September 7, 2024
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Appatight Phor Dissfunkshun


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The latest Spider Bite Records release comes from the big man himself, Madecipha. This time Madecipha brings his most complete and polished work to date. His continued growth shows and it is clear to see how much he continues to improve his craft. It’s nice that after all these years and a great back catalog, Madecipha still try’s to top himself and manages to do it once again. I start to really wonder how he’s able to continue making great music and still follow his many other passions. Don’t forget, you can by his book at Spider Bite Records too.

Anyway, let’s get to the reason we are here today: Madecipha‘s Newest Album: “Appatight Phor Dissfunkshun.” Before we can even get into tracks, features, beats or anything else, can we take a moment to appreciate this album cover and title. Not to date myself, but that’s a good one. Ok, moving on…hahaha.

As always, I’d love to break down each and every track on the album. Unfortunately, Madecipha did it again and brought us a massive 18 tracks deep on this one. So, as much as I’d like to, I think we will cover a few of my favorites and highlights. Trust me though, I can not do this album justice. You should just stop reading and go spend the ten bucks now. Well, if you’re still with me, I suppose we should see if we can shine a little light on why exactly you need to own this album.


1. Psycomachy
2. Hell Iz Ovacrowded
3. Gethsemane
4. Confessionz of a Killa (FT Project Born)
5. Ghost Breath (FT MastamindBstMstR)
6. Leprosy
7. Dog Backwardz
8. Mephibosheth the Broken
9. 177 feet per Second (FT Lex the Hex Master & Fury)
10. That’z Unphortunate (FT Pacewon & Apollo Suns)
11. Shane O’Max
12. Caleb and the Mountain
13. Thursday the 12th (FT Myzery, Eidolon & Mattrix)
14. Addict (FT Ryan B Hyeeze & Nada-Lez)
15. Sleeper Hold (FT Jules Baxter & Cage)
16. Red Sandstone
17. The Year without a Summer
18. Uncrtnty

The opening track, “Psychomachy” is dominate out of the gate and does a wonderful job of setting up the music to come, but it’s a small sample. The second track, “Hell Iz Ovacrowded“ is where things really get going. I have to say, after all the years, Madecipha did it again and killed that track. This is one of the many tracks that truly shows off Madecipha’s ability, as he stands alone without a guest feature, his skill shines through.

This album is littered with amazing artists and they all bring elements to the table that compliment the pace that Madecipha brings. “Confessions of a Killa,” which features Project Born is definitely a stand out track amongst a fully loaded album and is in fact one of my absolute favorite tracks on the entire album and in this case, that’s saying a lot. “177 feet per second,” starts with almost an off putting beat, but it quickly pushing into a perfect backdrop. The track itself slows for the hook and each artist comes furious with their verse, it’s a wonderful combination that brings a banger from top to bottom.

The lyrical styles of more well known artists, like MNE’s Lex the Hex Master, Mastamind, Project Born and Myzery simply add a nice sprinkling on an already stellar album. It’s nice to see Madecipha mix it up with some of the best as he does here, but he definitely shows more of himself than anything else. Songs like, “The Year Without a Summer,” really give him a chance to show his continued improvement and ability to create amazing music.


OVERALL: 4.5/5


When all is said and done, this is hands down the best album Madecipha has crafted yet. He once again elevates his game, improves his technique, shows his versatility and that he is a never ending evolution. As much as I love the Madecipha back catalog, this is the album to buy. At only $10.00, I’d just click the link below and support some of the underground’s finest. You’ll support an artist and do yourself a favor by getting an amazing new album by one of the underground’s hardest workers. I know there is more on the horizon and I’m already itching for it, even as this album bumps right now.


Record Label:

  • Spider Bite Records

Release Date:

  • 11/27/2020





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