the era by force. I’ve brought some friends out with me this year. Firstly we would like to welcome the wicked shit titan KING GORDY! My brothers in evil the ALLA XUL ELU! Our parallel world cult entities are THE CULT OF SPACE SKULL! My favorite coked-out luchador couple THE SUPER FAMOUS FUNTIME GUYS! A rare solo set from the one and only MJ LOVECRAFT! The silver boof gods KLOKWERK E! The gravel-mouthed preacher and Samhain ceremony champion KEAGAN GRIMM! A rare rap set from the white trash pope and THE HOOLIGANS! And of course, the young master himself legions own APOLLO EXODUS!

The whole night is capped off with the Samhain super set by yours truly the king of dark energy himself the conduit for King Umbra the one and only S.O.N! Tickets go on sale in one week from today. VIP information will be available on the same day. My advice to you. Clear your plans for the weekend. See you then legionnaires.



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