September 22, 2024
13 Guests and 1 Member Online

KAOS & KRONIK VIP footage, Tour Review, Photo Gallery, more!

It’s the day after the Kaos & Kronik tour rolled through Dallas, TX.  What do I have to say about it?  FUCKING WOW!  Everybody from the opening act (Fat Kidz Inc.) to the headliners were on top of their game last night!  My wifey and I had the pleasure of being a part of the VIP last night, and I grabbed some footage of every second of Twiztid‘s quick seminar.  Want to see it?  We’ve got you all hooked up:

[vimeo width=”549″ height=”374″][/vimeo]

Not only do we have that, but we also have a jam-packed photo gallery!  We’re talking everything from the VIP session, and every single act that played last night!  Peep that here:

Kaos & Kronik Tour Pics - Dallas, TX

And finally, our resident reviewer Carlos “Dallas” Esquivel gave us his .02 about how the tour went down last night!  See that here:

Click the flyer to read the Dallas tour review!

All in all, what a GREAT fuckin’ night!  If your city is one of the few dates left on this tour, I HIGHLY suggest that you don’t miss it!



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