September 22, 2024
32 Guests and 3 Members Online

The Vision

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I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy

I swing a hatchet like a warrior
Told you all the dirty history my life obserrved
Show’d you how to keep it rollin while you actin a fool
And now you wanna get all muddy cause you underground too
Don’t be blinded by those mainstream raps
Eagle eyeing all your dollars but won’t give you a dap
I’ve seen them come I’ve seen them go
People get so emotional
Especially when you don’t let them know
You see the love they show
All I know is that I pay mad dues
So respect what you getting
Cause I do it for you
And if you feeling how I’m feeling
Then I’m doing it right
So let’s get muddy underground for the rest of our lives

I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy
I’m so muddy
Your so muddy
We’re so muddy
Let’s get muddy

There is no history known not to have a trace of dirt on it
From history books, to scriptures, to missing literature
Inner self or outer selves we’re all dusty in some way, shape or form
It’s like a survival kit we rub on to keep unnoticed
Some spread it on thin while others pack it on like it’s the fountain


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