October 18, 2024
46 Guests and Online

Doctor Steel – 1/17/10

Faygoluvers: What’s your ten year plan after world domination? (Submitted by: Jesse H.)

Dr. Steel: Once total domination has been attained, the main focus is a world make-over. The majority of us live in environments that are less than aesthetically pleasing and have been cobbled together over a period of time out of necessity, rather than being designed from the beginning with a forward thinking vision in mind. We are products of our environment and there is no wonder that we often find ourselves distracted, unfocused, unhealthy and lost, for that is how the majority of our civilization has been constructed. Likewise, there is a tremendous amount of room for improvement in every aspect of life and once we find ourselves freed from The System which suppresses the expansive potential of creative evolution, we will be able to continually reach beyond our grasp through technology and innovation.

Faygoluvers: What’s the closest you have gotten to taking over the world so far? (Submitted by: Lynx The Clown)

Dr. Steel: Well, I am tremendously inspired by The Army of The Toy Soldiers and those who have showcased a shared vision in building a Utopian Playland. It is this global awareness which causes the wheels of change to move forward. I have seen so many individuals showcasing their personal creative potential and encouraging others to do the same. With such activity taking place in countries around the world, an important paradigm shift is clearly taking place. This is the most important step and it is actively advancing.

Faygoluvers: Can we ever expect a nationwide tour? (Submitted by: Chad A.)

Dr. Steel: Absolutely. I look forward to bringing my special brand of madness far and wide, both in person and through the ever expanding scope of technology.

Faygoluvers: Would you be interested in playing at The Gathering of the Juggalos if offered a spot? (Submitted by: Chad A.)

Dr. Steel: Indeed, I would be honored. I look forward to making such an appearance possible in the future.

Faygoluvers: What brand of goggles do you wear and where do you get them? (Submitted by: Ryan B.)

Dr. Steel: Though the mystical details of how I encountered my particular pair of spectacles is far too complex to explain in this interview, I would suggest that you peruse antique shops for vintage “work glasses” or “driving goggles” if you’re interested in acquiring similar eyewear. Others have mentioned that “Glacier Glasses” or “Glacier Goggles” have proven most efficacious. I have indeed heard that similar glasses do exist in the world.

Faygoluvers: Can we expect some new music in 2010? (Submitted by: Ryan B.)

Dr. Steel: You can expect not only new music but a great many other creations as well. I have been working harder than ever to establish a firm foundation on which to manifest a great many things.

Faygoluvers: Will you be at the San Diego Comic Con this year? (Submitted by: Adora R.)

Dr. Steel: I am uncertain of a personal appearance at this time. I do look forward to spreading my propaganda via this convention and as I work towards gathering additional resources I am certainly placing this event high on the list of places to unleash great amounts of brainwashing material.

Faygoluvers: What do you consider to be your greatest challenge in conquering the world so far?

Dr. Steel: Resources. I have an infinite number of ideas that I wish to manifest with a very specific vision in mind and that requires resources. There is only so much that I am able to do with my own two hands. When a project reaches a point where it requires more than that, I must locate resources in order to complete it. This is the greatest challenge and one that I am continually working to overcome.

Faygoluvers: Do you have any mortal enemies? I hear Ellen DeGeneres is on a quest for world domination too.

Dr. Steel: I have not met Ms. DeGeneres in person, but so far we have not engaged in any conflict. I would be interested in sitting down with her and discussing how we may utilize one another’s resources to advance in this goal together.

Faygoluvers: What form of government would you keep the world under?

Dr. Steel: We must look beyond government, and we must look beyond all preconceived ideas. The goal is to advance in our creative potential. To remain stagnate by repeating the past is a mortal mistake. I look forward to empowering the creative minds of the world and pushing forward into new, ever expanding realms in all areas of existence.

Faygoluvers: 11.What’s your favorite quote?

Dr. Steel: “Munumunuh” – Jim Henson

Interviewer: Captain Nemo

Interview Date:01/17/10



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