September 7, 2024
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ICP’s Mighty Death Pop Tour *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Hey homies, be warned this post contents SPOILERS from The Mighty Death Pop Tour. After last night’s first show we have got are hands on the set list, stage and merchandise pictures. Please Keep In Mind This Is Not The Official set list. FINAL WARNING SET LIST AND PICTURES ARE BELOW.

The Mighty Death Pop Set list is: 

They Start Out with A Brady Bunch Intro
Chris Benoit
Might Death Pop
Get Ya Wicked On
What Is a Juggalo
Bazooka Joey
Headless Boogie
New Faygo Break
Little Yellow Bus
Vera Lee
Hells Forecast
Jump Around
Mind Playin Tricks On Me
Rainbows and Stuff
Prom Queen
Burning Up
We Belong
When I’m Clownin’
Night Of the Chainsaw
Fat Sweaty Betty
Another Faygo Break ?
Where’s God
Bang Pow Boom

Here Is A Picture of the Set Used.

BJOUMNUCIAE0jB_.jpg large

Here Is A Picture Of The Merchandise Sold At The Show.(minus Girl Merch. and Jerseys)

 BJNtUMOCEAEGgHA.jpg large

 Thanks To @themichness For All Info And Pictures

And I one final spoiler the homie, Jumpsteady was introducing all the artist at the first stop. Not sure if he will be at every show. Be sure to go to InsaneClownPosse.Com to find out when The Mighty Death Pop Tour is coming your way and remember there are more dates coming soon. Link is below to all tour dates announced.

The Mighty Death Pop Tour @

V.I.P. Packages For The Mighty Death Pop Tour @






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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 10:28 am GMT -5 at 10:28 am

    I didn’t think this would be posted as news

  2. Guest


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 10:53 am GMT -5 at 10:53 am

    One of the more informitive news posts in a while. People bitch when you hold news back and people bitch when you give up to much. Either a “puppet” or a “spoiler” If you can’t please em, fuck em. My advice for people who want to walk into a show with no spoilers: Stay off the interet when the tour starts.. at the very least stay off Juggalo sites.
    Good reporting. As for the setlist… Not spectacular. Could be worse, but the lengths PSY makes you wait for ICP shows these days, and the hype they use to promote.. This setlist should be ironclad bad ass. When you set the bar ultra high, I wanna see you clear it.

  3. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 12:11 pm GMT -5 at 12:11 pm

    I don’t remember scottie d or big ian eveer putting set list as news. That’s all I’m saying. Mr guest

  4. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 12:12 pm GMT -5 at 12:12 pm

    I wasn’t even bitchin. You were bitchin it sounds like

  5. The Warlock

    The Warlock

    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 12:32 pm GMT -5 at 12:32 pm

    i remember set lists being posted on the old site

  6. Guest


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 12:33 pm GMT -5 at 12:33 pm

    Mr Guest is my father

  7. PunkRockJuggalo

    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 12:35 pm GMT -5 at 12:35 pm

    Just as an fyi Scottie d asked me to post all the info about the tour that I posted in the forums that I got from @themichness

  8. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 01:59 pm GMT -5 at 1:59 pm

    My bad then.. didn’t mean no harm

  9. mr B

    mr B

    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 04:16 pm GMT -5 at 4:16 pm

    your father huh oooooooook

  10. PunkRockJuggalo

    Comment posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 04:43 pm GMT -5 at 4:43 pm

    no harm taken i was just putting it out there

  11. Doc RenoK

    Comment posted on Friday, May 3rd, 2013 04:27 am GMT -5 at 4:27 am

    So wait, they’re not playing Juggalo Juice?? I thought for sure they’d do that, that songs the shit. Or is that the new faygo breaks?

  12. Poopdidoop


    Comment posted on Friday, May 3rd, 2013 05:40 pm GMT -5 at 5:40 pm

    NO chicken huntin, tilt-a-whirl, let’s go all the way, my axe, fuck the world, homies, or birthday bitches?
    They are actually playing 8 songs from the new record they are touring for?
    They created new faygo breaks, span multiple eras, and are performing songs they have probably never done live or haven’t done in 15 years?

    Sign me the fuck up! Gotta go for sure now.

    Even the Old Shit tour had a bunch of played out tracks. J and Shaggy finally went all out and chose some obscurity. Anyone who says they didn’t choose rare stuff has never been to 3 or more ICP shows. For me at least, it’s less about how rare they can get and more about how non-common they can get.
    Bravo boys.

  13. scruffy


    Comment posted on Saturday, May 4th, 2013 01:33 am GMT -5 at 1:33 am

    ive been to a hell of a lot more than three shows; because of that, ive actually seen all but maybe four of those tracks done live, not counting the mdp songs [some of which ive also seen already]. its definitely rare stuff, though, especially for the juggalo public as a whole. really, id like to see them include more uncommon shit in every performance. im pretty much burned out on, for example, all seven songs listed above.

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