“Sleep Deprivation“ takes you on a journey from beginning to end, telling a story, if you will. The intro lures you in, and gets your mentality ready for the roller coaster ride throughout the album. After that, you’re riding at your own risk. The emotional and mental twists, turns, and loops that the songs force you through will give you an understanding of the day to day introspection KARDIAC faces. After the hysteria decends, the outro rationalizes the essence of the entire album, and discloses the ultimate consequence of sleep deprivation.
This announcement vaguely describes the actual substance of the release. The only way comprehend the dynamics of this album is to purchase a copy of it for yourself.
Track Listing:
1AM.Hypnagogic Consternation [Outro]
2AM.Don’t Belong
3AM.Groaning Visuals ft.Dj Quietus
4AM Infomercial
5AM.No Closure ft.JustinFekt
6AM.The Party Favors The Plagiarizers ft.Dj Quietus
9AM.The Devil Preps My Coffee
10AM.It’s Hard To Keep a Secret
11AM.Between The Brown & Blue House
12PM.Ondine’s Curse
2PM.Attention Whore
4PM.The Diagnosis [Outro]
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