September 17, 2024
39 Guests and Online

Juggalo Weekend 2025 Comes to Worcester, MA! DCG Con Returns!

As you probably already know, the GOTJ 24 Program has just been released!  In it, there were a few majo5 r announcements!

The BIGGEST is that Juggalo Weekend will take place on February 14th-15th, 2025 at the legendary Palladium in Worcester, MA!

Also, for the first time in 5 Years, we’re getting the return of DCG Con!  Yes, you read that right!  Dark Carnival Games makes its triumphant return!  It’ll take place during Juggalo Weekend at the DCU Center!

More info will be available soon, but for now, check the flyer from the program below:

Click to enlarge!



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