September 21, 2024
65 Guests and Online

Tonight on TKS Radio: Con-Crete Interview!

Our homies from TKS Radio will be conducting an interview with SlaughterCore‘s own CON-CRETE later tonight!  What will the topic of conversation be?  How about Con-Crete’s upcoming album “Indulgence”, which is due out in January?  He will also be talking about the Northwest Halloween Bash in Bremerton, WA that’s happening this Friday, October 26th!  There’s sure to be a lot of topics being tossed around, so make sure to tune in TONIGHT at 9:30 PM EST / 6:30 PM PST!

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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. sketchez

    Comment posted on Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 05:27 pm GMT -5 at 5:27 pm

    who are these people??

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