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2826 Arnetic in Dallas, Texas

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This past Saturday I had the privilege of coming to represent Faygoluvers at the Dallas stop of Hopsin’s I Am Raw Tour and man did they knock it out of the park. Claas manager, Kenny, was the MC for the night and he sold it well, kept the crowd alive and energy high. I had a lot of fun that night so I won’t spare y’all ninjas any details, just so you can get a solid preview of the awesomeness that you need to go and witness for yourselves.

First off, this is the first time I’ve been to 2826 Arnetic, the venue for the show, and I loved it. The bartenders were friendly and attentive, the art on the walls ranged from wistful to unsettling but it all flowed nicely and made the place more lively. The stage was a lot bigger than I had anticipated, and from what I understand it would have suited ABK a lot better than the Bone. However the venue was small enough for there to be a catwalk extending into the middle of the room for the stage lights that I could touch. It gave it some character and hopefully I get to see some more local acts there soon.

Truth Records: The first act to start off the night was the group from Truth Records, comprising of Forilla and the guys from SHSM comin out of the San Antonio area. Even though I feel like I should be doing my best to hype this show because it was sponsored by FLH I can’t lie about these guys. Granted it’s very difficult to open a show at 9 and you’re not even a local, but I can’t find anything to like. They walked out on stage with what seemed to be a pretty solid amount of arrogance but they didn’t deliver on it. All of their lines were simplistic and played out, about as fresh and original as a day old PB&J. To any San Anton’ ninjas I may have offended by telling you that your people aren’t good, just know that even though they were struttin the stage with the utmost confidence, the only person that showed any enthusiasm during their show at all was one SHSM guys girlfriend. They can walk the walk but they can’t talk the talk.

Mymik: Mymik is a horrorcore duo out of Austin, another group I haven’t heard of but then again why would I; when I spoke with them after their set it turned out to be only their 4th or 5th show. Either way the least they did was pry my fat ass from the bar. They had a lot of enthusiasm and they were charismatic in between songs. Which was good but a lot of times they were overpowered by the tracks they were playing, it was pretty hard to understand them through most of their set but the beats were okay. The only thing negative I’d have to say on their side is just that though the masks they wore looked pretty killer I’d like to see less focus on the look and more on the art, because that’s what it’s supposed to be about and frankly I listen to enough masked bands as it is. I grabbed a CD from them and listened to it on the way home and it wasn’t really bad but I think they could do a whole lot better with what they have going for them right now. They can growl pretty well but the rap is just kind of “meh”.

Fat Kidz Inc.: I’ve seen FKI a couple times already, since they usually get the local opener slot when Twiztid comes through, and I’ve warmed up to them over a while. I actually got into it this time. The sound was just right, production value was awesome, they kept it live up on stage, and they came in clear. Not only that but in the middle of their set, their entire crew came up on stage and tossed BK Cheeseburgers and snack cakes out to the crowd. Finding a twinkie in my pocket was the best thing ever when I was two bowls down later that night.

Soundness of Mind: Never heard of this Dallas duo till the night of the show but I’m definitely gonna be keeping track of them now. Rapping was great and over the entirety of their set they kept the energy really high. I mean, the camera guy in the back was even jamming out, which was hilarious. All I gotta say to the Metroplex ninjas reading this is that these guys alone are a good enough reason to go out for the next FLH sponsored show in Ft. Worth on April 9th.

Claas: Dallas native and friend to FLH, Claas always always always knows how to kill it on stage and he damn sure did this time too. He came on stage that night with Ronnie Blaze, his hypeman. Right before they came up though, one of the guys in the crowd turned back to me to let me know Ronnie was already drunk, and sure enough he walks up on stage holdin dos Dos Equis. It’s entirely possible that one was for Claas, but I like to think they were both for him. Just because it makes how on point he was as a hypeman all the more impressive. They both did great as always, getting the crowd nice and hyped for the main stage…

Hopsin: I came in a little skeptical, because I’m not all that fond of Hopsin’s flow, but he effectively changed my mind. Jumpin on stage with SwizZz they played all of their bigger songs like Sag My Pants and How You Like Me Now and execution was flawless. Their set also marked the first time I smelled someone spark up a blunt, making the setting all the more memorable. At one point the mics lost signal, but they kept rapping regardless. I don’t know if they didn’t realize it or if it’s because they had the entire set coordinated so tightly. It was pretty obvious how they scripted all of the segways between songs but they committed and that’s what counts. Before the show I asked hop to tear it up like he was playing an arena and he did just that. I can understand why Tech would want to do a collab with him, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he gets picked up to be an opening act the next time Strange Music does a tour. The whole dynamic between Hopsin and SwizZz works because Hop is a whole lot more lower key compared to SwizZz, who I think might be doing meth. Horrible addiction to speed aside, they both did really well and I’ll be seeing em when they come back through, which is hopefully soon.

The whole night I give a solid 7 out of 10

Mymik @


  • 2826 Arnetic
  • Texas
  • United States


  • SwizZz, ClaAs, Soundness Of Mind (w/ Fat Kidz, Inc.), Truth Recordz & Mymik


  • I Am Raw Tour

Record Label:

  • Funk Volume


  • Captain Nemo

Review Date:

  • 03/19/2011


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