September 16, 2024
39 Guests and Online

Insane Clown Posse on the Danny Brown Show

On this episode of The Danny Brown Show, Insane Clown Posse stops by to talk about originality, new artists, and embracing being old school. Also, Danny apologizes to them about his show at The Gathering. They also discuss sampling, Slinkies, wild crowds, and the most violent show they’ve seen (you won’t guess what band it was). Other topics: Kanye, Scarface, Sir Mix-a-Lot, and moving on from an ex. Finally, we get a couple freestyles that ICP have some thoughts about. Enjoy!

You got a question or freestyle you want to send Danny’s way? Hit him up at [email protected] or leave him a voicemail at (512)522-9256

Video Details

  • Views:
  • 222
  • Runtime:
  • 44 Minutes 56 Seconds
Submitter: N/A

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