Happy Juggalo Day to all of the Juggalos and Juggalettes reading this right now! As promised, Psychopathic Records has opened their store and have a bunch of new designs for you to peep! There are some classic designs on there, but they are mostly new ones that look similar to designs you may have seen when they had a wall of options at Hot Topic and Spencer’s back in the day.
Here’s what was said in the email blast in case you didn’t get it:
Whadup Homie !
Happy Juggalo Day! We finally did it – we have a new store; and everything in the store is ready to ship. In order to start shipping your orders immediately, there is limited inventory of everything for sale. Don’t miss out!
To check the new store for yourself, just go to SHOP.INSANECLOWNPOSSE.COM!
Most shirts are $40.00, hoodies are $75.00, long-sleeve shirts are $55.00, trucker hats are $25.00-$35.00, bandanas are $20.00, skate decks are $100.00, and…well you can just go check it all out for yourself. Happy Juggalo Day!!
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