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Twiztid Facebook comment "FactCheck"
February 11, 2017
5:41 pm
Forum Posts: 121
Member Since:
March 12, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I'm pretty sure by now you all have seen this..

Image Enlarger

And seconds after this was posted. It blew up like a motherfucker and went viral.... So viral even people who don't even listen to the Wicked Shit mention it on facebook and twitter. It also further spread the flames of the crapfest era we're now all a part of called the "Juggalo Civil War". But I felt there's something missing here... Something big.... Oh yeah. The #1 thing EVERYBODY with a brain must do when they actually see something like this that goes viral on the internet. And that's a simple "Fact Check".


Now keep this in mind. I'm not on Psychopathic's side. I'm not on Majik Ninja's side. I'm 100% neutral party. I honestly feel that this whole situation started from bullshit that could've been handled alot differently that has also lead to situations and things here and there that made things totally worse. And before any of you [even you Mr. Methric] decide to go ahead and say I don't know what I'm talking about. I will explain myself here. I have an associates degree in life sciences [Haven't decided if I'm gonna go ahead and further the education of that and just get my Ph.D in it or not. Dunno if I wanna be referred to as the Wicked Shit Professor or not lol. I think we're best fitted with just 1 Punk Rock Professor instead, Shoutout to Greg Graffin who inspired me to further my education 7 years ago] and I've been apart of enough forums in the wicked underground to know that in this genre. Alot of the decisions made is like a double edge sword. One could be dull and things will be fine. Where the other could be sharper than a diamond's edge and be carrying an explosive device that could shatter everything. Anyways let's continue.

Now there was a couple of things Monoxide said in this reply that had me thinking really hard about some shit. So I went ahead and did my own research. I spent the last 3 nights pulling allnighters, chasing no-doz with pots of coffee, browsed and visited every law enforcement website in existence, and checked out every known declassified document on the whole situation revolving the world "gangs" from my local records office as well as countless books checked out at the library. So without further delay. Here we go.

Bro if juggalos were on a list OF ANY KIND that labeled us as gang members we would ride but we're not on ANY LIST OF ANY KIND so what the fuck? You guys have to do your research fam.

And guess what, Bro [seriously, your in your 40's. Don't try to sound like a fucking douchebag millennial mono. Stop saying "bro" chico]. I did do my research. There is still a database and a list of active and known gang's, domestic terrorist cells, and dangerous origination by the Department of Homeland Security. And Juggalos are still actively on that list alongside MS-13, The Hells Angels, The Triad, and I.S.I.S. so yeah... Do the research? I gladly did sir.

There is no list. Therefore, if you're marching because you think you're on a list but there is no list,
no segregated bathrooms, no juggalos getting murdered everyday, what are we marching for? Plain and simple fam. So called Juggalos all of a sudden giving a fuck about what mainstream America thinks is not a reason to march.

Read what I just said above. Yes there is a list. And it's quite obvious Mr. Methric hasn't been following the latest news and politics lately. There is segregation going on again this time with Transgender's, Muslims, Mexicans, and anybody who's come to this country from Iran, Syria, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries. Yeah. And all of a sudden giving a fuck about what "Mainstream" America thinks? It's a Consitutional issue. Because drugs were introduced to the juggalo world in the late 1990's in a harsh way and all of a sudden during the 2000's some juggalos thought it was cool to brandish guns, wear gang colors, and act like a "gangsta" starting shit with real gang members within Latin Counts, Mexican Mafia, MS 13, Compton Bloods, and who knows how many more gangs or clubs are pissed at us because of a lack of intelligence with the new blood of the juggalo family. I've noticed a steep decrease in the use of the brain over the last decade and a half. I've been down since '94. I can exchange notes here.

Go and turn up in Washington to protest what? This mass wronging of us? What about instead of a "march" , starting a non profit organization for juggalos to help with homelessness, mental illness, drug abuse or one of the many other MAJOR factors affecting us as juggalos? National holiday? Street sign ? Tax exemption for juggalos? These are the things we're trying to do.

Okay for this part Pauly I don't what your trying to say here. Are you trying to do your best impression of Mr. 45 or are you just flat our trolling here? There's already non-profit juggalo ran organizations and programs that help the homeless, drug addicts, and other community service. My crew the Juggalo P.U.N.X. are a prime example of this: Since 2010 we've helped 5 metropolitan cities reduce their heroin and homeless numbers by a fraction of what they were back in 1996. We've also helped fix up 20 city playgrounds even helping remove wood chips that contained cynide in them. As far as the Drug Abuse affecting the juggalo world. Well sir we all can't gather every juggalo or juggalette that shoots smack up the arm or smokes meth or bathsalts and tell them to get clean or get the fuck out. Not how it fucking works pal! That's up to the individual themselves. I do agree with you that yes. We do have a big drug problem. But what your failing to mention is that it's partly your fault. You can preach about getting rid of the drugs and underage drinking and blah blah blah. But afterwards you drop a song about getting high. It's just gonna make ya look like a fucking hypocrite man. Last I checked. We're find with an unofficial national holiday every February. A good majority of Juggalos don't work so you can take tax exemption out of the fucking window. And street signs? Leave that for somebody who's more worthy. I'm looking forward to someday going to NYC in the future, getting drunk, and than go piss and puke on the street that will soon be known as Donald Trump Ave but that's another story for another time. Let's continue.

A genuine benefit to the uprising of the juggalo world in its entirety of any sort by marching?

A genuine benefit is that you get to exercise your own constitutional rights. You see if the Republican controlled congress and senate gets their way this week [as they already have with the Trump Administration cabinet. You think there's no segregation yet Pauly? Just wait til ya see what our new Attorney General does. How about Education. Just wait til ya see what Betsy DeVos does... Oh yes.... Welcome to Hell.] there's going to be laws in DC, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, and countless other places that will be pretty much prohibiting Peaceful protesting. Hell in North Dakota's law that might pass. A driver who doesn't agree with the protest will have the right to drive through the protest even if he runs over and kills somebody and will not be punished for it. So the benefit your asking? Again. Expressing your freedom of speech. And in this day in age in a country ruled by Mr. 45. Your gonna need that Freedom of Expression and Speech now more than ever.

Sorry bro there is none for juggalos. For 20 years we have said fuck the world fam and we don't plan on changing that for anyone and you shouldn't have to either. Do your research and stand by what you know is right! -Mono

Again. Your in your 40's man. Stop sounding like a fucking hipster with the "bro" crap man. UGH.

Your right. For 20 years you have been saying fuck the world. There's not that many over 20 year's down ninjas left in this fam [besides myself. Scottie D, Vinnie the ICP Kid, Hazhly Haze, my homie WraithKlown, my long lost homegirl Shine, and my idiotic ex gf are probably all that's left of the juggalos down before The Great Milenko] and I can tell ya this. Yeah when we were young yes we were against all authority. Just like our distant relatives in the Punk Rock Community during it's early days. Nobody's telling you to change. Tho those dickriders you gained after your 5 minute video might say different. No we don't want ya to change. Personally I think this whole situation is a big misunderstanding that could've easily be avoided by just checkin' ya fucking ego's at the door and talking it out like human fucking beings.


Nobody has to agree with what I said. I'm just stating the fact's here. Everybody needs to be fact-checked and I felt Mr. Methric needed to be Fact-Checked on a couple of things. And I just felt like voicing my own views as well as explain to him the importance of freedom in this country if we're to all survive the next 4 years. I mean no disrespect or any harm tho I'm pretty fucking sure those who read this are not even gonna read the whole thing and will go straight to talking shit like they normally do [again. An example of the lack of intelligence within the fam over the last decade and a half. Need an example: Look at the fucking idiots wanting to give Blazhey Roze the "South Philadelphia" salute because they don't like her. It's sad and pathetic. I think she needs to learn how to be a better rapper too but I don't want her to fucking get hurt. Jesus.] so we'll leave it at that.


In closing. If you do read this Twiztid. I ment no harm or disrespect and I apologize if this factcheck offends you..


Thanks for reading. MMFCL


February 11, 2017
6:15 pm
Forum Posts: 3424
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April 15, 2013
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Written by a judgemental asshat, from what I gather. Long, boring and dumb. 

Whoop Whoop Guest :

February 11, 2017
7:34 pm
Forum Posts: 585
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August 3, 2016
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I wrote a short form version of your same points that I posted in another thread. They're identical in the points they make, but I saved my personal opinions for the closing sentence.

Be careful about that when you're trying to run a fact check in editorial form. Make sure that you're strictly sticking to checking the facts. Interjecting your own opinions and personal outlook obfuscates the purpose of the post and takes the focus away from the actual topic.

Whoop Whoop TheFvckinKreeper :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, CellE2057, pondo
February 11, 2017
8:05 pm
Forum Posts: 392
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January 11, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Guest said
Written by a judgemental asshat, from what I gather. Long, boring and dumb.   

No shit right! Couldn't be anymore smug huh?

February 11, 2017
8:14 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Is killa mo, childsplay ninja? If so watch out, he will charge you to debate him

February 11, 2017
8:33 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Killa-Mo187 said
I'm pretty sure by now you all have seen this..

Image Enlarger

And seconds after this was posted. It blew up like a motherfucker and went viral.... So viral even people who don't even listen to the Wicked Shit mention it on facebook and twitter. It also further spread the flames of the crapfest era we're now all a part of called the "Juggalo Civil War". But I felt there's something missing here... Something big.... Oh yeah. The #1 thing EVERYBODY with a brain must do when they actually see something like this that goes viral on the internet. And that's a simple "Fact Check".


Now keep this in mind. I'm not on Psychopathic's side. I'm not on Majik Ninja's side. I'm 100% neutral party. I honestly feel that this whole situation started from bullshit that could've been handled alot differently that has also lead to situations and things here and there that made things totally worse. And before any of you [even you Mr. Methric] decide to go ahead and say I don't know what I'm talking about. I will explain myself here. I have an associates degree in life sciences [Haven't decided if I'm gonna go ahead and further the education of that and just get my Ph.D in it or not. Dunno if I wanna be referred to as the Wicked Shit Professor or not lol. I think we're best fitted with just 1 Punk Rock Professor instead, Shoutout to Greg Graffin who inspired me to further my education 7 years ago] and I've been apart of enough forums in the wicked underground to know that in this genre. Alot of the decisions made is like a double edge sword. One could be dull and things will be fine. Where the other could be sharper than a diamond's edge and be carrying an explosive device that could shatter everything. Anyways let's continue.

Now there was a couple of things Monoxide said in this reply that had me thinking really hard about some shit. So I went ahead and did my own research. I spent the last 3 nights pulling allnighters, chasing no-doz with pots of coffee, browsed and visited every law enforcement website in existence, and checked out every known declassified document on the whole situation revolving the world "gangs" from my local records office as well as countless books checked out at the library. So without further delay. Here we go.

Bro if juggalos were on a list OF ANY KIND that labeled us as gang members we would ride but we're not on ANY LIST OF ANY KIND so what the fuck? You guys have to do your research fam.

And guess what, Bro [seriously, your in your 40's. Don't try to sound like a fucking douchebag millennial mono. Stop saying "bro" chico]. I did do my research. There is still a database and a list of active and known gang's, domestic terrorist cells, and dangerous origination by the Department of Homeland Security. And Juggalos are still actively on that list alongside MS-13, The Hells Angels, The Triad, and I.S.I.S. so yeah... Do the research? I gladly did sir.

Cite your sources. According to most research the only national list they are on is the old list from 2011. They are on plenty of state lists. And I know certain states are careful enough to note that not every juggalo is a gang member, but that there are juggalo gangs. Which is true. There ARE juggalo gangs.

There is no list. Therefore, if you're marching because you think you're on a list but there is no list,
no segregated bathrooms, no juggalos getting murdered everyday, what are we marching for? Plain and simple fam. So called Juggalos all of a sudden giving a fuck about what mainstream America thinks is not a reason to march.

Read what I just said above. Yes there is a list. And it's quite obvious Mr. Methric hasn't been following the latest news and politics lately. There is segregation going on again this time with Transgender's, Muslims, Mexicans, and anybody who's come to this country from Iran, Syria, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries. Yeah. And all of a sudden giving a fuck about what "Mainstream" America thinks? It's a Consitutional issue. Because drugs were introduced to the juggalo world in the late 1990's in a harsh way and all of a sudden during the 2000's some juggalos thought it was cool to brandish guns, wear gang colors, and act like a "gangsta" starting shit with real gang members within Latin Counts, Mexican Mafia, MS 13, Compton Bloods, and who knows how many more gangs or clubs are pissed at us because of a lack of intelligence with the new blood of the juggalo family. I've noticed a steep decrease in the use of the brain over the last decade and a half. I've been down since '94. I can exchange notes here.

There are state lists. Which the FBI has nothing to do with. I'm sure the time frames you inserted are completely assumptions so those aren't facts. But yeah, juggalos treat it like a gang and got us put on the gang list. The thing is, it isn't younger juggalos. In my experience it's been older juggalos that actually call it a gang. Younger juggalos that call it a family but still do gang like shit. It's a problem of a culture with an identity crisis. Juggalos don't know what to call themselves and law enforcement sees that along with the gang activity.

Go and turn up in Washington to protest what? This mass wronging of us? What about instead of a "march" , starting a non profit organization for juggalos to help with homelessness, mental illness, drug abuse or one of the many other MAJOR factors affecting us as juggalos? National holiday? Street sign ? Tax exemption for juggalos? These are the things we're trying to do.

Okay for this part Pauly I don't what your trying to say here. Are you trying to do your best impression of Mr. 45 or are you just flat our trolling here? There's already non-profit juggalo ran organizations and programs that help the homeless, drug addicts, and other community service. My crew the Juggalo P.U.N.X. are a prime example of this: Since 2010 we've helped 5 metropolitan cities reduce their heroin and homeless numbers by a fraction of what they were back in 1996. We've also helped fix up 20 city playgrounds even helping remove wood chips that contained cynide in them. As far as the Drug Abuse affecting the juggalo world. Well sir we all can't gather every juggalo or juggalette that shoots smack up the arm or smokes meth or bathsalts and tell them to get clean or get the fuck out. Not how it fucking works pal! That's up to the individual themselves. I do agree with you that yes. We do have a big drug problem. But what your failing to mention is that it's partly your fault. You can preach about getting rid of the drugs and underage drinking and blah blah blah. But afterwards you drop a song about getting high. It's just gonna make ya look like a fucking hypocrite man. Last I checked. We're find with an unofficial national holiday every February. A good majority of Juggalos don't work so you can take tax exemption out of the fucking window. And street signs? Leave that for somebody who's more worthy. I'm looking forward to someday going to NYC in the future, getting drunk, and than go piss and puke on the street that will soon be known as Donald Trump Ave but that's another story for another time. Let's continue.

What you both fail to realize is that gangs actually do charity work too. That won't change a damn thing. And Twiztid has rapped about smoking weed and drinking. Only drugs they rap about. They don't rap about shooting up heroin or smoking meth or dropping acid or anything else. So they wouldn't be hypocrites. How much research did you do to prove that juggalos don't have jobs? I think most juggalos I know all have jobs. Most juggalos on here are either employed or going to school.

A genuine benefit to the uprising of the juggalo world in its entirety of any sort by marching?

A genuine benefit is that you get to exercise your own constitutional rights. You see if the Republican controlled congress and senate gets their way this week [as they already have with the Trump Administration cabinet. You think there's no segregation yet Pauly? Just wait til ya see what our new Attorney General does. How about Education. Just wait til ya see what Betsy DeVos does... Oh yes.... Welcome to Hell.] there's going to be laws in DC, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, and countless other places that will be pretty much prohibiting Peaceful protesting. Hell in North Dakota's law that might pass. A driver who doesn't agree with the protest will have the right to drive through the protest even if he runs over and kills somebody and will not be punished for it. So the benefit your asking? Again. Expressing your freedom of speech. And in this day in age in a country ruled by Mr. 45. Your gonna need that Freedom of Expression and Speech now more than ever.

That doesn't answer his question. Expressing freedom of speech because it could be gone has absolutely nothing to do with the juggalo world. So why not just say it. It will do nothing for the juggalo world. It's really just that self indulgent middle finger to the FBI which validates Monoxide's point. It's unimportant and all it does is gain ICP publicity.

Sorry bro there is none for juggalos. For 20 years we have said fuck the world fam and we don't plan on changing that for anyone and you shouldn't have to either. Do your research and stand by what you know is right! -Mono

Again. Your in your 40's man. Stop sounding like a fucking hipster with the "bro" crap man. UGH.

So you preach the importance of freedom of speech and then try to tell him what to say?

Your right. For 20 years you have been saying fuck the world. There's not that many over 20 year's down ninjas left in this fam [besides myself. Scottie D, Vinnie the ICP Kid, Hazhly Haze, my homie WraithKlown, my long lost homegirl Shine, and my idiotic ex gf are probably all that's left of the juggalos down before The Great Milenko] and I can tell ya this. Yeah when we were young yes we were against all authority. Just like our distant relatives in the Punk Rock Community during it's early days. Nobody's telling you to change. Tho those dickriders you gained after your 5 minute video might say different. No we don't want ya to change. Personally I think this whole situation is a big misunderstanding that could've easily be avoided by just checkin' ya fucking ego's at the door and talking it out like human fucking beings.

Twiztid dick riders were Twiztid dick riders before the video. The video didn't do anything at all. I also don't see any coherent point to this paragraph. Like, you wrote it out as if you have some kind of important rebuttal but really you didn't.

Nobody has to agree with what I said. I'm just stating the fact's here. Everybody needs to be fact-checked and I felt Mr. Methric needed to be Fact-Checked on a couple of things. And I just felt like voicing my own views as well as explain to him the importance of freedom in this country if we're to all survive the next 4 years. I mean no disrespect or any harm tho I'm pretty fucking sure those who read this are not even gonna read the whole thing and will go straight to talking shit like they normally do [again. An example of the lack of intelligence within the fam over the last decade and a half. Need an example: Look at the fucking idiots wanting to give Blazhey Roze the "South Philadelphia" salute because they don't like her. It's sad and pathetic. I think she needs to learn how to be a better rapper too but I don't want her to fucking get hurt. Jesus.] so we'll leave it at that.

So you wrote a fucking book with one actual relevant thing you claim to be a fact, yet the only thing we have to go off is "the research bro". You could have just said "uh, we are on a list" then posted a link. Boom. Done. The rest was just rambling dribble of assumptions, perceptions and opinions.

In closing. If you do read this Twiztid. I ment no harm or disrespect and I apologize if this factcheck offends you..

I'm not sorry if I offended you. It wasn't my intention, but it happens, and if it does I really don't care.

Thanks for reading. MMFCL


You wasted my time. I wasted my time. I hope I waste your time too.

February 11, 2017
8:38 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Is killa mo, childsplay ninja? If so watch out, he will charge you to debate him  

Really? I joked about that on a youtube comment and was not serious at all. What a fucking hypocritical fuck tard. I use to like CPN before he became a whiny sheep ass self contradicting hypocrite.

February 11, 2017
8:40 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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I keep accidentally saying "us" I'm sure somebody will get pissed off about that.

February 11, 2017
8:56 pm
Forum Posts: 1853
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October 30, 2013
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King Lucem Ferre said

You wasted my time. I wasted my time. I hope I waste your time too.  

Um... excuse me... our little Prince of the Pivot...

Didn't you have a homework assignment you were supposed to complete before you were gonna be allowed back in class to continue having this discussion with the rest of us...?

I believe you were tasked with supplying certain links to certain "facts" (ie non-disclosure agreements); Where if you did NOT, you would be:

1) a LIAR and be required to STFU


2) ADMIT you ARE and HAVE BEEN just talking out your ass... and then we can all move on...



you need to shut your drool spigot.

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

February 11, 2017
9:01 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said

Really? I joked about that on a youtube comment and was not serious at all. What a fucking hypocritical fuck tard. I use to like CPN before he became a whiny sheep ass self contradicting hypocrite.  

Idk he made a vid within the last week or so, talkin about someone that wants to debate him. I could of swore i heard sumtin like that bout paid debates.

Fyi the dude who wants to debate him only wants to do it to try and talk trash about CPN, not debate him. And i find it funny that CPN doesnt see that.

February 11, 2017
9:03 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Cheshyr said

Um... excuse me... our little Prince of the Pivot...

Didn't you have a homework assignment you were supposed to complete before you were gonna be allowed back in class to continue having this discussion with the rest of us...?

I believe you were tasked with supplying certain links to certain "facts" (ie non-disclosure agreements); Where if you did NOT, you would be:

1) a LIAR and be required to STFU


2) ADMIT you ARE and HAVE BEEN just talking out your ass... and then we can all move on...



you need to shut your drool spigot.  

I never claimed they had non disclosure agreements, you ignorantly illiterate twat. So when you can do the homework of not only finding, but linking a post where I explicitly claimed that Twiztid signed NDA's with Psychopathic Records or ICP or etc. then we can continue.

When you come up empty I want my apology to come with a heart shaped box of assorted chocolates, Mr. Kitty Cat.

February 11, 2017
9:05 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said ...        

Twizzler dick riders were dick riders before sum video.


Ya but now they arent ashamed to admit it

February 11, 2017
9:07 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Idk he made a vid within the last week or so, talkin about someone that wants to debate him. I could of swore i heard sumtin like that bout paid debates.

Fyi the dude who wants to debate him only wants to do it to try and talk trash about CPN, not debate him. And i find it funny that CPN doesnt see that.  

He probably does see it, that's why he has that three strike rule.

Always have some kind of love for CPN because of that epic debate video he did with Boy Blue where he was about to prove that Boy Blue pays for bots before he rage quit.

Whoop Whoop King Lucem Ferre :

February 11, 2017
9:08 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said

When you come up empty I want my apology to come with a heart shaped box of assorted chocolates, Mr. Kitty Cat.  

Ahhh how cute, let the heavy petting commence

February 11, 2017
9:08 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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King Lucem Ferre said ...        

Twizzler dick riders were dick riders before sum video.


Ya but now they arent ashamed to admit it  

Twiztid dick riders are one thing, but they aren't nearly as delusional as the ICP dick riders.

February 11, 2017
9:12 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said

He probably does see it, that's why he has that three strike rule.

Always have some kind of love for CPN because of that epic debate video he did with Boy Blue where he was about to prove that Boy Blue pays for bots before he rage quit.  

Naw man if u watch that vid he def lets his anger block him from rational thoughts, it pretty funny

February 11, 2017
9:18 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said

Twiztid dick riders are one thing, but they aren't nearly as delusional as the ICP dick riders.  

Only delusional to someone who lives in a different reality

February 11, 2017
9:36 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Only delusional to someone who lives in a different reality  

Nah, they are delusional. I have proven it before. Time and time again.


Naw man if u watch that vid he def lets his anger block him from rational thoughts, it pretty funny  

Fuck it man, I guess we're still beefin'. It's funny because of all the shit he had him admit and that's the thing that got to him. Probably why he was saving it for last. It was his grand finale and he knew it was going to push him over the edge.

February 11, 2017
9:46 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Again, one has to wonder, why no Faygoluvers news story?

Too much truthiness about the March of the Sheepalos that FLH is helping promote?



February 11, 2017
9:48 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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King Lucem Ferre said

Nah, they are delusional. I have proven it before. Time and time again.

Man im not gonna debate you on individual perspectives and opinions from ones own reality they live in. Saying someone is delusional is delusional themself

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