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New Twiztid EP "Get Twiztid"
March 16, 2014
6:14 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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i took logic and statistics.  

i remember it being a fuck of a lot harder than sifting through fallacyfinder dot com, and picking the one that looks closest.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 16, 2014
6:21 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LuckyNumbrXIII said

Lucem Ferre said
Reminds me of the poisoning the well fallacy. Where they make an insulting generalization to automatically dismiss counter points.

Not really.


Get Twiztid -  

1. T

2. W

3. I

4. Z

5. T

6. I

7. D


5-track EP is what normal people get.

6-tracks for the VIPs.


So I guess technically, it's "Get Twizt," and VIPs "Get Twizti," but I gave them the benefit of the doubt and figured there'd be a skit/hidden track/intro.


It's really cute though how everyone on the internet looks up these "fallacies," in every message board.  Just because my arguments contain "ad hominum" or "straw man" or now apparently "poisoning the well," doesn't mean I'm wrong.  

It's cute how dumbasses think my post is about them when it had nothing to do with their post I was just pointing out how the Scottsman Fallacy reminds me of the Poisoning The Well Fallacy.... in fact I don't think any of the fallacies posted had anything to do with you, hmmm.

Plus, that is just ad hominem being thrown back at us. Over something that had nothing to do with you.


@scruffy back in the day it also used to be a fuck lot harder for people to get warm water, but we have evolved!

March 16, 2014
6:24 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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But then again I'm sure that if somebody relied on logical fallacies in that class they'd fail because of the Bad Fallacy Fallacy. Like, just cause they have more logical fallacies does not mean that your argument is more logically sound.

March 16, 2014
6:28 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
Yeah, it's like everyone's such an expert on every subject online.  Gimme a break.  We're talking about Twiztid and ICP here.  Not scientific theory.


Fact of the matter is this:

1. Twiztid's fan base are largely middle class white kids that either A. live a shitty life and waste their money on stupid shit. or B. live the best life they can paycheck to paycheck.

2. Twiztid's #1 commodity is music.

3. They made a free EP (yay), a $9 EP with min $6 shipping (yay?), and have exclusive tracks all over the damn place on cassettes, Vinyls (grrr).  And now this shit where you need to buy VIP passes for $100 to get a single exclusive track.


To me that's utter bullshit.  I really have NO IDEA how anyone could argue that.  "Full experience" yeah, sure whatever.  Give em an exclusive Tshirt, alternate artwork, something like that.  You don't hold your #1 commodity hostage for $100.  That makes you look like either an asshole, or desperate.  

Hey, look, it's you pretending to be an expert just like the rest of us. Plus, nobody is arguing shit with you, that I can see. God, read posts, nigga, read posts. Learn shit before you speak! You be bitching over nothing!

March 16, 2014
6:32 pm
Forum Posts: 4364
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July 15, 2012
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You are all a bunch of bitches

March 16, 2014
6:34 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LuckyNumbrXIII said

Lucem Ferre said

LuckyNumbrXIII said

Lucem Ferre said
Reminds me of the poisoning the well fallacy. Where they make an insulting generalization to automatically dismiss counter points.

Not really.


Get Twiztid -  

1. T

2. W

3. I

4. Z

5. T

6. I

7. D


5-track EP is what normal people get.

6-tracks for the VIPs.


So I guess technically, it's "Get Twizt," and VIPs "Get Twizti," but I gave them the benefit of the doubt and figured there'd be a skit/hidden track/intro.


It's really cute though how everyone on the internet looks up these "fallacies," in every message board.  Just because my arguments contain "ad hominum" or "straw man" or now apparently "poisoning the well," doesn't mean I'm wrong.  

It's cute how dumbasses think my post is about them when it had nothing to do with their post I was just pointing out how the Scottsman Fallacy reminds me of the Poisoning The Well Fallacy.... in fact I don't think any of the fallacies posted had anything to do with you, hmmm.

Plus, that is just ad hominem being thrown back at us. Over something that had nothing to do with you.


@scruffy back in the day it also used to be a fuck lot harder for people to get warm water, but we have evolved!

I missed the part where you made a clear point and addressed the person you were talking to.  So, as the only person who posted in the past several hours edit: days,  I figured it was towards me.


So head back to and suck on that phallus.

Well, if you read shit, I mean you should know how to read shit you're on a forum, apply some reading comprehension, and wow, you'd know my post had nothing to do with you.


Or, instead of being a whiny little prick about it you could be like, "oh, shit, my bad, I thought it was a response to my post"


And then we would have been like, "ha ha ha ha ha".


Damn, attacking me over your own stupidity. Like, "wahhh, wahhh, he used the internet to learn shit, how dare you utilize this tool for knowledge instead of using it for porn like me" Bitch, I love internet porn too, shut up.

March 16, 2014
6:38 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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You hurt my feelings. :(

March 16, 2014
6:44 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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Well Twiztid's new EP is very phallic. You get fucked out of $100 just to be a collector and get that one song. It's a dick move, a dick move.

March 16, 2014
6:46 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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We needed to know more about logical phallics. And how to properly apply your phallic in a logical manner to prevent being logically phalliced and to do more logical phallicing to those that want to slap their phallic all over your logic.

March 16, 2014
6:50 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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That is because you don't have a brain to prevent my phallic from reaching the other side?


Plus, you're the dirty little whore that told me to stick it in your ear.

March 16, 2014
6:57 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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Lucem Ferre said
@scruffy back in the day it also used to be a fuck lot harder for people to get warm water, but we have evolved!

no, we havent.  firstly, evolution implies that we now produce warm water biologically.  

secondly, your warm water is provided to you, you didnt get it.  it would take a large investment of time and energy, for you to provide your own warm water.  

assuming you are capable of doing such.  not everyone is;  in fact, most arent.  


also, your writing and composition skills are adequate, to be sure, but not necessarily a guarantor of comprehensibility.  i wasnt sure what you were referring to, either.  


this has been your favorite english teacher, now its time for recess.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 16, 2014
7:05 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
Nah, it penetrated the part of the brain that inhibits paranoia.  That's why I think every insult towards me.

Ha ha, you made a funny!


March 16, 2014
7:20 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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scruffy said

Lucem Ferre said
@scruffy back in the day it also used to be a fuck lot harder for people to get warm water, but we have evolved!

no, we havent.  firstly, evolution implies that we now produce warm water biologically.  

secondly, your warm water is provided to you, you didnt get it.  it would take a large investment of time and energy, for you to provide your own warm water.  

assuming you are capable of doing such.  not everyone is;  in fact, most arent.  


also, your writing and composition skills are adequate, to be sure, but not necessarily a guarantor of comprehensibility.  i wasnt sure what you were referring to, either.  


this has been your favorite english teacher, now its time for recess.  


Actually, no it doesn't. Because I obviously was not talking about biological evolution. It is progress as a society. Instead of having each person work so hard to provide themselves with warm water we pay money to a lot less people who's main task is to provide most of us with warm water. Logical Fallacies on the web make things easier for those to debunk opposing positions and it also helps the common person's understanding of logic, that's progress. But like I said earlier, logical fallacies do not actually make somebodies view more valid and using it as a crutch doesn't really progress anything. Plus, I'm sure most people only use them to debunk other people's views instead of learning from them because most people see an argument as a competition rather than a way to get a better understanding and/or give a better understanding.

March 16, 2014
7:27 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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hence, 'implication'.  


regarding the online crib sheet...  it also helps if, as i say, you understand how to arrive at these conclusions, correctly, as opposed to just using a proof that someone else came up with, just cuz it looks similar.  it isnt.  


its like trying to ennoble your oratory efficacy using a thesaurus.  <- you just end up stickin in words where they dont belong.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 16, 2014
7:34 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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scruffy said
hence, 'implication'.  


regarding the online crib sheet...  it also helps if, as i say, you understand how to arrive at these conclusions, correctly, as opposed to just using a proof that someone else came up with, just cuz it looks similar.  it isnt.  


its like trying to ennoble your oratory efficacy using a thesaurus.  <- you just end up stickin in words where they dont belong.  


You mean like when Warlock claimed to be a rapper with a large vocabulary and he put up like 4 bars of generic 6th grade vocabulary words in a incoherent string of nonsense?


March 16, 2014
7:38 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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something like that.  


but let us leave that sort of thing for threads like this one, and have this one return to twiztid, eh?  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 16, 2014
7:40 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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You know, there are plenty of threads made just for the prevention of derailing and none of them work.

March 16, 2014
7:42 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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Lucem Ferre said
You know, there are plenty of threads made just for the prevention of derailing and none of them work.

not while youre around, we know.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 16, 2014
7:46 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Don't act like I'm the only one who does it. In fact your participation makes you just as guilty as me.


Go back and read how many "off topic" posts there are on here. Some from you, some from, well, basically everybody.


March 16, 2014
7:53 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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Lucem Ferre said
Don't act like I'm the only one who does it. In fact your participation makes you just as guilty as me.
Go back and read how many "off topic" posts there are on here. Some from you, some from, well, basically everybody.

the difference is, you, 'randy', tkx2 sometimes, et al...  youre doing the shit deliberately to fuck things up.  and doing it too often to front like it isnt deliberate.  and, i did not even need to point that out to you, because you arent that dumb.  

and, frankly, i doubt you think im so dumb, that i would fall for that.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

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