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Is Faygoluvers Forum dead?
May 27, 2024
1:31 am
Moe Ray Al
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Mr. Popo said
Reverse image search proved it's not your pic. Imagine being such a fraud you use others people's pics. Pitiful as fuck.  

Mr. Popo said
Reverse image search proved it's not your pic. Imagine being such a fraud you use others people's pics. Pitiful as fuck.  



you fuckin nobody


its 100% my pic

you are a stupid person like dumber than dumb

so now you get blocked

because I could never win arguing with someone as stupid as you

you will always win with experience 

you are fucking stupid

I wish you nothing but the best but from here on out you are too stupid to mean anything to me


May 27, 2024
8:43 am
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May 4, 2014
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thread  said

h9ncPBx.gifImage Enlarger

This really takes the edge off:

YouTube Video Green Day - American idiot (Russian Cover by MishinFM)

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


May 27, 2024
8:57 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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So that coward smack admits to not being able to win any argument against me. What a loser. On some real shit who posts a pic with monopoly money and knockoff perfumes? That ain't manly at all.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 27, 2024
10:47 am
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JavqdN9.gifImage Enlarger



May 27, 2024
7:46 pm
Solomon Grundy
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Isn't blocking people technically admitting defeat? From all those bs influencers on stuff like X and Instagram just blocking people or setting their accounts to private because some left, right or whomever said something so stupid that people mocked them for it. I'd say it's an admittance of defeat. Blocking is more of a negative thing for you to do than to just admit you can't handle arguing with them.

I'm not even involved in this shit but felt the need to say something about it. Why not push for getting their account banned or whatever at this point?

May 27, 2024
10:47 pm
jiggles the clown
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Because smack is a pussy, a liar and a coward.

He's admitted multiple times, bragged even, that he's banned and the only reason he can post is because the ban system is broken. He wants to act like a big bad bully and tough guy on the Internet but he's a coward. He runs away as soon as his feelings are hurt. He said he's blocked me too, BRAGS ABOUT RUNNING AWAY FROM ME. But then he still talks about me constantly and talks about things he'd only know if he's read my posts after supposedly blocking me.


He wants to be a bully and talk shit and mock people all day but then once it gets too much for him and he realizes nobody is buying his bullshit he blocks the person and then pretends that being a pussy ass bitch gives him the moral high ground somehow.


He's a little faggot that collects dolls and perfume and fantasizes about being in a three-way with trump and Putin. He doesn't think for himself, just let's American republicans do the thinking for him.


I hope smack is right and there is a god because he's going to burn in hell.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

May 28, 2024
2:54 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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May the forum find some semblance of peace now. After war comes peace. I'll still fight this war if needed. I'll be the moderator, the regulator, the fighter or whatever may be necessary against any threat or buffoonery that comes against this Juggalo community. That's the oath I took. This culture isn't getting took over by bad faith actors or trolls. I'll be right here, waiting and anticipating.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 28, 2024
9:44 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Solomon Grundy said
Isn't blocking people technically admitting defeat? From all those bs influencers on stuff like X and Instagram just blocking people or setting their accounts to private because some left, right or whomever said something so stupid that people mocked them for it. I'd say it's an admittance of defeat. Blocking is more of a negative thing for you to do than to just admit you can't handle arguing with them.

I'm not even involved in this shit but felt the need to say something about it. Why not push for getting their account banned or whatever at this point?  

I am not gonna block Pogo like I did princess twinkles mainly because I don't remember how and this forum is wonky as fuck lately.

but I have to ignore that dwarf from now on.

it's not an argument when the person you are arguing with has no logic.

I get accused of taking Ivermectin and I never did but their logic is since I chose not to take an experiential vaccine I took a horse dewormer and then I showed them the video of the very man who told them it was horse dewormer saying he was wrong and it's a miracle drug and he uses it himself regularly and the idiots response was my source is a youtube video.

I take a picture with 2K in cash 10K of high-end colognes with my wallet that says fuck Trudeau and Trump 2020 with a custom note that says POGO YOU ARE AN IDIOT signed by me and his response was he reversed image searched it and it's not my picture.

you can't argue with people like that

and don't forget 95%+ maybe as high as 98% of all of pogos posts have to do with me and nothing else but me so I am just gonna ignore that dwarf and sorry normal forum members that little peck is going to take it hard and probably be the final nail on this once epic forums casket.


May 29, 2024
7:09 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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But you will runaway from now on. You can't beat me in an argument your words. You can't beat me in a fight you're too much of a coward. But you can beat my meat. I'll even allow you to use your tongue on my balls. Cause that's all you are good for. Now get back in position and maybe you'll actually earn some real cash and not monopoly money if you do a good enough job. Maybe then with the money you earn from SUCKING MY DICK (I can use caps as well) you can actually afford some real colognes and not knockoffs from a local flea market. I promise if you do a good enough job you'll get a load thrown at your face.

Imagine using somebody else's pics on here amd trying to claim them as your own. That's pathetic. Be better than that.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

May 29, 2024
9:08 am
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Image Enlarger

May 29, 2024
11:10 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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It is. The fact smack keeps coming back for more is what's stupid. He's my punching bag on here so is the cheer squad when they show up. It's like I have a monopoly here just without the bright colored money from a stolen pic or knockoffs.

@Masterweedo I'm certain you can get a mod or somebody to do something about it. I'm being sarcastic they won't do a thing.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

June 17, 2024
11:46 pm
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