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Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

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You are Frank West, photo journalist and the main character from the original Dead Rising. About five years after the events of first game, Frank finds himself as a contestant on the reality game show, Terror Is Reality. As a zombie outbreak begins to take over Fortune City, Frank seeks to uncover what caused it in order to make his big comeback.

As a HUGE DR mark, naturally, I ran out and picked it up when it came out, no questions asked. From what I understood, you’d be playing DR2, but from another character’s perspective. Kinda cool, right? I assumed that there would be some kind of new map, new bosses, new weapons. WRONG! When I popped it in I was MAJORLY disappointed to see that this was nothing more than a slightly altered version of DR2. Chuck Greene (main character from DR2) got cut out and Frank West was pasted in. The story seems to be exactly the same with minor changes here and there. With exception to a few newer weapons and a little sliver of new map, this games is nothing more than $5 worth of downloadable content with a $40 price tag on it. This is the second time that I feel completely ripped off by Capcom, so don’t let it happen to you! Lately, I feel like they lead you on thinking you’re getting one thing and blow your butt hole out by giving you something like this.

To be fair, I won’t completely piss on the little bit of new stuff this game features. DR: Off the Record features a “Sandbox Mode“. It’s the same free roam, zombie killing experience except you needn’t worry about time limits or adhering to the storyline. To me, this is a feature that I think all free roam games should have from the get go. It may make your gaming experience a little boring after a few hours, but this is a dope way to start the game off. Not only can you get a feel for gameplay, but you can give yourself an advantage and level up as much as you like before starting the actual game campaign. Just like in the previous DR games, whatever XP you gain, you will keep even when you start a new game, so that’s always a plus.

All in all, I think this is just another way for Capcom to keep their pockets lined with our hard earned cash while they take their sweet ass time to give us zombie hungry fans an overdue sequel. At first I really loved this franchise, but I’m starting to look elsewhere for a game to blow my money on. If you like that dead body smell that hasn’t seemed to gotten out of MY clothes, by all means, but I would advise for gamers to skip DR: Off The Record, unless they haven’t yet played DR2.


  • Capcom


  • Playstation 3
  • Xbox 360
  • PC


  • M

Release Date:

  • 10/11/2011





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