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Is Faygoluvers Forum dead?
May 16, 2024
11:07 pm
Moe Ray Al
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May 22, 2024
8:59 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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but it is at least moderated.  

Too true. These mods are useless here and do absolutely nothing. Psyral literally believes the same shit as the derailer. Disprove me punkass. Oh no I'm going to be suspended for "personal" attacks. Suspend me the site's deader than a dead Russian grandmother from Montreal. Speaking of dead grannies why do you back down from fights smack? Internet thugging all you can do? Need that keyboard cause you're too much of a pussy to step outside? Yeah you a coward and we all know it. You loved the taste of my dick and you stay around this forum hoping for more. So enjoy my massive cock since that's all you care about doing on here.

Hey @Psyral fuck you you insignificant piece of microbial dust floating on shit water. You suck and your wife is whore that lost her child.

I'm your God 10+7

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 22, 2024
11:48 am
Moe Ray Al
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first off shorty

I am Ukrainian, not Russian however I do side with Putin in the war over that un-elected midget Zelensky who the people of Ukraine hate more than the people of Canada hate Trudeau.

and secondly, I do not back down from fight's I am the aggressor and can smack harder than a little soylent bitch like yourself can punch.

thirdly you are the cowardly keyboard warrior making fun of my dead grandmother and pysral's wife and child is something you would never do to our faces your level of testosterone is lower than Iris the Trannies.

now have a nice day dumpster diving for your next meal

God  bless


May 22, 2024
5:10 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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You backed down from every fight ever. You're a keyboard warrior that runs away from actual fights. That's why you'll never go the Gathering. You're scared of Scruffy. But he don't give a shit about you. You sit on here talking shit but you're just a pussy who can't fight. Trust me when I say this I'd spit in your face and pissing on your grandma's grave in front of you, your friends and family. I'll call your mother a whore and your daddy a faggot. Matter of fact that's what I'm doing now spitting in your face and calling you a pussy. You won't leave your keyboard. I'll say this come to the Gathering and fight me. Guaranteed you're crying after two hits. Me hitting you and you hitting the dirt. But you'll never be at the Gathering because you're a pussy. You ain't tough on here Smack you're just annoying. Now I'm going back to my bbq I'm having it's beautiful weather outside where I'm at you know what it's like outside right? Or are you frothing at the mouth looking at a screen refreshing repeatedly to see if I responded. I'm selling you for a single cigarette at the gathering if you do have the balls to show up.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 22, 2024
8:10 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4537
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Mr. Popo said
You backed down from every fight ever. You're a keyboard warrior that runs away from actual fights. That's why you'll never go the Gathering. You're scared of Scruffy. But he don't give a shit about you. You sit on here talking shit but you're just a pussy who can't fight. Trust me when I say this I'd spit in your face and pissing on your grandma's grave in front of you, your friends and family. I'll call your mother a whore and your daddy a faggot. Matter of fact that's what I'm doing now spitting in your face and calling you a pussy. You won't leave your keyboard. I'll say this come to the Gathering and fight me. Guaranteed you're crying after two hits. Me hitting you and you hitting the dirt. But you'll never be at the Gathering because you're a pussy. You ain't tough on here Smack you're just annoying. Now I'm going back to my bbq I'm having it's beautiful weather outside where I'm at you know what it's like outside right? Or are you frothing at the mouth looking at a screen refreshing repeatedly to see if I responded. I'm selling you for a single cigarette at the gathering if you do have the balls to show up.  



what's this dwarf going to do, punch me in my knee??

the main reason I don't go to the gathering is because I don't want to buy tickets, and then airline tickets just to be sent back to Montreal.

where the weather here today was a beautiful 31 that's like 88 in American temperature I also spent a few hours at my local park called Athena but unlike you, I don't have to sleep in the park I can come back home to my beautiful AC.

but it's good to know that you will be going to the gathering this year let's see if you are all talk or not because I know Psyral and Krunk will be there go talk the shit you talk about them on here to their faces I would love to see a video of Krunk beating the snot of you.

Pigg will also be there the Jokerr finally paid him back and Drunkalo will also be there selling his amazing wooden signs and lots of other forum members will be there my guess is none of them will see you because you are all talk.

God Bless


May 23, 2024
5:48 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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We do not care about your area go to a Montreal forum and goon over Montreal there. Also that's a piss poor excuse not to go to the Gathering. It's just more evidence of you backing down at every turn and going right back to keyboard thugging. You aren't tough just cause you weigh 450 pounds. You're just a fat fucking coward who'll go down in two hits.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 23, 2024
12:56 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Mr. Popo said
We do not care about your area go to a Montreal forum and goon over Montreal there. Also that's a piss poor excuse not to go to the Gathering. It's just more evidence of you backing down at every turn and going right back to keyboard thugging. You aren't tough just cause you weigh 450 pounds. You're just a fat fucking coward who'll go down in two hits.  


you love Montreal you spend hours researching it and would love to live on my island paradise but you are too poor and dirty and can't speak french so your stuck living in a tent city in the shithole you come from.

and we all know you are obsessed with me and if you ever did run into me you would ask for my autograph and a selfie.


May 23, 2024
4:53 pm
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Image Enlarger

May 23, 2024
6:24 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Image Enlarger


I am in Quebec not as much immigration here and we pay the lowest climate taxes in the country.

but with America also having an open border your country will be looking much worse than Canada if Trump does not retake the White House on January 20th.


May 23, 2024
11:01 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Nobody cares you cheese eating surrenderer.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 24, 2024
12:08 am
Moe Ray Al
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Mr. Popo said
Nobody cares you cheese eating surrenderer.  

I don't fuck with dairy much.

and there is a very big difference between Quebec and France the biggest one being that Quebec is the largest French colony that never surrendered to the Nazis but 100 billion of your tax-paying money now funds a nazi battalion in Ukraine.

try again you pigmy little nothing.

did you see that Trump rally in the Bronx today??


5+12 oh my god I am the chosen one



May 24, 2024
10:38 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Yes Smack the Russians are modern Nazis pointing fingers at others to justify a gay Russian madman's fetish with re-creating the USSR. Very good. Is what I would say if you weren't so stupid. Your face is up against the wall and you're getting fucked up the bussy. You're family was ran out of Ukraine for being Russian sympathizers. That's not something to be proud of. You're French as well which just makes everything you so much dumber and worse for you. Life is shitty for your ancestry. Trancestry considering your paternal side. Makes sense why you support those closeted crazy people. Idiots like you like to flock each other. You come here only hoping it'll be all white/right. It's not and never will be. Everybody except your little circle jerk of cheerleaders has called you out. Understand this you're a pussy who keyboard warriors himself all over the internet. You aren't tough, you're just the loudest in the room and that person is usually if not always a pussy. That's what you'll always be. The pussy who everybody on this forum comes to shit on now. Be loud it does nothing it just makes us shit on you more.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 24, 2024
1:26 pm
Moe Ray Al
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you are a very special kind of stupid

Russia wants to rebuild the USSR??


your so dumb you never heard of the Azov battalion who are fucking nazis

the unit has drawn controversy over its early and allegedly continuing association with far-right groups and neo-nazi ideology, its use of controversial symbols linked to Nazism, and early allegations that members of the unit participated in human rights violations.

Putin sent in his forces to stop the Azovs from slaughtering ethnic Russians and Greeks in the Donbas and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

your taxes fund nazis and they are also funding a full Palestinian genocide 3 busloads of children are being killed per day because your taxes are funding it

you really are fucking stupid no wonder you live in a tent and eat from garbage cans.


May 24, 2024
2:15 pm
jiggles the clown
Forum Posts: 1955
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the_patriot_smack said


you love Montreal you spend hours researching it and would love to live on my island paradise but you are too poor and dirty and can't speak french so your stuck living in a tent city in the shithole you come from.

and we all know you are obsessed with me and if you ever did run into me you would ask for my autograph and a selfie.  

how many posts do you have about portland, you fucking faggot?

how many posts do you have subtweeting me?


thats what I thought, bitch. those in glass houses should learn not to show their ass.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

May 24, 2024
4:36 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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No Putin verbatim has said he wants to bring Russia back to the glory of the USSR. You are far from being well versed in world politics. I bet you didn't know about Zelensky getting ahold of a little video of Putin giving his number one comrade a blowjob. Putin doesn't want it out because being gay isn't Russian according to the closeted Russian creampuff. Also Wikipedia is your go to? Something anybody can alter? I can alter the first AIDS/HIV case to be your name on there and nobody would change it for a year. That's the resource you want to go with it? I guess high rent is a bitch for the morbidly obese. I guess actual research is something that you can't even do. Ivermectin being factually proven to not work was a thing. Moron. You got worms from fucking a horse it all makes sense now. That's why you wanted Ivermectin to clear up your worms. Disgusting fucking French surrenderer. You're a disgrace compared to actual Juggalos. I spit on your grandma's... Eyehole cause I'm skull fucking the lazy bitch.

Pics of the action for anybody that wants to see. Dead Grannies in tune to Alice Cooper's Dead Babies. I think you know about swallowing babies as well Smack. You love baby batter all over your lips like it's from a glazed donut. Who's the forum's little cum slut? Smacky is. Yes you are you little piggy. Fuck passing your wife around I'm selling you too the biggest gay black guy for $22.50, buying a Big Mac combo, shoving the fries up yours wife pussy salt and all and slapping your wife in the face with the Big Mac. She ain't safe here either. Miklo you better run. Cause I already have the fries and Big Mac.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 24, 2024
6:13 pm
Moe Ray Al
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you are dumber than the false prophet AOC

Zelensky is an un-elected president

his term ended on April 20th but refused to have an election because any other Ukrainian would just give the Donbas regions back to Russia where it belongs.

and ivermectin 100% works against COVID-19 here's a video of Chris Cuomo the guy who said on CNN it was a horse dewormer stating that he was 100% wrong and that he now regularly takes ivermectin himself.

I never took ivermectin myself because I never got covid and guess what I never took a single vaccine because I ain't a fucking sheep and my job never forced me to get vaccinated and if they did I would have quit.

and what's with all these gay fantasies??

look if your a homo your a homo you probably are a homo especially how much you like to talk about men sucking dick, you crank off your 3 incher thinking about getting blown by Vladimir Putin?

now that's fucked up


May 24, 2024
7:38 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Gay fantasies? Nah it's calling you out for being a closeted homosexual with hard-ons for Trump, Putin, Biden and Trudeau. Should also add your crush on Jiggles on here it's clear as day you obsess over him.

YouTube is your next source of proof? You don't even post a viable source? Next it'll be Twitter and then Fox News and not a single source you post will have any factual evidence just opinions that are dumb. This is why you are the forums cum slut. You'll suck everybody's dick and comeback for more the next day Smack. It's not fantasies it's what you keep doing. You're the gay one Smack. It's okay to be gay today. We don't judge you for it. We judge you for your idiotic opinions and pitiful attempts at being cool on here. 

You're poorer than the average median income in Montreal, you buy costume jewelry and knockoff colognes. Any collection you have going on isn't worth a dime and is the biggest waste of time imaginable. A grown man collecting toys. That's sus Smackypoo. Yous a chomo just like your hero Trump is. You're the biggest embarrassment to come out of your family since your daddy was born.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 24, 2024
7:48 pm
Moe Ray Al
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you are as dumb as a pineapple and even gayer than Richard Simmons.

you write homo erotic literature about Vladimir Putin performing oral sex in explicit detail I bet you like to dress up in drag on weekends and read 2SLGTBQI+ stories to children.

don't get caught being a chester because if you are not allowed within 100 feet of a park you won't have anywhere to sleep anymore.

here's a picture I took for your broke ass

my wallet with $2000 in cash and some of my massive cologne collection including

3 bottles of Creed they only retail for $500 a bottle

Tiffany for men $750 a bottle

Wood DSquared2 $250 a bottle

what you see there is probably 10K in cologne alone and I have 5 times more.

and you can't afford axe body spray


May 24, 2024
9:52 pm
jiggles the clown
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only girls brag about their perfume collection.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

May 26, 2024
4:02 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Reverse image search proved it's not your pic. Imagine being such a fraud you use others people's pics. Pitiful as fuck.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

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