September 7, 2024
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What’s goin on Juggalos and Juggalettes? So this is FLH’s official Gathering 2005 Review, and trust me…we were thrown for some loops this year!

I won’t bore you with the details on the trip up. Basically it was 4 cars full of about 15 Juggalos total just caravaning up to the Gathering. I don’t think much interesting happened on the way there, other than seeing a sign forBig Bone Lick Park. That was pretty fuckin funny. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. I think everyone was just anxious to get up to the Gathering.

We arrived in Cleveland, OH at around 3:00 PM, and immediately checked into the Days Inn hotel. There, we met up with D-FENS and his girl Megs, and waited around for the Marz show at Peabody’s to start up. At this point, Amanda and I had been up for about 40 hours straight. So needless to say, we were dog tired. However, I knew that this Marz show would be one not to miss!

So we got up to Peabody’s, got in the door, and were just overwhelmed with a grip of bands that sounded like complete ASS. I don’t know how many opening bands there were between the main stage and the smaller stage, but 90% of them didn’t need to be there. I later found out that the only thing you had to do to get onto the show was basically to call up and book yourself. It was a FREE show if you had signed up for it prior to that week, so it was packed as hell! Our homies the Bio Killaz were there, along with a lot of other ninjas we ran into that were heading to the Gathering the next day. It’s really fresh to see how much love Juggalos still show for Marz.

By Midnight, the groups we REALLY came to see hit the stage! First off, it wasShy One and ClaAs. At first, the crowd wasn’t really feeling it. BUT, did I mention that we had to just sit through a whole lot of complete shit before them? After ClaAs and Shy One schooled the stage, the crowd was definitely into it. The Dallas Juggalos started up a nice pit. G-Dub ended up bumping into this dude (who definitely didn’t look like a Juggalo), and then fell over. While G-Dub was on the ground, that ninja kicked him in the head for bumping into him. This definitely didn’t sit well with Three-Ring, who immediately got in the face of this stupid fuck. G-Dub didn’t really know what happened, and continued to just party to the music. But there was definitely more going on there. Before you knew it, all of the Dallas Juggalos were backing Three-Ring, and security immediately came over and broke shit up. People were drunk as hell, about to get into fights, but everything was resolved when G-Dub became the bigger man, (and that’s tough, because he’s like 4-1/2 feet tall), and talked to the dude that kicked him. The bitches this dude was with had big mouths, but the rest of the night was pretty much without drama.

Soon after Shy-One and ClaAs’s sets, MARZ blew the fuckin roof off of Peabody’s! We saw him in Dallas 2 months ago, but this set blew that one away! Marz came complete with his hypeman, Pack, and 3 or 4 stripper chicks complete with hot pants and just had the place going nuts! This was by far the best performance I’ve ever seen by him and Pack, and the new album (“Against All Odds“) is looking to outdo anything he’s ever put out. We had a chance to talk to Marz before and after his sets, give him and Pack his personalized FLH shirts, and talk more about what’ll be happening in the near future with Raw Dawg Entertainment. We’ll hear more from him soon, but as far as I’m concerned, THAT was my first day of the Gathering.

After the show, we headed out to a Denny’s where we ran into the Axe Murder Boyz and their crew, and actually stayed out until 4 AM. We had to get up at 6 that morning, so we kinda fucked ourselves there. It all ended up being more than worth it though.

We packed up and rolled out towards the Nelson Ledges from Cleveland on Thursday morning. Beware Juggalos, because you’re about to hear a shitload of bones that happened to us! First off, we get to the Ledges at like8:00 AM, ready to walk into the park and set up shop. That didn’t happen though, because without telling anyone, opening was delayed until around11:00 AM. OK, not a big deal, right? Well, I had ordered a full camp site that just never arrived to me via the US Postal Service, so I knew we had to go to Will Call to sort that one out. So there was a line steady forming, and nobody there yet. By the time someone finally arrived at Will call, it was 1 employee, and about 150 Juggalos, in no line whatsoever. So I waited an hour and a half there. By the time I got up front, I had my ID out ready to grab my campsite and get the fuck outta there. When I told her what I was looking for, she said “Sorry, we don’t have any campsite information over here.” Great. So I call up D-FENS who sends Megs over to the info tent inside the Gathering. The employee at the info tent called up Will Call, and ended up CONFIRMING that there WAS in fact a camp site there for me. So everything’s great from then on out, right? Oh just hold up. We walk all the way back to the main parking lot, and she AGAIN tells us that there are no campsites there. What in the fuck just happened? At this point, we went to the Info tent again, and someone walked over there with us. They handed us our campsite packet, and that was that…or so we thought. You see, originally, I bought a half site (2 tent), and later sold it because a FULL site went up on the Gathering website a few months later. When I opened up the package, they still had the info (with no wrist bands, I have to add) of the site that I had already received in the mail and sold. Apparently, they have absolutely NO record of me ever buying the full site, even though my credit card shows a purchase. While the whole experience was frustrating, Psychopathic had some backup sites for just this occasion, and let us crash on there. Fresh. It was now around 1:00 PM, and we got our stuff unpacked, set up, and were taxi’d over to the Website booth.

At the booth, Psychopathic had this killer fuckin setup. Keep in mind that there were 4 winners, including us,,, and The ninjas from were from Dallas too, and already told us that they wouldn’t be using the booth to promote or anything, other than hanging their banner. We were the first ones there, so we hung our huge ass, 9 foot banner (that you may have seen at the 2002 Gathering), got the computers set up, and laid out all the fresh new merch we had just had printed up. When we got there, a ninja who works for Psychopathic known as the “Random Ninja” was working on the internet connection. This wasn’t a good sign. In order to do anything that we were hyping up prior to the gathering, we needed at least a 56K internet connection. After him working for 4 hours or so, he left it alone, and we had a very limited internet speed….for all of 10 minutes. Psychopathic paid big bucks ($1,000+ a day!) in order to have internet access out there for the web booths, as well as themselves. So for it not to be running for a day was just a huge waste. There’s actually something else that went wrong Thursday just to add to the frustration. We knew we weren’t gonna have internet access that day, but were still bumpin’ music loud enough for anyone in the surrounding area to hear. D-FENS didn’t have some tracks on his laptop, so we decided to plug Mandie’s desktop in and transfer some mp3s like that. As soon as I plugged it in, smoke started POURING out of the machine! I mean seriously…what else was there to do but laugh, right? We think it’s a power supply, but I’ll have to wait to get home to see for sure. We made the best of Thursday, met a TON of Juggalos who we’ve talked to online for several months, and slanged a hell of a lot of shirts. Thursday was a pretty successful day, despite the various bones. It was really cool to chill with all of the crew though! They came in a little later than us, halfway set up, and didn’t have an extension cord, or anything else for that matter to set up with. Being the packrat that I am, I let them borrow an extra one for the whole weekend. And man am I glad, because without it, they couldn’t have shown all the free porn that they did at their booth! haha. But seriously, between Kayzew, SCN, TrailerTrash, and everyone else there…those guys were the shit! And they were also the only other ones to semi-consistently take advantage of their winning of a booth. It doesn’t matter though, we got love for everyone! We packed up at around 6, since that was when the performances started up. At the suggestion of pretty much everyone who was running the web booth with me, we took everything but the big FLH banner. That comes into play later.

One HUGE thing happened to a homie of ours from Dallas on Thursday. 3 Dallas ninjas from the local wrestling organization, JXW, drove all the way up here, and waited at the wrestling ring from the time it opened on Thursday, until they got their chance to try out for the JCW! Chris (aka “Spaz”), and Austin (aka “Crow”) went into the first round with full force, and fuckin schooled everyone there. They made it through the first round, and were on their way to the next one. Spaz kind of got the bone on that round, because he was put up against this drunk guy who had no idea how to sell a move. So it was pretty much over in that round for him before it started. That really pissed him off, but those are the breaks, right? Crow, on the other hand, ended up taking the entire contest and coming out on top! So he was expected to be in the Main Event on Sunday at the Gathering! We were all excited for him, because that was the main reason that they even came to the Gathering. So much props!

The only concert that anyone was concerned with on Thursday night wasDark Lotus. Opening bands went on from 5-10 PM on Thursday night. After we broke down the web booth, we went back to the campsite to relax. Remember, at this point, it had been nearly 60 hours, about 3 of those which were sleep. So we were definitely overdue for a nap or something. I don’t want to take away anything from the opening bands by any means, but we did that just to enjoy Lotus. The Lotus set was absolutely insane! We got a TON of pictures, most from very close up! You’ll see those VERY soon. There wasn’t anything new played from DL or anything, but they did play an extended set. It was good to see them on the first day of the Gathering to get things kicked off!

After Lotus, it was time to get the party started! We headed over to Club Chaos to see our homie Kevin Gill perform, and he just tore that bitch up! He was originally slated to only do 20-30 minutes spinnin’ tunes. But every 15 minutes or so, DJ BitchFace came up and kept asking how much longer he could stay on! lol. So it was very fresh. We got the VIP treatment, and were let “backstage” where the ninjas from, and the Rude Boy were hangin out. After that, we just went around exploring the Gathering grounds, seeing what everyone was up to. We knew we had a big morning ahead of us, so we decided to crash at about 3 AM.

All of that time with no sleep had caught up to us. We ended up sleeping until like 10, and didn’t feel bad at all about it. However, there was more drama in store for us once we got up and moving. We decided to hit up Wal-Mart for some supplies (food, extra sleeping bags, sharpies, etc.). And while we were out, I wanted to see if we could find a power supply for the desktop that we brought. Being in the middle of the forest for the Gathering made it to where civilization was about a half hour drive away. We finally reached a “local” Wal-Mart, got all of our shopping done, and then proceeded to try and find a Best Buy or something for a Power Supply. While on our journey, we received a piece of info that put a damper on the rest of the day. The night before, some asshole had stolen our big FLH banner. I sunk $300 into that thing 3 years ago, so I wasn’t the happiest of people when I heard that. The Web Booth tent was also in shambles, had trash everywhere, and was a temporary shelter for about 20 Juggalos…not looking good. So, we headed back to the Gathering, and decided that it would have just been a waste of time to try and do anything with the booth that day.

We DID happen to film Jumpsteady and Twiztid‘s seminars though! Those were jam-packed with information! From the newest Dark Carnival Board Game, which will feature any character from any ICP song that you could ever think of (including Roxy Carol from “Toxic Love”), to Samantha’s singing career, Jump let loose on it. And for those of you who totally missed the Underground Psychos artist commentary up to this point, you’ll see in the Twiztid seminar that Monoxide is just fuckin Ruthless. It’s funny as all hell, unless you’re the one gettin’ slaughtered in front of thousands of other ninjas! They talked about the Soopa Heroez album, a Madrox Solo Album, and more that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

It was already getting late in the afternoon, and the 2 finalists for theUnderground Psychos contest were getting set to perform! This was gonna make or break both groups, so you know their sets had to be absolutely devastating! But, as our luck would have it, we got one final bit of staleness thrown our way. The backup campsite that we were on was designated as a Flood Zone by the health code inspector. So what that meant is that we had to pack up and move all of our shit. By this point, nobody was surprised that it happened. So what we ended up doing is going to watch both the Axe Murder Boyz and Playaz Lounge crew perform at the Underground Psychos contest. I’m really sorry to say (there is implied sarcasm there), but we had to miss MiniKiss. Unfortunately, that big ass tent was such a bitch to move and put back up, that me, Mandie, DFENS, and Megs also missed JumpsteadyManntis, and Esham. Yes, it took THAT fucking long.

Holy shit though, ABK just worked the crowd over with his set! I know that there are mixed reviews from Juggalos of what they think of ABK’s albums, but you can NOT deny that he puts on one hell of a stage show! In between songs, there were staged gun fights, Lavel and Blaze came out, and I think even Monoxide was kickin’ it on the stage. I know we got some killer footage of it, but we’ll see if it ever makes it up.

So after ABK’s set, it was time to hit the showers, and then see what was poppin’ at Club Chaos. I know that this place is hyped up in every Gathering review you’ll ever read, but it TRULY is the shit! I’m amazed that this little gas-powered generator that you can faintly hear pumping away in the night is able to light up the whole fuckin forest, as well as keep tunes spinnin’ throughout the night. Those guys really go all out every year! Anyway, some Texas homies of mine, Shy-One and ClaAs were up in the mix that night! They were pelting people with Free CDs and DVDs, and really rockin’ the mic. Everybody in the crowd was feelin’ their set…especially those being knocked the fuck out by CD cases.

We wanted to be up bright and early the next morning to see if there was any change in the status of our internet connection at the promo booth, so we turned in fairly early, at like 2:30. Sorry if that sounds like a pussy move, but at that point, I don’t think I was over that 2-1/2 days of no sleep yet.

I can’t remember what time we woke up, but I know that I was mad at myself for oversleeping. I think it was probably 10:30 or so, so some ninjas probably weren’t even asleep yet from the night before. Anyway, we dragged everybody else’s ass outta bed, and were hoping that our ongoing shafts would just stop for the rest of the Gathering. Well, there was Definitely a light at the end of the tunnel!

We went up to the info tent, where we stored all of our web booth stuff. After loading up one of the golf cart taxis, we booked over to the Promo tent. To our surprise, Random Ninja worked some sort of miracle, and the internet was alive and running! This was a fuckin miracle, because we were told that that’s what it was gonna take to get the internet running in the middle of the woods. One problem though…the booth was in fuckin shambles from the day before. I can see why the owner of the Nelson Ledges was pissed…1 day, and there was trash EVERYWHERE…and that was just in the promo tent! It took a rake, some trash bags, and about a half hour’s work just to get the place in order again. But staleness aside, it was definitely time to start hookin up some ninjas at home that weren’t able to make it this year! After we got the speakers, laptops and mic all set up, we started broadcasting. DFENS put a post up telling how to tune into the station, and it was on like Donkey Kong! Immediately, we found out that we pretty much maxed out the servers. But the biggest hit was yet to come. DFENS also put up in his post that after an hour of live streaming, we would be streaming Twiztid’s all-new “rock” album: “Mutant”. That went over extremely well! And Mutant actually sounded a hell of a lot better than the sampler made it out to be. While DFENS was on the radio selecting the next tunes, I was holdin’ it down on AIM trying to get all the requests in, and questions answered. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but keeping up with 40 IM’s all at the same time is a BITCH! So if I cut you off at some point, my bad. Our max amount of listeners for the weekend was 153 simultaneously, which shatteredHatchetRadio‘s old record. So I would definitely call that a HUGE success!

So the booth was pretty much where we spent our entire Saturday. But I’m defintely not complaining. I think everyone had a hell of a good time there! One of our old webmasters EastSide Ninja, and our lyrics guy SE Strangla even almost kickboxed! (And if you don’t know why that’s funny, then ask SE!) During our time at the booth, we got just an ASSLOAD of interviews on both video and streaming audio! On Saturday only, we got thePlayaz Lounge CrewAxe Murder BoyzDelusionalClaAsKilla C,Mike E. Clark and Eidos Interactive’s Kevin Gill! DFENS has a lot better interview skills than I do, which can be accredited to him being interviewed himself over 400 times. lol. But that’s besides the point. If you haven’t seen or heard them yet, (or they’re not up on the site yet), then definitely make a point to check ’em out!

And speaking of Mike E. Clark, there was a rather large announcement concerning him on Saturday as well. While D-FENS, SE Strangla, and myself were running the promo booth, Mandie went over to the Seminar tent to grab some of the ICP Seminar footage! All I know is that at about 2:30 on Saturday afternoon, we heard this HUGE uproar of Juggalos…and it continued for a solid minute! So I knew something huge had just been said. It turns out that (and if this spoils something for you, where the fuck have you been??) Mike E. Clark will be the producer of ICP’s next LP: “The Tempest”! I know…I about shit myself when I heard it too! Soon afterwards, we saw MEC walking about the campgrounds, and snagged him for an interview to confirm what had just been said in the Seminar tent. Sure enough, he was returning as ICP’s producer, and seemed hella excited about it! Off-camera, a nameless Juggalo (::cough::) asked if he was gonna make Violent J stop singing. He said he’d see what he could do. haha. So all in all, that was definitely the biggest news of the Gathering!

It was getting close to time for the bands to start playing, so we started to pack up, with still no sign of our FLH banner. (We put a sign up the entire day Saturday telling that we were offering a reward for it’s return.) It takes a while to put up everything that we had set up for our booth, and then we had to haul it off to the information tent. So by the time we did that and walked back to our campsite, we wanted to rest up for a bit. So unfortunately, we missed the 2 Live Crew‘s set. I heard it was a live porno movie on the stage, to say the least. So yeah, hopefully someone out there snagged some footage of it.

Now I know SCN from already unveiled his poop story of the Gathering…so nothing I could say would even come close to that one. But I’m sure that I’m not alone when I say that it SUCKS crapping in a port-a-potty. so yeah, my eyes were probably brown for me holding it the past 3 days. I ended up going during 2 Live Crew’s set, and did I ever unleash a monster from within! I mean it already stunk to high heaven in there…so I feel sorry for the guy who followed me. (My bad ninja!) Anyway, I heard Blaze’s set starting so I pinched off and headed to the main stage.

Blaze’s set was the fuckin shit! (No pun intended) He started out with his OG style “Real G Shit”, and did a fairly long set of a good mix of his tracks from his debut EP to Colton Grundy! To tell you the truth, I was REALLY excited for the group coming up next. I have never seen Powerman 5000 live, so what better place to experience it than the Gathering? They came out, and immediately started getting pelted with bottles, food, whatever people picked up. However, they continued playing like true troopers. Seriously, these guys rocked the fuck out of the stage! In fact, they were SO good, that by the end of their set, the entire crowd was chanting “Fa-mi-ly! Fa-mi-ly!”. It was fresh to see them win over the crowd, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw them back next year.

Twiztid’s set was scheduled next, and they were taking quite a while to get out on the stage. Come to find out, the reason for the long set break was because J, Shaggy, and Jumpsteady came out to the main stage to preview the all new “Chronicles of the Dark Carnival” DVD! They came out for like 3 or 4 minutes, and then showed a 5 minute preview of the DVD. I don’t quite know what to think of it yet. There wasn’t any dialogue in the preview, and no sign of any Psychopathic artists either. Well, come to find out from an inside source, J and Shaggy will be the narrators of the stories (“Boogie Woogie Woo”, “Joke Ya Mind”, and “Mad Professor”), and there will definitely be Psy artists all over it! So I’m anxious to see more, but we’ll have to wait for anything else on that project.

The preview ended, but the screen that was showing it stayed out for Twiztid’s set. Soon, the intro to “Man’s Myth” started playing, complete with images of war, our president, and random soldiers on the preview screen. I definitely like the direction Twiztid has taken with some of the messages in their tracks. But that’s besides the point. They schooled shit, unlike any other time! Last year, they came out with basically 2 screens and in costume. This year, they came out complete in Man’s Myth red face paint, had all kinds of stage props, and brought Michael Myers and Jason Voorhies back to rock the stage with them! Probably the thing that got most response was the HUGE-HEADED foam clones of Jamie and Paul that came out to dance for a few tracks on stage. The pictures/footage will show you what I’m babbling about.

That did it for concerts that night. It was around 11 o’clock, and we knew that Charlie Murphy would be coming on in about an hour. So we headed back to the campsite to relax. Now let me say this…I know that it may seem like we spent a lot of time at the campsite, but there’s an ungodly amount of walking you have to do in the Crystal Forest…especially when your campsite is one of the farthest back. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind it at all…and it’s good to walk off some of those deep-fried oreos every once in a while. Anyway, we actually were a little late getting over to Charlie Murphy…and were heading to the seminar tent when we heard “Thank you Juggalos for having me”. I thought he was getting a late start and just now introducing himself. But naw, we flat out missed the whole fuckin thing! Ahh well, I heard he put on one hell of a show. It’s all good though. From there, Mandie and I walked over to Dark Forest 293. Now these guys had one hell of a fresh setup! There was a DJ spinnin’ over there, a stage where strippers were getting nasty freaky, and even a makeshift boxing ring! We stayed to watch a few “matches”, and good God were those guys ever drunk beyond all belief! The first fight we saw, the guys were throwin fists hard, flexin’ their beer muscles. The fight directly after that, was probably one of the most pathetic ones I’ve ever seen. But they were just plastered. After walking around and visiting a few more sites, we called it a night once again, and got some rest to prepare for the last day of the Gathering.

Everyone was fuckin sick at this point. D-FENS was throwing up like clockwork, his girl Megs was feeling like shit, and I was definitely in need of some Dayquil. For some reason though, Mandie never got sick, and that pissed all of us off. heh. Not really, but I just have no clue how she avoided it. Anyway, we dragged our asses to the promo booth, and were completely set up again by around noon. There was still no sign, or hint of where ourFLH Banner was, but that would change later in the day.

We were up and broadcasting again, and things were goin hella smoothly! The radio show was droppin’ bombs like you wouldn’t believe! That day, we scored interviews with ALL of Project:Deadman, which includes Mike E. ClarkKing Gordy, and Prozak! They all eventually spit some shit from their upcoming PDM album that was straight up wicked, and funny as hell all at the same time! I mean here you have this HUGE black guy (King Gordy) talking about how he just joined the Ku Klux Klan, and screaming “White Power!”. It’s a trip, and y’all are gonna love that video! I won’t go into any more detail on this just in case you wanna wait and watch it. But later in the day, we also got to snag an interview with Psychopathic’s Nathan Extra. Nathan’s interview was also recorded, and he talked mostly about things happening with the Gathering this year. He also discussed a little bit of what he does for Psychopathic, like those one-sheets, marketing, handling various bones, and tons more. Later in the day, we actually had a chance to catch up with Alex Abbiss! Originally he was supposed to come over just to talk to us about all the shit that we had been through for the weekend. But then he actually agreed to spend some time on the mic with us. It ended up being a pretty funny interview because this huge fuckin trash truck backed up right beside our booth. The mic didn’t pick it up very much, which was good for the interview. But that thing was LOUD! You can hear what went down right here.

Now those interviews all happened throughout the course of the day. (And we really gotta thank Nathan Extra for hookin the AA interview up!) My girl Mandie, on the other hand, was basically at the JCW ring all day. Remember how I told you earlier that our boy Crow from Dallas had made it to the JCW finals? Well, we were expecting him to be wrestling in ONE of the matches in the 3 hour span that JCW was supposed to be happening. Mandie waited there damn near all fuckin day, and Crow never got his shot. I don’t really know what happened, but he said that he got to get in for free next year, and would have a chance to wrestle then. So I guess we’ll keep our fingers crossed for him!

Meanwhile, back at the promo booth, a random ninja came up to us and told us that he knew exactly where our FLH Banner was. Oh shit, it was ON now! He said that at a campsite in the Diamond Rain district, which is basically about 50 feet away from where the promo tent was, a kid was rolling it out to show it to people, and trying to sell it. We had gotten a few different tips throughout the weekend at various other spots which were empty leads, but this ninja was for sure about it. There were like 10 guys sitting out in front of this tent that he pointed out, which we assumed were the people who either took it, or knew the guy who took it. So I gathered up about a dozen people, and got security involved, and we all headed over there. Before we could even reach it, D-FENS girl Megs waltzed inside of the tent, grabbed the banner, and headed back over to the booth. It was funny as hell! Come to find out, the guys we thought owned the tent were actually on the next site over. So they didn’t have anything to do with it. (My bad ninjas!) The point is, we got the banner back, and will have it again for next time the opportunity arrises for us to school our shit! Before I get off of the subject though, the guy who had the banner actually emailed me the Monday that the Gathering was over, and said he had bought it off of some dude the night before who told him that we had several of them, and didn’t care that it was gone. He said he spent $50 on it (I spent $300 3 years ago.), and was sorry about the mishap. It’s all good, no hard feelings or anything…I’m just glad we got it back.

By the end of all that drama, it was time to pack up our promo booth materials one last time. The Axe Murder Boyz had just been announced as the next new artist on Psychopathic, and we were about to get schooled by Tech N9ne, Mack 10, and ICP!

Fast forwarding about an hour, Tech put on just an incredible performance! He was absolutely giddy to be there, and was talking even faster than he normally does! They performed a few new tracks off of the upcomingEverReady: The Religion, and old school classics from Anghellic, and Absolute Power! The synchronized dancing by Tech and his crew is always a sight to see…and him dry humping a half-naked chick on stage was…well…something I haven’t ever seen before. heh. After Tech, we chilled for a bit, and got a call from D-FENS saying that they were heading into the VIP area for Mack 10 and the ICP set! Mandie and I booked our asses over there, and ended up watching the rest of Mack 10, and the full ICP set alongside Twiztid, Esham, Jeff Jarrett, the Filthee Immigrants, Rude Boy, and just a ton of other random crew ninjas and groupies. It was definitely a fresh experience, though I kinda missed being out in the faygo and mud. Ahh well, I didn’t have to stay back there or anything, but it was definitely the shit!

It was the end of the Gathering, and everybody was fuckin exhausted. I think Mandie and I roamed around the grounds for a couple of hours, and ended up deciding to pass out at like 1:30. D-FENS and Megs actually stayed out hella late, and hit up Club Krunk and various other places, but I’ll let them tell you about that.

The trip back was a bore, as usual. But the whole experience was just an awesome adventure. This was my 6th Gathering, and I still don’t plan on missing next year’s, or any others in the near future! Much props to Psychopathic for raising the level every single year, and making our yearly vacations something that we’ll never forget! I met up with a ton of people this year, and would like to give shoutouts to all of you…but have you seen how fuckin long this review is already? Everyone who made this event possible…Thank You. Nathan, Random Ninja, Alex, Billy…Thank you! Much love to all the Texas Juggalos who endured the long drive there and back, and props to Mandie for driving most of the way while I typed the majority of this out! That’s it for my review until next year! Hope you enjoyed it, and I hope even more that some of you will come out and experience your first Juggalo Gathering in 2006!


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