September 7, 2024
40 Guests and Online

Astronomicon 6.5 Announces Full Concert Lineup

Even though this is Astronomicon 6.5 which is technically a make-up for some of the guests who couldn’t make it to Astro 6 due to weather, that doesn’t mean it’s being treated as an afterthought.  In fact, this lineup of guests, events, and all of the other flavor seem to be a full-scale event!

That includes the concert that was just announced!  We’re getting full sets from TwiztidABKBoondox, G-Mo Skee, and Insane E!

It’s happening at Token Lounge on Saturday, June 24th!  This is an 18+ Only show, so the kiddies gotta stay at home.  Get more info and purchase your tickets by clicking the flyer below:

Click to purchase Astronomicon 6.5 tickets!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Thursday, June 1st, 2023 02:41 am GMT -5 at 2:41 am

    G mo trying to get back on MNE.

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