September 22, 2024
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Purchase Hatchet Attacks on iPPV!

Hatchet Attacks is coming in just 2-1/2 weeks!  If you’re not able to make it to New Mexico, there’s still a solution for you!  It’s called iPPV, and for only $19.99 you can see the entire event at!  Want to know what you’ll be seeing at this year’s show?  Here’s the trailer for it:

You can officially order RIGHT NOW!  It’s happening on Saturday, May 26th!  Make sure you’re there either in person, or on!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. The Warlock

    The Warlock

    Comment posted on Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 11:55 pm GMT -5 at 11:55 pm

    I’m kind of on the fence about ordering cuz hallowicked buffered way too much & i cant stand that

    & also they need to stop saying this is the 1st time ever cuz hatchet attacks was ppv last year as well lol

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