September 7, 2024
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What’s up, Fam? It’s time again for another fresh edition of the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight. Oh, and it’s not just another interview either. That’s right it’s a Holiday edition of the Underground Spotlight. What does that mean? Nothing really, just that this will be our very last feature of the year. I do have to say though we are ending things right this year.

On this final Spotlight interview of 2016, we have Connecticut’s own Xplizt. An Underground rapper and former member of UFO, who performed at this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos. We take a look at what’s to come for her and why some things have taken a new direction recently.

So, let’s start the show… the final Underground Spotlight of 2016!



Johnny O: So, that’s start things off as usual with a little introduction to the Faygoluvers’ Family?

Xplizt: What’s up! My name is Xplizt. I’m a female rapper from Waterbury, CT. Thank you guys for taking the time to interview me!  Much appreciated.

JO: How did the name come about? What do you feel it portrays in you as the artist?

XT: I was actually going by a different name way back in the day while I was recording with my boy Woof and Peridot in a basement. lol.  We did this group track together and while woof was mixing my verse down he turns to me and says “damn bitch, your shit is too explicit!” Needless to say, that’s where Xplizt started, but I had to spell it different. I think it definitely fits me as an artist & I think anybody else that I work with would agree with that too.

JO: What was the music scene like for you growing up?

XT: The music scene was completely different than it is now compared to when I was growing up. I grew up in a very urban area where everybody was into the battle scene, so that’s actually where I started spitting. I didn’t touch a stage until I was about 19 and I had been doing music for 5 years prior. Growing up it was about lyricism, delivery & presence. I like to still embody all of those things in my current music.

JO: What was it or who was it that made you realize that music is what you had to do?

XT: Honestly, I remember being 14 years old, going to a venue called the Webster theater in Hartford, CT and seeing some local talent on stage.  I saw the reaction from the crowd I remember thinking to myself that this is what I have to do whether a big break happens or not.

JO: Now you had the chance to be a part of a variety of different groups, including UFO, who just made an appearance at this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos. Before we get into the group aspect of everything, how was the Gathering experience for you?

XT: The Gathering experience was ridiculously awesome! Every time I see ICP I feel like a kid again!  It’s really nostalgic for me in a sense. I think anybody that appreciates what ICP does can agree on that. Plus it’s always dope to see the whole line up they have & chill with everyone. Our performance was dope, everybody always shows a lot of love to us.


JO: Sadly I heard some rumblings that UFO in no more.  Is this true and could you elaborate on what is going on or what happened? Is it more of a “hiatus” as you all work on your solo efforts?

XT: I can say that I chose to step away from the group due to personal matters. I just recently started to work on my solo album.  I know Madecipha is working on a few things, he’s always keeping busy.  Freeze is putting out an album as well. It’s more than just a hiatus at this point in time but, you never know what the future holds.

JO: All of that aside, can you tell us about what you are currently working on?

XT: I’m currently working on my sophomore album called “Chaotic.”  This album is definitely what I’m calling “my baby.” lol. I’ve worked on a lot of things with a lot of people and I’ve put out other things, but this one is different for me. It’s definitely more conceptual than a lot of my other work and I’m taking my time with it.

JO: What can fans or perspective fans expect from the new release?

XT: You all can expect a very raw, truthful & well put together album. I’m taking you on a journey with this one lol.

JO: It seems like everything I heard points to your latest release dropping on Spider Bite Records, how did this come about and what was the reasoning behind finding a home for it there as opposed to Mercy Counts Records?

XT: Madecipha hit me up after my single that you guys released called “Rage” was mixed & he said he wanted my album on Spider Bite. He told me to take a few days to think about it, so I did.  I felt like he had my best interest in mind and at heart so I agreed. Plus, I’ve worked side by side with Madecipha for a while now and I feel comfortable with him & trust him in every way possible. The reason I chose to release under Spider Bite Records instead of Mercy Counts is a bit …. complicated to explain, to say the very least lol. So we’ll just leave it at, it was a personal decision :)

JO: How have things been working with the Spider Bite Records crew?

XT: Working with everyone at Spider Bite is awesome.  It’s always fun, no extra stress on anything.  Everything runs smooth. EZ is an awesome manager & homie.  He’s half the reason why “Chaotic” is coming out. I love everybody on the label & even the other artists that pop in and out of the studio from time to time. Nothing but love!!

JO: Seeing as you’ve had various different projects, what’s the process like working in a group atmosphere as opposed to your own solo efforts?

XT: Working in a group has its pros and cons just like anything else but there are definitely more pros. I like the group thing because you can bounce ideas off one another and create tracks in half the time it takes to do your solo stuff.  It’s all usually really really good material. Plus just doing something that you love with the people closest to you is dope!  Never a dull moment. Solo stuff is always more tedious to do. Personally, I’m my biggest critic, so a lot of the time I’m going back to a song to make sure its perfect.

JO: How about the sound of your collaborative work versus your solo releases, how would you say they differ?

XT: I’d say I pretty much stay consistent between collabs and solo stuff. Of course, my solo stuff I get a little deeper and touch on topics I need to vent on or express myself. My beats are a bit different on this new release.  I’d say my flow and delivery are coming a bit harder these days.  I’m always looking for ways to be better.  All in all, I’d say I give my all on everything I do every time whether it be collabs or solo.

JO: How do you feel the new work is coming along, any chance you may have a release date in mind?

XT: The new work is coming along great. Like I said before, I’m taking my time writing this one because it’s my baby. lol.  But what I do have written and recorded is probably the best material I have to date. I’m aiming for a late winter/mid spring release, but I will give you the date when I know for sure!

JO: Is there anything you can tell us in regards to what you have coming next besides the album itself?

XT: Madecipha & myself have a few very special shows coming that we’re waiting to release the names and dates for … But, you can always follow my Instagram to check for them.

JO: The genre we operate in is hard enough, but females of the genre seem to be gaining more traction.  How does this make you feel?

XT: I think it’s hard for women to be taken seriously in the rap scene, especially women who aren’t shaking their asses half naked while rapping.  lol.  For those females that have been noticed & accepted…I’m coming for you all! lmao!  No, really, it’s dope to see anybody succeeding this shark tank of a business, man or woman.  It isn’t easy getting noticed. Salute to you that have!


JO: Where does Xplizt find her inspiration these days? What or who motivates you to push forward with your career?

XT: I find my inspiration from experiences, whether it’s day to day or something that previously happened or something that I want to happen. I draw inspiration from the way something makes me feel or sometimes just listening to music. Music is in my blood. It’s in my heart.  That’s what motivates me to keep doing this. You have to be crazy to be a serious artist in hip hop, lol.  So I guess I’m nuts.

JO: Obviously you’ve been fortunate enough to work some amazing artists, but if you could have one dream artist you’d love to work with, who would it be?

XT: One dream artist to work with ….. Damn that’s tough, lol. Why just one?!! If I have to pick just one, I’d have to say it would be Pun, and that will always be a dream cuz he’s dead, lol. Living artist I’d have to say Tech N9ne definitely.

JO: So, for those that want to check out some more from you, where should they go?

XT: You can check out the UFO stuff on BandCamp under Unlimited Future Objectives. My solo stuff is on SoundCloud under Xplizt. Follow me on Instagram @mynameis_xplizt or add me on Facebook under my real name because I love you all Amanda Iacoviello.

JO: Who have been your biggest influences over the years?

XT: My biggest influences over the years are all over the place honestly, lol.  From Biggie to Pun to Nas to Nirvana to Tech. ICP & Twiztid definitely influenced my stage performances because they always put out a lot of energy & are ALWAYS entertaining. Freeze was a big influence on me. He always pushed me to be the best and give everything I have any time I do something. I wouldn’t have most of the knowledge I have now if it wasn’t for him taking me under his wing, honestly. I’ll always appreciate that.

JO: What or who is Xplizt currently listening to?

XT: I’m listening to a lot of rock at the moment.  It’s kind of a ritual every time I write an album for some reason. It’s pretty much anything from The Doors to Metallica. I’m also listening to Logic right now.

JO: Is there anything you would like to say to the Faygoluvers and underground community as a whole?

XT: Thank you guys at Faygoluvers for always showing love! It’s much appreciated. Shout out to the underground! Keep grinding!

JO: Okay, now let’s end this thing properly with some shout outs before we finally say goodbye.

XT: Shout out to you guys first of all! Shout out to everybody on the underground scene doing this crazy shit everyday! And shout out to Spider Bite Records. Look out for “Chaotic” coming soon! Peace.


Sadly, that will do it for us on this new edition to the Underground Spotlight and that will do us for 2016. So, I want to give a big THANK YOU to Xplizt for taking time out for this interview. We wish nothing but the best for you in 2017 and beyond. Shoutout to Madecipha, Freeze and the one and only man behind the scenes EZ! Nothing but love for the entire Spider Bite Records crew. Make sure to check out the links below for more on Xplizt too.

Since this is the last (How many times can I say this?) Underground Spotlight of the year, I want to send thing off properly. So, thank you to all of the crew here at Faygoluvers’ for all of your hard work behind the scenes and for letting me do something I love to do, be a part of something I love. Thank you to all of the artists we have had the good fortune to interview this year and to those we’ll see in 2017.

I have three little boys, so I know how crazy the Holidays can get, but take the time to relax and enjoy yourselves. Even if it’s only for a little while, relax, have some fun and enjoy. Happy Holidays everyone, no matter what you celebrate…even if you don’t celebrate anything. Have a safe and fun journey into the New Year!

Now before I officially sign off, as always if you would like to be featured right here on the Underground Spotlight, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. Make sure to include a short bio, why you would like to/should be featured, a track or two and a couple of pics. Of course, don’t forget to include UGS or something similar in the subject line. So, until next time…


Johnny O.



Unlimited Future Objectives (UFO) on Bandcamp

Spider Bite Records 

Xplizt on Soundcloud

Xplizt on Instagram

Xplizt on Facebook


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