September 7, 2024
21 Guests and Online Endorses Fronzilla For President

We’ve been busy at Tom Wood’s Float.  And the metal world is gong ape shit! Because Chris Fronzak, better known as ‘Fronzilla’ from Attila, has just announced intentions to run for President. As a member of the Libertarian Party via the  2024 presidential election. No strangers to the Juggalo community, Attila have not only toured with ICP (on the Slam Fest Tour), they’ve also performed the main stage at 2 Gatherings. Only time will tell how far he gets in the race, and what he brings to the table. But, we here at Faygoluvers are behind Fronzilla!

Read Frozilla’s quote from his announcement video below, and check out the full video!

My name is Chris Fronzak and I am running for President of the United States of America. I am not a politician, but let’s face it – the world has never been helped by politicians. The government is corrupt. We don’t need any more politicians running the show. We need real people, real critical thinkers. We need a candidate that represents the American population.

“I came from nothing and because of the American Dream and my God given talent, I was able to build an empire. I want to make America a better place for everyone. I represent every single person in this beautiful country, and I want to make sure your voice is heard. That’s why I believe you should vote for me to be President of the United States of America.”

Catch Attila Live this Fall on tour for the 10 year anniversary of their heavy hitter  album “About That Life”! Contact your own local venues for ticket information.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. SomeguyNamedRay

    Comment posted on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 08:53 pm GMT -5 at 8:53 pm

    As a fellow Juggatarian, he has my vote!

  2. 80FOE

    Comment posted on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 09:03 pm GMT -5 at 9:03 pm

    That speech was pretty short, and he couldn’t even memorize it, he had to read off of a card or something?
    Goddamn man if I had a face tattoo and sounded feminine and was trying to run for president, I wouldn’t give people ANOTHER reason not to vote for me like that. I’d memorize that shit.

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