September 16, 2024
47 Guests and Online

Pre Astronomicon 2 Hype! An Interview with Ming Chen of AMC’s Comic Book Men [FLH EXCLUSIVE]

Pre Astronomicon 2 hype! An interview with Kevin Smith’s (Clerks) right hand man/legendary podcaster, Ming Chen! This FLH Exclusive conducted by our staff journalist Chad T. Carsten (Underground Nation/Vandala Magazine) dive’s into Ming Chen’s great friendship between him and Kevin Smith, dissecting the odd request behind Kevin Smith personally asking Chen to drive eight hours to simply hand deliver a secret copy of Smith’s film “Red State” to a critic from the Los Angeles Times  in Maine, while also protecting the film from leaking, no matter what, his twenty year podcast/internet history, the legacy of AMC’s Comic Book Men, befriending Twiztid, what Mr. Chen is looking forward to during Astronomicon 2, his comic book Texas restaurant “Coral Sword”, being bullied for liking comic books, and more!

Interviewer: Chad Thomas Carsten



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