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MNE Announces 4 The Fam Fridays Livestreams Including 1 Less G In The Hood and Hatchet Warrior Shows

Majik Ninja Entertainment is looking to continue the momentum they built in 2020 by coming out of the gates with announcement after announcement of freshness.

This coming February, MNE will be holding 4 The Fam Fridays livestream shows.

These event will include Blaze Ya Dead Homie doing a “1 Less G In The Hood” 20 year anniversary show, Oh! The Horror throwing it down with a Halloween 360 special, ABK doing a Hatchet Warrior show and wrapping up this 4 week event will be the almighty Alla Xul Elu.

Here are the flyers, dates, times and links to purchase tickets and merch for each show:

1. Blaze Ya Dead Homie 

  • Livestream: February 5th at 8:00pm EST
  • VOD: February 5th at 9:00pm to February 7th at 9:00pm EST

2. Oh! The Horror

  • Livestream: February 12th at 8:00pm EST
  • VOD: February 12th at 9:00pm to February 14th at 9:00pm EST

3. ABK

  • Livestream: February 19th at 8:00pm EST
  • VOD: February 19th at 9:00pm to February 21st at 9:00pm EST

4. Alla Xul Elu

  • Livestream: February 26th at 8:00pm EST
  • VOD: February 26th at 9:00pm to February 28th at 9:00pm EST

You can purchase tickets and merchandise for each show by clicking the links below.

Blaze Ya Dead Homie @ LiveForm

Oh! The Horror @ LiveForm

Anybody Killa @ LiveForm

Alla Xul Elu @ LiveForm



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 04:57 pm GMT -5 at 4:57 pm

    Twiztid: “We just want to branch away from Psy and do our own thing.”
    Also Twiztid: “ok let’s get some artists that were made popular by Psy and only have them perform music that was released on Psychopathic Records. Then add 2 shitty bands that no one likes to it”

    Have Blaze perform an MNE release and watch people in attendance plummet, these guys best days were on Psy, that’s why they gotta keep going back to Psy for ideas.

  2. Frankenfatballs


    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 07:14 pm GMT -5 at 7:14 pm

    I have to disagree, Mikey. MNE’s lineup is solid AF.

    They got mad talent over there and this isn’t an MNE>PSY argument. I don’t care who’s signed where…I’m just saying the content coming out of MNE is straight fire.

  3. Carnivalkilla44


    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 08:48 pm GMT -5 at 8:48 pm

    Hell’s ya! Ordered that ABK stream and a beanie.

  4. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 08:48 pm GMT -5 at 8:48 pm

    Shut up Mikey you fucking idiot

  5. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 09:02 pm GMT -5 at 9:02 pm

    This is going to be the straw that broke j’s back. Pretty soon there will be no one left to collab with psy. I just wish that this whole beef would be laid to rest.

  6. Weponofassdestruction17

    Comment posted on Friday, January 1st, 2021 09:13 pm GMT -5 at 9:13 pm

    dumb fuck sinder you mean songs that they wrote and psy not done a damn thing with killa in years plus all of them were having there best in early 2000s icp included and psy not released an entire album worth a fuck since twiztid blaze left and they quit fucking with killa they had some decent songs but not whole album keep sucking that j dick

  7. OneLeggedJuggalo

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 12:07 am GMT -5 at 12:07 am

    Could someone fill me in on how/when ABK went to MNE?

  8. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 09:11 am GMT -5 at 9:11 am

    His friendship with blaze has always made him affiliated. I believe this is his first mne effort unless you count the juggalo unity tour with blaze. I wonder if he’ll ever work with icp again.

  9. JoKe

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 12:54 pm GMT -5 at 12:54 pm

    ABK was featured on Wasted 4 on Mad Season too.

  10. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 10:33 am GMT -5 at 10:33 am

    I can’t even remember the last time ICP and ABK made a track together. I doubt he signs as a solo artist he seems to be doing just fine with his label.

  11. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 04:22 pm GMT -5 at 4:22 pm

    Frankenfatballs I’m afraid the only talented people on Mne are artists that Violent J found, J introduced to them to the juggalo world and had the marketing skills to know how to sell a new artist to the juggalos. Then there is the rest of Mne which is made up of mediocre and generic bands, Twiztid signs more bands then they can handle, everyone talks about artists leaving Psy, where are u dick sucking twizzlers when talking about why GMO left MnE, or how bout Gorilla Voltage? Or LARS? remember that shitty group? Twiztid did nothing for these acts. And they’ll do nothing for the current roster, nothing like what Psy does for their artists.

  12. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 07:42 pm GMT -5 at 7:42 pm

    Mikey… gorilla voltage left because grey wanted to do rock shit and clockworc didn’t.
    LARS was horrible because they are so far out there that even Jamie and paul know they fucked up.
    G MO was garbage too. He wasn’t half as talented as the other acts on the label.
    You also have to remember that it’s a 2 way street. Twiztid and George can’t sign an artist that doesn’t want to be signed. All of the artists that left psy obviously wanted to sign with mne or it would have never happened.
    I do appreciate your grind for psy but mne has quite a bit of talent too, even if you don’t like them.

  13. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 04:37 pm GMT -5 at 4:37 pm

    Tcraze if you weren’t a fucking idiot you would know that ABK just has a distribution deal with Psychopathic, he stays with that deal because he knows having that plus his own label earns him more money than if he signed with MNE, MNE don’t make money like Psy does…you fuckin idiot Tcraze lol.

  14. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 09:39 pm GMT -5 at 9:39 pm

    Remember when killas royalty check bounced so he skipped the March? He hasn’t dropped an album on PSY in over ten years you fucking moron. Psy has nothing to do with Native funk that’s why you don’t see the Hatchet man on his shit like you do Ouija’s wack shit. PSY makes more money than MNE but can’t afford an engineer lol

  15. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 09:41 pm GMT -5 at 9:41 pm

    Oh wait they got that wrestling guy now.

  16. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 02:42 am GMT -5 at 2:42 am

    Ouijas wack shit??? He’s got more fire than everybody on mne combined lmfao however young wicked is mnes best asset, I fuck w him Idc about the baby mama drama bc that’s their personal business not ours

  17. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 04:42 pm GMT -5 at 4:42 pm

    Weponsof….whatever your douchebag name is. I mean the songs the artists sold while on Psy, MNE are only choosing those 2 Psy releases because they know their sheepish audience will flock to anything Psychopathic based. Have Blaze perform one of his MnE releases and watch attendance plummet, have ABK perform tampon juice and watch attendance plummet lmfao they even used an old Psy picture for the marketing, they’re so weak, gotta keep going back to Violent Js well to sell tickets. You twizzlers know what I’m saying is true that’s why u gettin so mad lol

  18. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 02:46 am GMT -5 at 2:46 am

    And btw ABK for years and years was supposed to turn in work to psy so they can process it, but thru the yrs and yrs icp have said they’re just waiting for him to turn shit in, he never did. I stopped fuckin w abk yrs ago so fuck that dude. Mudface was the last abk I bought and that sounded like rushed, unfinished garbage.

  19. Mxyzptlk


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 07:06 pm GMT -5 at 7:06 pm

    I’m not gonna say I never liked the guys, but I will say the new stuff is underwhelming. And big time whack point for MNE basically selling a Psychopathic act as their own. 2, even. Blaze, fine… ABK, fine. But they’re flat out playing an album live. Which, by the way, if ICP wanted to lawyer up, they could consider this a re-recording of their material, thus entitling them to money or cease and desist.

  20. YungCrowbar


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 08:22 pm GMT -5 at 8:22 pm

    GMO has talent.. it sucks he chose to do shit with MNE lol but it do be hella funny that everyone just ignores Mikey’s excellent point and just tells him to “stfu”. they know you right fam and dont know how else to respond lmao. Twiztid left Psy to do their own shit but yet they signing Psy dropouts… but refused to rep the hatchetman? but will name their record label “Majik Ninja” which was a name created by ICP… weird… you Twizzlers are blind for fallin for Twiztid’s bullshit lmao.

  21. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 08:31 pm GMT -5 at 8:31 pm

    Thanks Yung Crowbar, I know I make excellent points and the only people who don’t like it are just bitch ass twizzlers who don’t like it when I point out how obviously fake Twiztid have become.

  22. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 08:44 pm GMT -5 at 8:44 pm

    Like i said, i respect your grind for psy, but there is plenty of talent on mne even if you don’t like them. Also, tcraze i respect your opinion, but ouija is the best thing that has been with psy in many years. Much better than most of the acts on mne, save for young wicked. I wish all this bullshit beef could be squashed because i thing there would be some super dope collabos that can’t happen with the hatred between the 2 camps. Paul needs to calm down and put his pride away and j needs to grow up. I guess i am a twizzler and a 17%er but most of all I’m a juggalo tool I’m dead and gone. MMFWCL to all.

  23. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 08:36 pm GMT -5 at 8:36 pm

    Tcraze I didn’t say Psy had anything to do with Native Funk u fuckin idiot I said ABK has a distribution deal with Psy, which is a fact u dumb fuck. And ABK hasn’t released an album on Psy because his work ethic kinda sucks, tbh I don’t really give a fuck about Abk now days, kinda a has been, I haven’t been to an Abk show in years and have no desire to. Psy can afford an engineer u faggot, they just work with real Gs and not whiney little girls with crumbs on their pants.

  24. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 08:49 pm GMT -5 at 8:49 pm

    👍”And ABK hasn’t released an album on Psy because his work ethic kinda sucks, tbh I don’t really give a fuck about Abk now days, kinda a has been, I haven’t been to an Abk show in years and have no desire to.”
    He had his time in the early to mid 2000s. He can step aside and let some of the young bucks catch some shine.

  25. YungCrowbar


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 09:08 pm GMT -5 at 9:08 pm

    Dirty History will always be the best ABK album

  26. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 10:53 pm GMT -5 at 10:53 pm

    MikeySinder is such a pussy, and Crowbar you’re right about DirtyHistory. Mudface was terrible,the one after that had few good songs and I haven’t listened to much of his new stuff so I cant judge.

  27. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 02:42 am GMT -5 at 2:42 am

    That’s real shit. Everything after that and hatchet warrior sounded like he put little effort into it. I honestly felt abk was always just riding the juggalo wave, like he was cool at 1st but around the time when he left psy the 1st time I feel like his true colors showed, many other juggalos felt the same. And again in all honesty, to me he’s had his moments but he’s not that great of a rapper

  28. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 12:16 pm GMT -5 at 12:16 pm

    Twiztid are doing their own thing. They run their own label and they are their own boss now. They can do what they please now and don’t need permission from Psy. That IS doing their own thing. If they sign former Psy artists and name their label Majik Ninja then who the fuck cares? That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing their own thing. As for Abk, well if you weren’t such a dick riding, mentally handicapped moron you would be able to see that it’s clear Psy don’t fuck with Abk because he has always been close with Twiztid and Blaze. Do you really believe that bullshit excuse about Psychopathic waiting on Abk and Abk waiting on Psychopathic lmao. And if Abk has such a shit work ethic why has that not stopped him from releasing the countless albums he has released since 2010 after Medicine Bag. They have no intention of putting out any more Abk music because he fucks with Twiztid and Blaze. Simple as that.

  29. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 02:24 pm GMT -5 at 2:24 pm

    I don’t agree with most of what Mikey says but i do agree that abk is a has been. The only reason that ninjas still fuck with him is his juggalo affiliation. His countless albums that have been released since 2010 have been very hastily produced. I could do a better job on a karaoke machine in my house. Real talk, i still support his shit but only because i support juggalo family but the music lately is mediocre at best.

  30. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 08:06 pm GMT -5 at 8:06 pm

    Finally somebody smart comments.

  31. YungCrowbar


    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 03:23 pm GMT -5 at 3:23 pm

    J double A clearly doesnt know what “doing your own thing” means lmao. unless you admit to them just copying shit is their “own thing”? bc lately that’s all i see them do. or just use nostalgia as a way to sell shit lol

  32. Mxyzptlk


    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 04:06 pm GMT -5 at 4:06 pm

    J double A, there are actually legal issues with selling a live stream or any medium that can be recorded and redistributed, if you are not the owner of the source material. ICP doesn’t seem to be petty like that, but yes they could shut down the Blaze and ABK show – IF THEY OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE ALBUM. I do not know what they do or do not own, but I was under the impression that twiztid was bartering for their masters a few gatherings ago.

    Anyway, on the topic of ABK, I bought a shapeshifter album from him and one song was straight up a commercial for his clothing line, and I never looked at his shit again. Except once again when I saw that his album was called Tampon Juice, and I checked out 100%.

  33. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 04:09 pm GMT -5 at 4:09 pm

    Maybe it’s you YungCrowbar who doesn’t understand what it means because as I already pointed out they are now their own boss who do as they please and don’t have to wait until it’s their turn to release a new album or even a music video. They make their own money now rather than making money for another label. If they want to sign a new act they can do just that. How is that not doing your own thing. Just because they sign a former Psy artist who just so happens to be a homie of theirs too does not mean that they are not doing their own thing. If anything it is clear they are still catering to the same juggalo audience that they always have. Juggalos liked Blaze, Boondox, etc. So why wouldn’t they sign them when they have the opportunity to do so and continue to give their audience the same kind of music they want. And using nostalgia to sell shit? You mean celebrating the 20 year anniversary of classic albums like Freek Show or 1 Less G? Nothing wrong with that shit at all.

  34. UncleFlippy

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 05:41 pm GMT -5 at 5:41 pm

    Not that I give a fuck what twiztid does but I would hardly define doing your own thing as doing the exact same thing as the company that you left to do your own thing. I kind of see your point but I think of it more as twiztid could do whatever they want now that they have their own label. And it seems that what they want to do is psychopathic’s thing. Not they’re own.

  35. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 04:12 pm GMT -5 at 4:12 pm

    I didn’t know that Mxyzptik that’s quite interesting to know. I don’t think they have the masters to 1 Less G because I would imagine they would’ve re released it by now

  36. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 05:55 pm GMT -5 at 5:55 pm

    No J double A Twiztid aren’t doing their own thing, they’re sucking ideas out of Psys ball bag time and time again, they do it continuously it’s kinda sad of them, then they claim they’re doing their own thing and idiots believe them even though it’s blatantly obvious they’re ripping ideas off from Psy. When it comes to Abk waiting on Psy and Psy waiting on Abk for his new album well it’s obvious one of them is lying, and Abk has talked hella shit before so like I’m believing him, it’s obvious that Psy are the ones waiting on ABK but Abk is too busy laying with snakes (like Twiztid) to turn in a new album to them.
    And J double A if he’s SO CLOSE with Twiztid and blaze why doesn’t he just sign with their label? Hmmm not so close after all. You’re a dumb shit if you actually think ABK was like “here’s my new album to release on Psy” and Psy were like “ok cool but you’ve done a few songs with Twiztid so we’re not going to release this album even though it would make us money” Lol you’re a fuckin idiot if you believe that.

  37. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 09:20 pm GMT -5 at 9:20 pm

    “You’re a dumb shit if you actually think ABK was like “here’s my new album to release on Psy” and Psy were like “ok cool but you’ve done a few songs with Twiztid so we’re not going to release this album even though it would make us money” Lol you’re a fuckin idiot if you believe that.”

    Isn’t that precisely the reason that they fired their in house producer? Apparently they don’t want to make good on their promises to the juggalos because those promises were produced by Str8jacket. Let alone making money of his shit. Not sure Mikey

  38. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 05:57 pm GMT -5 at 5:57 pm

    Tcraze you’re just an idiot without an intelligent thought in your skull. Come with something else you fucking lame ass douchebag. You got no facts, ur just a bitch with nothing clever to say lol

  39. Mxyzptlk


    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 06:00 pm GMT -5 at 6:00 pm

    I learned it from Taylor Swift, actually lol.

    “Swift publicly reignited her feud with Borchetta and Braun, who own the masters of her first six albums. The singer claimed she’s “not allowed to perform my old songs on television because they claim that would be re-recording my music before I’m allowed to next year.”

    ““A television broadcast is technically a re-record,” entertainment lawyer John Seay tells Rolling Stone. “However, labels usually don’t care about preventing that type of thing, because a broadcast recording is emphatically not going to compete with the label’s original master. ”

    Long story short, they could pull the plug on those shows, but it’s a bitch move, and no one does it unless the other party is a bitch first. So… maybe Twiztid should chill out a bit.

  40. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 06:40 pm GMT -5 at 6:40 pm

    Well he is close with Twiztid and Blaze you complete and utter moron everybody knows this it’s a straight up fact they all go way back. J even said something about how he used to refer to them as the eastsiders because he knew how they were all tight with each other. So whether they are close or not is not even up for debate. He clearly has nothing to gain from signing with MNE seeing as he has his own label. You really aren’t in any position to label anybody else an idiot for what they believe considering you simply believe anything that ICP say. Lol you’re a fucking joke.

  41. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 06:53 pm GMT -5 at 6:53 pm

    J double A when did i say twiztid and abk dont go back u fuckin idiot, u arguing with someone else? Lol. I don’t believe anything ICP say u tool I assess all the information so get fucked, ur just a twizzler.

    And Twiztid weren’t “bartering” For their masters from Psy, it’s called BLACK MAIL, they were straight up black mailing masters off Psy, Twiztid are fuckin assholes. And you’re right Young Crowbar this J double A has no idea what doing their own thing means, clearly hahaha.

  42. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 06:55 pm GMT -5 at 6:55 pm

    I think it’s funny how you claim you don’t fuck with Abk anymore just as he is part of a new project with MNE lmao it just confirms what we all already know. That you’re nothing more than a dick riding little bitch who is so butthurt that his idols label ain’t what it was and it’s all down to Twiztid lmao they bounced and took the entire roster with them and now Psy will never be the same again so you despise Twiztid any anything MNE related. I’m guessing you also hate str8jaket now too seeing as he’s been working with them. Do you hate Lyte now too? Because he just so happens to be performing in the UK soon with other MNE artists for a juggalo weekender lmao. You ride Ouija’s dick but if he had signed with MNE instead you would hate him too lol. You’re unbelievably pathetic dude.

  43. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 07:06 pm GMT -5 at 7:06 pm

    If he’s SO CLOSE with Twiztid and Blaze why doesn’t he sign with them. Because so close was written in capital letters there was an emphasis on those two words in particular. So I figured that their closeness was being questioned here lol.

  44. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 08:23 pm GMT -5 at 8:23 pm

    Where you gone mikey I actually feel bad now for saying what I did lol. I hope you’re not crying whilst looking at pictures of the psychopathic family, remembering the good old days. At the end of the day I’m not here to argue with people or start shit but you continuously insult people whose opinion differ from yours and it’s not very civil. I was kind of enjoying our back and fourth until you disappeared and now I feel guilty for upsetting you by bringing up the demise of the OG psychopathic roster. I have a feeling you’re gonna come back with a vengeance though..

  45. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 08:38 pm GMT -5 at 8:38 pm

    Lol J double A abk has released material with MnE before this ESN crap so nice fail with that point, how bout u go find the post where I’m jockin Abk…cant find it? Because I haven’t fucked with abk for years u tool. Psychopathic stays killin it in the game, shows in LA, New York, New Orleans they been been killin it, what’s MnE been doing? Struggling to sell tickets so they suck another idea out of Psychopathics ball bag because they know their best days are behind them. I don’t care about a roster dickhead, I would be just fine if it was just ICP on Psy because I’m a real juggalo like that, but with ninjas like Ouija on there I don’t miss Twiztid at Psy at all, I don’t think anybody does lol with how fake they’ve become. See u just made an assumption to try and prove your point which shows how weak it is, I don’t hate Lyte or Str8jacket so nice fail with that point lol.

  46. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 08:45 pm GMT -5 at 8:45 pm

    And see J double A this is why you’re dumb, me implying that they’re not as close now as you might think in no way implies that they don’t go way back. Don’t feel bad, I don’t mind what twizzler douches like u say online, say whatever you like just try to make an intelligent point every now and then lol. Just because I don’t reply straight away doesn’t mean I’m done, just be patient.

  47. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 09:13 pm GMT -5 at 9:13 pm

    You talk about sucking ball bags way too much. Kinda speaks volumes about what you got on your mind. It’s just as well that you’re fine with just ICP on psychopathic because that’s all they seem to have thanks to Twiztid lmao. And well you claim you don’t hate them but I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it lol I wonder if you’ll still feel that way once they continue to work more with MNE. So you were implying that they are not as close as one might think eh? Well they are still close enough to continue to work together on new projects after all this time so…

  48. J double A

    Comment posted on Monday, January 4th, 2021 09:26 pm GMT -5 at 9:26 pm

    And wow shows in LA, New York and New Orleans! Thats quite impressive man. They really are killing it! How many actual albums did they even release last year? They don’t even release Ouija’s albums for him either he has to do it himself lmao. MNE put out a lot of dope projects last year so don’t act like you didn’t check them out because we know you did. Revalashen, Mad Season, Songs of Samhain, Mauxuleum. The list goes on. Lots of dope shit. I don’t think Psychopathic have the funds to even release that much music lol Twiztid leaving and taking the entire roster with them clearly hurt them financially lmao I know that upsets you.

  49. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 12:12 am GMT -5 at 12:12 am

    PSY has been dying a slow death for years these fanboys are just in denial

  50. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 02:58 am GMT -5 at 2:58 am

    TIME OUT!!! Were all dying a slow death. Wtf does that mean? Let’s just say psy IS dying a slow death (which they’re not) they’re still a hell of alot more live than mne. Ever since mne started, what idea or project have they done is such a wow factor? They ain’t doing shit over there except, what can they do to twist the knife they used to backstab icp and everybody else at psy and all of us juggalos for that matter. And I think some of y’all forget psy don’t answer to anybody. Mne gets money and deals from nbc universal last time I checked, not sure that’s still the case but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s still happening to keep their bitch asses afloat, bc ya know they come up w soooo many original ideas

  51. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 12:14 am GMT -5 at 12:14 am

    Mikey are you CPNS child?

  52. YungCrowbar


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 01:40 am GMT -5 at 1:40 am

    i just wanna say Young Wicked and Twizid werent homies when he was signed to MNE lol. they literally only did it bc YW was fuckin over ICP. Twiztid are just petty bitches that have no originality to them.

  53. YungCrowbar


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 01:43 am GMT -5 at 1:43 am

    also, Shaggy said recently on his podcast that Str8jacket would talk MAD SHIT about Twizid.. so it was pretty shady of him to produce one of their tracks lol. i wouldnt wanna work with a two face bitch either.

  54. purplekushy

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 05:19 am GMT -5 at 5:19 am

    Only dude i can fuck with here is Njones20. Keeping it neutral no feelings or emotions involved complete unbiased opinion. MNE taking ideas from PSY, kinda stale sure. Their emo rock and gangster shit is an assault on the senses too. But, ICP been stealing other peoples shit for decades too. Countless copyright law suits. Psychopathic Ryders all jacked beats. Its all part of business. People take ideas from each other all day in business, sometimes there’s consequences. And lets be honest here, no1 here was ever a part of the closed door Psychopathic meetings back in the golden era, but I’m 100% sure they all sat down and brain stormed ideas together for various projects and marketing techniques, so lets not assume everything Twiztid does now was stolen from J. Twiztid could have very well been behind some of these ideas or at least helped develop them. Im not saying that’s the case but its quite probable. Also, there’s no law that says that you can’t do business with someone you don’t like. If both parties see an avenue to generate dollars then that’s the main ingredient when you are in business and they are able to put their differences aside. Its clear as day to see that Twiztid is better at managing business relationships than ICP. You hear it in interviews and read it all over from peeps who fucked with both sides(kung fu vampire, Strange Music, former PSY artists, etc.). Why else would so many artists be willingly signed to MNE and why have so many artists left PSY???

  55. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 09:10 am GMT -5 at 9:10 am

    “Its clear as day to see that Twiztid is better at managing business relationships than ICP. You hear it in interviews and read it all over from peeps who fucked with both sides(kung fu vampire, Strange Music, former PSY artists, etc.). Why else would so many artists be willingly signed to MNE and why have so many artists left PSY???”

    Now we’re getting somewhere. I have made this point countless times. Let’s forget for a moment “who” is being signed. I cannot think of 1 artist that was signed to psy that is still there for the long haul, save for ouija but he hasn’t been there that long yet. J is notorious for coming up with gimmicks and writing albums for people. What happened to talent. Don’t get me wrong because he has written some dope ass shit over the years. But then we get blahzay rose. Wtf? All of us have our stale moments. I just don’t understand why, if we are a family, that we can’t agree to disagree. I fight with my mom all the time. Does that mean that i love her, or God forbid my kids, any less? That’s ludicrous.

  56. Mxyzptlk


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 10:30 am GMT -5 at 10:30 am

    I swear sometimes it feels like they do it just to Piss icp off. Like, have an argument with icp? Take a picture with a majik ninja jersey! It’s so childish if true. But then they get one album out and lay just as stagnant as they were before. It’s like banging your ex to piss off your girl.

  57. J double A

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:18 am GMT -5 at 8:18 am

    How do we know Twiztid and AMB hated each other? Is it just because ICP said so in that shoot interview? And how do we know Str8jaket talked shit about Twiztid? Other than because Shaggy said so. Maybe Twiztid signed Young Wicked because the guy is talented. He can rap, sing, produce etc. So why would they not want to sign a talented artist. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve done it out of spite.

  58. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 11:47 am GMT -5 at 11:47 am

    Is Ouija still on PSY? I thought it was just ICP

  59. J double A

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 11:55 am GMT -5 at 11:55 am

    Tcraze340 homie I’m sure CPNs child will be able to answer that question for you because he seems to know the inner workings of psychopathic records lmao. As far as I know he is still psychopathic but of course they’ve only released Gutterwater so far. Everything else he has put out he has put out himself.

  60. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 04:39 pm GMT -5 at 4:39 pm

    During the don shoot j stated that the only 2 artists currently signed to psy are icp and ouija. Even hoodoo is off but still sports the hatchetman on all his shit.

  61. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 01:29 pm GMT -5 at 1:29 pm

    When it comes to psychopathic rydas and the jacked beats, yeah the beats are stolen, BUT that’s been a common practice in hip hop for many years, rappers spitting over other ppls beats on mixtapes. The only thing psy did diff and before anybody else as far as I know was turn that concept into a gimmick itself. My point is you can’t really hold rydas against them bc they are not the 1stband only ones to do that shit by any means, if anything they were more clever about stealing beats than anybody else. And as far as psy getting sued before for stealing samples and shit, that wasn’t always icp directly that was a producer or somebody making the beat that used unpermitted shit and they didn’t find out till the lawsuit was filed in some cases

  62. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:24 pm GMT -5 at 8:24 pm

    J double A I mention ball bags because thats what twiztid has to suck on in order to get ideas, only thing they know how to do is suck the Psychopathic ball bag lol. And no youre wrong their are other artists on Psy u fucking idiot, despite Twiztid being some snake motherfuckers Psy is still a better label for a new artist, just look at Ouijas career and then look at Lex the who gives a fuck master, Ouijas career is miles ahead of Lex, and Lex has like 2 years on Ouija as far as being introduced as a solo artist to the community, ergo Psy is the superior label, they draw bigger crowds, they make more money, sell more merch, have better connections. If artists wanna downgrade their record labels like retards OTIS then that’s on them I truly couldn’t give a fuck.
    Ah yes but still not close enough to sign Abk to their label hahaha so suck it.

  63. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:26 pm GMT -5 at 8:26 pm

    And shows in LA new York and New Orleans is miles more impressive than what twiztid shows have been like, can barely draw a crowd without relying on Psy, and Mne aren’t booking shows like the ones I just mentioned u fag so stop sounding jealous that Psy books dope shows in dope cities while Twiztid trails behind. And ICP released 2 full albums in 2019 so because I’m not a spoilt self entitled bitch like you I can wait a couple years for their next album, and they gotta another jokers card coming right around the corner with the Seeds of Yum Yum dropping after that, so go fuck yourself with your expecting albums to drop yearly, fuck outta here. And Psy released Gutter Water and Wasteland u tool, he drops his own mixtapes off Psy in between, u obviously know fuck all about how these artist sell their music.

  64. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:29 pm GMT -5 at 8:29 pm

    J Double A u call that dope shit? Hahahahaha I call that twizzler garbage that I most definitely didn’t check out because I don’t support Twiztid. You think AXE is dope??? HAHAHAHAA garbage generic mediocre cringey crap is what that band is. I don’t give 2 shits about whack bands like AXE and Oh the Horror and LARS and whatever other lame shit they drop. All Twiztid did when they left was take out the trash so good riddance, the fact that you think a gay music label like MnEs roster could upset me shows how much of a faggot u are. If you weren’t a dip shit you would know that Psy can exist financially with just ICP alone, they don’t need anyone else on the label, anyone else on it is just lucky to be on the best underground label there is.

  65. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:34 pm GMT -5 at 8:34 pm

    Also folks there have been dipshits like Tcraze claiming that Psy is “dying a slow death” or “a sinking ship” since the days of the Wraith….but these are the words of a fucking idiot, douches like Tcraze have been saying this since the days of the Wraith and it was wrong then as much as it is now, Psy isn’t dying it is very much alive and will still be alive in 10 years time from now and beyond. ICP are releasing a 3rd deck of jokers cards after the current deck, Psy will be around for a long long time to come and that bothers faggots like Tcraze because it means Mne will remain in Psychopathics shadow. Silly twizzlers don’t you know…..THE WICKED CLOWNS WILL NEVER DIEEEE!!!

  66. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 08:39 pm GMT -5 at 8:39 pm

    If someone can’t see that Twiztid CLEARLY signed Otis out of spite then that person is a brain dead fuckin moron. Twiztid are extremely fake individuals, their actions have shown us this, all the real juggalos can pick up on it.

  67. J double A

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 10:05 pm GMT -5 at 10:05 pm

    LMAO no you’re clearly not upset at all. Triggered much? You really are pathetic dude and you clearly have a thing for sucking on balls because that’s all you seem to keep going back to. I’m guessing that’s what you want to do to J and Shaggy. And other artists on psy? You said artists. Plural. Well who might that be then? They only have Ouija and J himself said that. So apart from ICP themselves they literally have 1 artist. And we’ve already established that Abk has nothing to gain from signing with MNE considering he has his own label you cretin. It’s funny how all I did was state a few facts and you get so emotional and feel the need to make an even bigger fool of yourself. And AXE are dope you if you actually enjoyed music as much as you enjoy thinking about sucking balls you would know this. They are the best rappers in the underground right now. But you don’t like them by default cos they are with MNE. Because that’s how petty and pathetic you are. If Ouija signed with MNE instead and AXE signed with Psy then it would be the other way round and you would be swinging from AXEs dick and shitting on Ouija. It’s not about music and talent for you. It’s about sucking ICPs balls lmao as you have proved time and time again.

  68. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 12:31 am GMT -5 at 12:31 am

    AXE the best rappers in the underground? are you joking? youve obviously never heard vinnie paz, pouya, dope dod or ramirez just to name a few lol AXE is dope 19 years ago

  69. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 10:24 am GMT -5 at 10:24 am

    There’s no accounting for taste. I personally don’t care for any of the rappers you named. I stand by my words. I do believe they are the best thing to happen to the underground and horror core since ICP and the glory days of Psychopathic. All 3 of them go hard as fuck especially Lee Carver. I personally love the whole gimmick shit though. Facepaint, masks, theatrics. I think that shit is dope. That’s my kind of horror core. But if you consider that to be dope 19 years ago then fair enough. Each to their own.

  70. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 04:45 pm GMT -5 at 4:45 pm

    I feel ya on the personal tastes and to each their own and what not, however, I’m judging AXE and others as rappers on their lyrical ability, not their theatrics. I say this not to bash them but as a critique, their rhyming is simplistic and borderline nursery rhyme schemes. The rappers I just mentioned rap about very gruesesome, dark and violent subject matter but imo do it in a supior lyrical way. And again imo axe would’ve been dope in the early 2000s that’s legit what they sound like to me and nothin really wrong w that but like you said, to each their own

  71. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 05:38 pm GMT -5 at 5:38 pm

    J double A – If by triggered u mean me absolutely demolishing every shitty point u made then sure. Now it seems u are the one who can’t get off the subject of sucking balls, you can listen to ICP who mention sucking balls every second track but I can’t say it like twice to refer to what Twiztid does when they need another idea? get over it faggot. U ask me about the plurality of artists on Psy and in the same sentence mention Ouija and ICP being on Psy, thats called a plural fuckwit lol man ur dumb. ICP have already stated that they’re not too interested in building a family type roster anymore, they been there done that, Now they’re just focussing on ICP and them alone, instead of ICP and 3 or 4 other artists aswell. They’ve also said that in today’s age of releasing music there is really nothing much a big label can do for an artist that that artist can’t do themselves, so all they’d be doing is snaking another bands money for something they could just do on their own (notice MnE is cool with snaking as many small time artists as possible lol) so Psy has been training their artists to be independent, Hoodoo (who is also still currently on Psy u fuckwit) is being trained to become independent, u would know all this if u weren’t such a cock sucker lol. My point with Abk was he has Native Funk and a distribution deal with Psy, If he’s so down with Twiztid why not just leave Psy altogether and get a distribution deal with Mne?….oh yeah that’s right because MnE is a shitty label and abk knows it, so do all the real juggalos. I knew who AXE was before they were on Mne u tool and when I heard them I thought “this is some cringey wannabe music” and thought nothing more of them, Now that they signed to a gay label I still think they’re just as shitty, so yet another of your points has failed. It’s funny how the only way you can ATTEMPT to make a point is by assuming something on my behalf, shows how much you’re reaching, u got nothing faggot.

  72. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 06:23 pm GMT -5 at 6:23 pm

    Why are you such a pussy?

  73. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 06:58 pm GMT -5 at 6:58 pm

    You haven’t demolished shit, all you have done is continue to display what an absolute dumb as fuck, dick sucking little fan boy you really are with your childish tirade about psychopathic selling more of this and psychopathic sells more of that. I liked how you contradict yourself earlier on in this thread claiming that the only TALENTED people MNE have are the ones that J found and yet later on you describe them all as trash being taken out lmao so which is it, are they talented or are they just trash lol. And considering Psy is their label they own I’d say its a given that ICP are and always will be on the label so I don’t think it’s necessary to name them as artists on the label, so yes Ouija is the ONLY ARTIST on their label like they have already said. Hoodoo is “pretty much out the door” or however J worded it. I’m sure it’s because they don’t have the funds any more to mangage other artists. It’s just as well they’re focusing on them and them alone cos who else can they focus on lmao nobody wants to sign with them anymore due to the shady business tactics that everybody that has ever worked with them has spoken of lmao they will never have “3 or 4 other artists”.

  74. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 07:09 pm GMT -5 at 7:09 pm

    I would also like to clarify something. I never said I expected ICP to drop albums yearly. I simply posed a question knowing it would upset you further about how many albums the clowns released last year when Twiztid released 3 solid projects in Mad Season, Songs of Samhain and Revelashen. But seeing as Ouija can continuously drop projects and you clearly applaud that, why would it be fuck me for expecting another release from ICP on 2020? Ouija can do it. Twiztid can do it. AXE can do it. So what would be wrong with expecting ICP to put out a few more projects here and there to keep the fans satisfied.

  75. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 07:24 pm GMT -5 at 7:24 pm

    Fair play Mr.Fucker I respect your opinion and I sure as shit would not launch a verbal tirade against you for having a personal preference that is different from mine… unlike some people lol. And I hate to point this out as because once again it may seem like I’m throwing shade at the clowns which despite all my previous comments, I’m really not. I have nothing but love for ICP and twiztid. But when you describe AXEs rhyming as simplistic and having borderline nursery rhyme schemes, that is in my opinion very similar to ICP. As much as I love J and Shaggy I’ve always known that they aren’t the best emcees or wordsmiths but they can still somehow make awesome music that I love lol. See mikeysinder even though we have a difference in opinion there was no name-calling here between me and MrFucker. Just expressing our different opinions in a civilised manner. That’s how you should conduct yourself.

  76. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 08:41 pm GMT -5 at 8:41 pm

    Nah I demolished you, all your points are shit and that of an idiot. Haha you just sound butt hurt because Psy does indeed make more money than Mne, substantially more. That’s not a contradiction u tool, I never said Twiztid are untalented, or blaze or whatever, they’re just trash people, there’s no contradiction there so once again another FAIL added to ur score board along with all the many many fails you’ve already made lol. Lol listen to him talk about how many people are on Psy, ur really reaching now, listen to this J double A douchebag trying to bend reality to try to make ur point stick. There are multiple artists on Psychopathic records, that is a fact, the fact ur trying to argue against this very obvious fact is hilarious, ur doing mental gymnastics to try and make ur shitty point but the fact still remains, multiple artists are on Psy, so suck it crybaby. And No fuckwit J worded it as Hoodoo has one foot out the door, meaning he still has one foot in the door, meaning at this point in time Hoodoo is still on Psychopathic records, man ur points suck, but it’s funny listening to u struggle to argue the point, but FACT is there are multiple artists on Psychopathic records, man it’s easy schooling a dumbass like u lol. If they wanted they could focus on a new roster u dumb fuck that’s what we’ve been talking about but instead of focussing on building another roster their just focussing on ICP, How slow are u? Lol. I mentioned 3 or 4 artists that they focus on referring the past u fuckin idiot, not now, will someone get this guy some reading glasses? He don’t comprehend basic shit too well. “I never said I expected ICP to drop albums yearly” u implied it u fuckwit when u said “how many albums did they even drop in 2020?” Well why would they if they just dropped 2 full albums the previous year along with 2 short solo albums, how short is ur attention span, u need an album every year little boy? Fuck outta here lol.

  77. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 08:47 pm GMT -5 at 8:47 pm

    J double A difference of opinions are fine, it’s when douchebags like u try to make factual based claims (which are not opinions u fuckin idiot) is when I step up to the plate to point out how much of a dumb douche you are, then when I point out all the flaws in ur attempted claims u resort to “it’s an opinion, why u gotta attack me for my opinion? Woe is me!” If you make a claim and there’s evidence bearing on it then it’s not an opinion u dumb douche, I don’t care if u like shitty mediocre bands like AXE, go and support them all u want, they need as many twizzler faggots like u to support them as they can get lol.

  78. Tcraze340

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 09:37 pm GMT -5 at 9:37 pm

    You can actually have a conversation with Mr.fucker and YungCrowbar but forget about Mikey. I don’t even read his comments anymore.

  79. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 09:44 pm GMT -5 at 9:44 pm

    Like I care if u wanna have a conversation with me faggot. You dont have shit to say anyway lol.

  80. TwiztidOne


    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 10:06 pm GMT -5 at 10:06 pm

    Really honestly Mikey, please stop. You feed off of angst and strife. It is really unhealthy. We need to stop being one sided and get back to caring about our juggalo family. You are just as much a part of that family as j double a or mr. Fucker or even me. I come here for news about what’s going on with my family and all i end up reading is you calling someone a dumb ass or faggot because they don’t agree with your militant views about psychopathic and or icp. What ever happened to just being a fan of music and trying to be a family? The inability of icp to get along with Twiztid or vice versa is not our issue. Our issue is being able to listen to awesome fucking music from whoever the fuck we want. MMFWCL

  81. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 10:22 pm GMT -5 at 10:22 pm

    Only one person here sounding butthurt and it certainly ain’t me. I’m the one trying to make factual based claims yet you’re the one claiming psy sell more merch, psy make more money lmao you don’t know anything about the kind of revenue psychopathic or mne make. So it is clearly you who trys to make factual based claims as usual. And once again nothing I said would indicate that I expect them to release albums yearly. Since you’re unbelievably dumb I will reiterate it for you. You claim ICP are killing it. I question how many albums they even released last year because Twiztid themselves released 3 dope albums as well as several other artists. I question this knowing damn will you’d get upset because that’s what you do and as expected you did lmao you got butthurt by the facts as usual. So do you see now dumbass? A label releasing a plethora of new album releases all throughout the year, that is killing it. It’s really quite impressive the way you try to twist people’s words to create your own narrative in a desperate attempt to not appear dumb but you obviously fail. You amazingly actually admitted that the likes of Twiztid, Boondox etc. are talented but them dismiss them all as trash lol but now it turns out that you just meant that they are trash as people lmao. I’d say that’s yet another example of factual based claim you’re trying to make because once again you know nothing of the inner workings of Psychopathic records, only what you’re told by ICP and your dumbass believes every word of what you are told because you are dumb and you cannot think for yourself.

  82. J double A

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 10:29 pm GMT -5 at 10:29 pm

    And I wasn’t necessarily talking about you talking shit to me for MY opinion but the way you are with everybody. It’s so so sad man. And MCL to the homies Njones20 and Tcraze340. I’m seriously done with this clown now any way it’s ridiculous it could just go on forever. Whoop Whoop muthafackos. Twiztid is the shit and I’m Down with the Clown. Dark Lotus 4 Life.

    Xuligan 4 life too, I might add.

  83. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 12:39 am GMT -5 at 12:39 am

    Nah u sound pretty butt hurt J double A, all because I stated a fact, Psy does make more money than Mne, anyone with half a brain can see that, all u hav to do is look at show attendance, Psy crushes Mne, read em and weep. Well why are u asking how many albums they released last year when u already know the answer and already agree that they didn’t have to release any…lol u make no sense. I could give a fuck less if Twiztid released 3 albums in 2020, good on em, ICP released 4 projects in 2019, and have like 4 more coming in 2021….so what exactly is ur point faggot?
    I didn’t twist any words around u dumb douche I’m going off by what u said. And now U just seem to be parroting what I said to u, like a typical dumbass.
    Oh we’re making factual based claims Now? What happened to “I’m just stating my opinion” lol u hopped train and are just parroting what I said to u, could u get anymore lame lol u ran out of technique so now ur just copying me lol. And ur giving up? LOL thats because both u and I know u dont have a leg to stand on. U either back track what u said or just start parroting me. Njones is alright but u and that other faggot Tcraze can go be butt buddies together, fuckin fruits lmfao.

  84. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 12:45 am GMT -5 at 12:45 am

    Dark lotus dead

  85. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 01:24 am GMT -5 at 1:24 am

    Yep. Otis killed Lotus.

  86. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 02:42 am GMT -5 at 2:42 am

    Then twiztid and blaze too came in and fucked it’s dead body trying to pedal that “lotus” bullshit. Hella disgusting

  87. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 05:03 pm GMT -5 at 5:03 pm

    What Twiztid did was straight up foul in regards to their fake Lotus crap, can’t believe some twizzlers actually ate that shit up, a suckers born every minute I suppose.

  88. Noawareness


    Comment posted on Friday, January 8th, 2021 03:01 pm GMT -5 at 3:01 pm

    This is the gayest comment section I’ve ever seen.

  89. Weponofassdestruction17

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 9th, 2021 05:52 pm GMT -5 at 5:52 pm

    Aight sinder call me out I will call you out 2 I got alot more things to do than be on here always looking for a beef took me a minute but how the fuck do you think psy has more income when they sold they studio and its literally in j garage and say they make more than majik ninja now back in late 90s till mid 2000s mid 20 teens is agree twiztid be lucky if mne makes what psy once was but they were key factors open ya eyes ninja and go to forum unless you scared of having ya ass handed to u

  90. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2021 03:03 am GMT -5 at 3:03 am

    My ass handed to me….in a forum….HAHAHAHA you absolute douchebag weponsofManAssdestrucrion, tryna sound tough while talking bout meet me in the forum lmfao you fuckin lame. They sold their studio to move into another one, thats what record labels do u fuckwit, did you not hear Psy is buying an entire compound next? U don’t do that unless u have a shit tonne of money to do so, Mne doesn’t even own their own office building they rent one out lol so u absolute douche it’s more than obvious Psy makes way more money than Mne and still does.

  91. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2021 03:06 am GMT -5 at 3:06 am

    Noawareness thats kinda rich comin from a guy with a gay little kid avatar picture from sister sister LOL douchebag

  92. Noawareness


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2021 10:56 am GMT -5 at 10:56 am

    Good one.

  93. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2021 05:38 pm GMT -5 at 5:38 pm

    Yeah almost as good as your faggot ass avatar pic lmfao

  94. Noawareness


    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 07:37 am GMT -5 at 7:37 am


  95. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 01:59 pm GMT -5 at 1:59 pm

    Lol this douche ^^^ calls a comment section gay then keeps coming back to check on it…what a fag lmfao

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