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Terrorism in the Capitol
January 8, 2021
1:00 am
Forum Posts: 865
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July 27, 2012
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If you don’t see this as an act of terrorism, you’re blind. If you need someone to tell you what they mean by terrorism in this context, you’re brain dead. If you want to lay blame for this event anywhere other than with the MAGA crowd, you’re a fucking coward. If you can forgive these actions, you’re a traitor to your country 

I really haven’t missed some of you 

I hope I’ve been clear enough

Whoop Whoop Neverthrive :

Old Mr Dangerous, pondo, Noah Fence


January 8, 2021
3:30 am
Noah Fence
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vinyllover said

King Lucem Ferre said
I mean, it’s kind of a vague term that isn’t done justice by the definitions you get from a dictionary so I take mine from the scholar that studies fascism, fascist regimes and the ideals that separates them from any other dictatorships.


Robert Paxton, a professor emeritus of social science at Columbia University in New York who is widely considered the father of fascism studies, defined fascism as “a form of political practice distinctive to the 20th century that arouses popular enthusiasm by sophisticated propaganda techniques for an anti-liberal, anti-socialist, violently exclusionary, expansionist nationalist agenda.”

Yeah, that fits the bill.

Conservatives fall under this definition. Conservatives are not fascists. You woke liberals and college idiots need to stop with the false equivalence fallacies. Then again, you’re the same dipshit who think that beheading and citoraldectomy are worthy risks and sacrifices for a multi cultural Europe in the 21st century. 

6 Extreme support of a “natural” leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.

Donald Trump, of course. They have literally called him our savior.

Trump is NOT A FUCKING LITERAL DICTATOR like Hitler or Stalin. The reason this “academic” uses “savior” is because he knows he can’t use the word “dictator.” So he likens things that aren’t otherwise actually alike. This is why arguments from analogy usually fail!  

Literal fucking dictators like Hitler or Stalin (dictator but not a fascist) don’t start out as absolute dictators. Trump has tried repeatedly to seize powers beyond what is intended for a president and literally just attempted a coup.

He failed, because he’s a grade a moron. If he was even a little smarter, he could have gone the way hitler or other dictators did. A large portion of this country openly wishes he would.

The reason academics use savior and not dictator is because it describes the way they become dictators.

Also, you should think it’s bad if your political identity is successful because of “sophisticated propaganda techniques” that are “violently exclusionary and expansionist nationalism” in nature. Remember, YOU just said that first paragraph applies to conservatism, not anybody else. You should have a problem with those phrases. Those are academic words for oppression. 

But since you think you know more than the academics who have studied(and taught) on the issue for decades, how would you define fascism?

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

January 8, 2021
3:39 am
Noah Fence
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vinyllover said
I’m still unclear as to what this woman did to deserve being shot.

She broke the law, and according to the right wing, if a cop murders someone they deserved it.


I don’t think the police should be allowed to kill (with only a few exceptions like self defense). Will you say the same?

She didn’t deserve to die. She chose to put her life at risk because she believed the lies that president trump and other republicans have spread. It doesn’t matter who shot her (it was probably the police), the blood is on the hands of the people spreading the Q propaganda.

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

January 8, 2021
4:06 am
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Washington, D.C. is named after a General who won a war, so these cux with their panties in a bunch need to remember that war’s war. And I’m typing this minutes after my daughter & I sat behind a kitchen island to avoid possible bullet spray from a hot arrest outside our home. The White House was burned down in 1814, but it’s still there. And so is the truth. Anyone embracing observable fraud and treason will have to square with that, probably sooner than they think. I’ll be enjoying the show on here (lately it’s like someone turned over a rock in a cave).


YouTube Video Tech N9ne – URALYA – Official Music Video

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January 8, 2021
4:57 am
영덕, South Korea

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Whoop Whoop Pigg :

King Lucem Ferre, Neverthrive
January 8, 2021
5:38 am
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Neverthrive said
If you don’t see this as an act of terrorism, you’re blind. If you need someone to tell you what they mean by terrorism in this context, you’re brain dead.

So you can’t define terrorism in the legal context for American law either and show how it applies to anything anyone did. Okay. Not surprised. Don’t get on a soapbox. Get a dictionary, a law book and get to work.

January 8, 2021
5:42 am
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Noah Fence said

Trump has tried repeatedly to seize powers beyond what is intended for a president.

How did he try to circumvent the constitution? Quote an article from the constitution please.

and literally just attempted a coup

How? How does telling protesters to come down to D.C. and exercise their first amendment rights qualify as an illegal, unconstitutional coup?

Also, you should think it’s bad if your political identity is successful because of “sophisticated propaganda techniques” that are “violently exclusionary and expansionist nationalism” in nature.

What’s wrong with nationalism? IT WAS NATIONALISTS OF MY GRANDFATHER’S MORE CONSERVATIVE GENERATION that were willing to fight and die to stop Hitler who was an INTERNATIONALIST and wanted to dominate the world. Nationalists got together and agreed they needed to maintain a BALANCE OF POWER in the world to stop tyrants like Hitler.

But since you think you know more than the academics who have studied(and taught) on the issue for decades, how would you define fascism?

I just let Hitler and Mussolini explain it. I don’t have to make shit up like some posters on here when Hitler and Mussolini themselves have already put pen to paper and explained their doctrine. Mussolini’s essay Doctrine of Fascism is a really good start. Hitler explained himself in Mein Kampf.

January 8, 2021
5:49 am
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Noah Fence said

vinyllover said
I’m still unclear as to what this woman did to deserve being shot.

She broke the law, and according to the right wing, if a cop murders someone they deserved it.


I’m not a racist conservative so you can put this sardonic wit of yours aside. I’m trying to be serious. You clearly can’t show me what law she broke.

I don’t think the police should be allowed to kill (with only a few exceptions like self defense). Will you say the same?


Obviously police need to use violence as a last resort. Of course I will say the same. Jesus, I was the one in a comment section here

DEFENDING George Floyd and claiming that the knee on the neck is what either killed him or accelerated his death despite his body being high on drugs. I’m still convinced that the first autopsy report they did on him is genuine, and the second one claiming drugs killed him was rigged.

She chose to put her life at risk because she believed the lies that president trump and other republicans have spread.

How was she putting her life at risk UNLESS SOMEONE ON THE LEFT, OR A CROOKED COP SHOT HER BECAUSE SHE WAS MAGA? And what lies has Trump spread that caused her to die? How is Trump responsible for her death?

It doesn’t matter who shot her (it was probably the police), the blood is on the hands of the people spreading the Q propaganda.

Here you go getting indignant when white cops unjustly shoot a black man, and you don’t blame any Democrat politicians, but when cops shoot a white woman, it’s somehow her fault and Trump’s fault. Nice set of double standards. This is why liberals are a joke now and why many have quote hit the #walkaway hash tag on the internet. Well that and because liberals don’t care about black on black crime, open borders that drive down wages for the lower class blacks and put them at risk for MS-13 murders, and can’t say the words “islamic” and “terrorism” next to each other in the same sentence.  Because you know, after the Pulse night club attacks in Florida, it was more important to run interference on Muslim homophobia than to actually show solidarity with the gay community.

Let me throw you a bone: Q fans and Q believers are on the right track but they are amateurs in the conspiracy field and they don’t know the full story. There IS a worldwide network of old banking and military families whose bloodlines are hundreds of years old that still have the power today. They are devil worshipers, they are child traffickers, and they do commit pedophilia and child sacrifice. But I base this on 15 years of my own research. Q hasn’t been able to teach me anything about this that I don’t already know. In other words, this type of conspiracy does include many Democrats, BUT ALSO PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT! The fact that the Q fans are trying to lay these horrible crimes ONLY AT THE FEET OF LEFTIES, is pathetic and it shows how ignorant they are of these type of global crimes/syndicates. At least to their credit, SOME Q fans will admit that Republicans are involved in these crimes against children as well. Some of them claim that George Bush was in fact executed at Guantanamo Bay along with a few other Republicans for their treason and also crimes against children; and that the rest of the Bush family has been put on notice that they are next.

Not saying I believe it. It’s just that at least a FEW Q fans, aren’t playing party politics with this stuff.

January 8, 2021
6:35 am
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May 18, 2016
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Oh Fuck ! Here we go cry

Man your guys country seems so divided it’s upsetting and with such passionate anger towards the “others” on each side of the fence. It just I never ending debate of disagreements, negative energy in life helps no one, no winners or loosers.

can’t we go back to the 90s / 00s and accept people with different views and opinions and still be friends or co-exist with politeness?? Its like these days people can’t accept people with different views and be cool with them like we’re all becoming human racists more than ever.

There’s so many other things we have in common with each other than political and social opinions just focus on these things it’s healthier. For example everyone on here is into some form of underground hip hop or horrorcore so why should anything else matter or hurt?? 

I’ve never met anyone in my whole life who shares my views on everything and never need too or will and Im fine with that, expected and accepted that at a younger age. I mean none of my best mates or ex-girlfriends have stuff in common with me especially opinions but we have some things we both like and love hanging out with each other and have a laugh thats all that is needed

I hope you can all sort it out push aside the differences and move forward together 

Blessings and Positivity to I and I  cheers

Whoop Whoop BodeeBagz :

January 8, 2021
7:26 am

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BodeeBagz said
Oh Fuck ! Here we go cry

Man your guys country seems so divided it’s upsetting and with such passionate anger towards the “others” on each side of the fence. It just I never ending debate of disagreements, negative energy in life helps no one, no winners or loosers.

can’t we go back to the 90s / 00s and accept people with different views and opinions and still be friends or co-exist with politeness?? Its like these days people can’t accept people with different views and be cool with them like we’re all becoming human racists more than ever.

There’s so many other things we have in common with each other than political and social opinions just focus on these things it’s healthier. For example everyone on here is into some form of underground hip hop or horrorcore so why should anything else matter or hurt?? 

I’ve never met anyone in my whole life who shares my views on everything and never need too or will and Im fine with that, expected and accepted that at a younger age. I mean none of my best mates or ex-girlfriends have stuff in common with me especially opinions but we have some things we both like and love hanging out with each other and have a laugh thats all that is needed

I hope you can all sort it out push aside the differences and move forward together 

Blessings and Positivity to I and I  cheers  

The political section doesn’t represent anything other than politics. Outside of politics, I don’t see an issue. If you meet any of us at an event or the gathering, you wouldn’t think that we are the same people that “fight” in the political section. An example would be Pigg and I. In here, we fight all the time, call each other names, etc. At the gathering, we’ve hung out, had fun, don’t talk about politics (though the last one he went we discussed my issue with twitter which grazed over politics only because my twitter is 100% political and it came into the discussion on why I keep getting banned) No arguments. No name calling. If I really hated him (and this goes for Lucem too), I would not have recommended those two to Scottie to be moderators.

I can’t speak for the rest, but for me once I close the tab on any political themed threads, I switch to a different way of thinking about the people on here. 

I reality, I would never want bad things to happen to anyone here despite the fights we seem to have on here.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
January 8, 2021
8:39 am
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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Donald Trump tried to force states to open their economies by withholding (and literally stealing) PPE and telling his supporters to rise up to their state representatives while literally telling the press he has total authority when questioned about states rights. That was him literally trying to circumvent the laws for total control. If you read the lengths they went to prevent states from getting PPE it’s fucking gross.

Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist when he and they want to give him that power.

Nazis weren’t any less fascist before Hitler got into power.

You’re a fucking joke, Vinyl. And the fact that you try so hard to dismiss the well renowned scholar of fascism that is highly respected and definitely understands it more than you in a desperate attempt to own the libs because you argue in bad faith is a massive W for me.

Massive W. lol

Pigg said
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I must be somewhere between “George” and “Bush” because all I see is a big W.

Almost makes up for getting stuck with Biden.

Whoop Whoop King Lucem Ferre :

Noah Fence
January 8, 2021
8:54 am
King Lucem Ferre
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BodeeBagz said
Oh Fuck ! Here we go cry

Man your guys country seems so divided it’s upsetting and with such passionate anger towards the “others” on each side of the fence. It just I never ending debate of disagreements, negative energy in life helps no one, no winners or loosers.

can’t we go back to the 90s / 00s and accept people with different views and opinions and still be friends or co-exist with politeness?? Its like these days people can’t accept people with different views and be cool with them like we’re all becoming human racists more than ever.

There’s so many other things we have in common with each other than political and social opinions just focus on these things it’s healthier. For example everyone on here is into some form of underground hip hop or horrorcore so why should anything else matter or hurt?? 

I’ve never met anyone in my whole life who shares my views on everything and never need too or will and Im fine with that, expected and accepted that at a younger age. I mean none of my best mates or ex-girlfriends have stuff in common with me especially opinions but we have some things we both like and love hanging out with each other and have a laugh thats all that is needed

I hope you can all sort it out push aside the differences and move forward together 

Blessings and Positivity to I and I  cheers  

If you knew somebody that believed fucking children is okay would you think “Well, we don’t have to agree on everything.”?

I have plenty of friends I disagree with. At some point, though, there are beliefs that cross the line. I think fascism is one.


Don’t buy into Psyral’s phony shit. I don’t want to harm them or for harm to come to them, but I wouldn’t hang out with them. His wife has talked waaaayyyyyy too much shit on a personal level.

Whoop Whoop King Lucem Ferre :

Noah Fence
January 8, 2021
9:06 am
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The real coup is the stolen election. Word is the banks wanna convert currency from an oil standard to something else (guessing the Green New Deal is central to the new bullshit standard) and this election fraud coup is necessary to turn the U.S. into a global slave. The Constitution has been getting in these motherfuckers’ way for a long time, & all u SJWs & bleeding hearts living safe lives far removed from any frontline action are gonna have one glorious rude awakening. This double standard will not stand:

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January 8, 2021
9:36 am
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King Lucem Ferre said
Donald Trump tried to force states to open their economies by withholding (and literally stealing) PPE and telling his supporters to rise up to their state representatives while literally telling the press he has total authority when questioned about states rights.

PPE = personal protective equipment.

There is NO repeat NO cornovirus pandemic. I already went on this rant with you a long time ago. PCR TESTS DON’T PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF A LIVE VIRUS INSIDE A PERSON. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, said back in the 90’s, his OWN CREATION, the PCR test, DIDN’T ACTUALLY PROVE HIV. SO IT THEREFORE DOESN’T PROVE A LIVE DEADLY CORONA VIRUS! There are TOO MANY false positive results out there that is KILLING THE MIDDLE CLASS AND SMALL, MOM AND POP AMERICAN BUSINESSES!

He did not steal PPE and stock pile them to with hold them to be a jerk. You’re lying. The reason Trump is saying he had corona but then beat it with alternative therapies is because HE WANTS PEOPLE TO START LOOKING INTO THIS SCAM. HE’S PLAYING CHESS WITH THE LIARS AND SCAMMERS THAT ARE LYING TO THE PEOPLE!

Secondly what do YOU mean when you say “rise up” to their state representatives? What did Trump mean? You AGAIN use VAGUE WORDS without precision and narrow definitions. Trump let the states handle things for a reason. He wanted people to see state by state whether their governors were for the people or against them. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO MAKE A LIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FAKE PANDEMIC WHOSE NUMBERS ARE BASED ON FALSE POSITIVE TESTS RESULTS FROM A BOGUS PCR TEST THAT THE INVENTOR HIMSELF SAID WAS USELESS!!!

Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist

Him not being a dictator means he is not a literal fascist. So now who do you have left to attack then…

when he and they want to give him that power.

Oh so now many of his followers are fascists? Many of his followers want the constitution suspended and want a dictatorship? Really? There are NO repeat…NO conservative fans of his that also hate fascism and national socialism as seen in the racist Nazi state in world war two? There are NO black conservatives that like Trump? LOL

the fact that you try so hard to dismiss the well renowned scholar of fascism

All I did was expose the fact that neither he, nor you, could actually call Trump a literal fascist. That’s all I did. That one little thing. Anything more is all in your imagination.

January 8, 2021
10:05 am
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This thread brought 2 u by

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January 8, 2021
10:24 am
King Lucem Ferre
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September 18, 2012
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vinyllover said

King Lucem Ferre said
Donald Trump tried to force states to open their economies by withholding (and literally stealing) PPE and telling his supporters to rise up to their state representatives while literally telling the press he has total authority when questioned about states rights.

PPE = personal protective equipment.
There is NO repeat NO cornovirus pandemic. I already went on this rant with you a long time ago. PCR TESTS DON’T PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF A LIVE VIRUS INSIDE A PERSON. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, said back in the 90’s, his OWN CREATION, the PCR test, DIDN’T ACTUALLY PROVE HIV. SO IT THEREFORE DOESN’T PROVE A LIVE DEADLY CORONA VIRUS! There are TOO MANY false positive results out there that is KILLING THE MIDDLE CLASS AND SMALL, MOM AND POP AMERICAN BUSINESSES!
He did not steal PPE and stock pile them to with hold them to be a jerk. You’re lying. The reason Trump is saying he had corona but then beat it with alternative therapies is because HE WANTS PEOPLE TO START LOOKING INTO THIS SCAM. HE’S PLAYING CHESS WITH THE LIARS AND SCAMMERS THAT ARE LYING TO THE PEOPLE!
Secondly what do YOU mean when you say “rise up” to their state representatives? What did Trump mean? You AGAIN use VAGUE WORDS without precision and narrow definitions. Trump let the states handle things for a reason. He wanted people to see state by state whether their governors were for the people or against them. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO MAKE A LIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FAKE PANDEMIC WHOSE NUMBERS ARE BASED ON FALSE POSITIVE TESTS RESULTS FROM A BOGUS PCR TEST THAT THE INVENTOR HIMSELF SAID WAS USELESS!!!

Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist

Him not being a dictator means he is not a literal fascist. So now who do you have left to attack then…

when he and they want to give him that power.

Oh so now many of his followers are fascists? Many of his followers want the constitution suspended and want a dictatorship? Really? There are NO repeat…NO conservative fans of his that also hate fascism and national socialism as seen in the racist Nazi state in world war two? There are NO black conservatives that like Trump? LOL

the fact that you try so hard to dismiss the well renowned scholar of fascism

All I did was expose the fact that neither he, nor you, could actually call Trump a literal fascist. That’s all I did. That one little thing. Anything more is all in your imagination.  

Don’t care about your shit logic and desperate attempts to argue in bad faith.

Keep crying though cause that’s a W for me.

krunk said
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The fact that you guys are crying harder about losing than Noah did in 2016 is a HUGE W for me.

January 8, 2021
10:47 am
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January 8, 2021
11:21 am

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I don’t know why people keep saying it was terrorism or a coup. This guy was clearly just taking a political stand…
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Whoop Whoop Psyral :

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January 8, 2021
11:35 am
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I blame Baby Boomers, Facebook, and Baby Boomers learning how to use Facebook for the majority of what is wrong with our country today…

My mother has turned into a right-wing nut

My mother in-law has turned into a left-wing nut

They’re exactly the people they warned me about turning into in the 90’s cause I was on the internet and listening to ICP and gangsta rap.

January 8, 2021
11:42 am
Noah Fence
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vinyllover said

Noah Fence said
Trump has tried repeatedly to seize powers beyond what is intended for a president.

How did he try to circumvent the constitution? Quote an article from the constitution please.

and literally just attempted a coup

How? How does telling protesters to come down to D.C. and exercise their first amendment rights qualify as an illegal, unconstitutional coup?

Also, you should think it’s bad if your political identity is successful because of “sophisticated propaganda techniques” that are “violently exclusionary and expansionist nationalism” in nature.

What’s wrong with nationalism? IT WAS NATIONALISTS OF MY GRANDFATHER’S MORE CONSERVATIVE GENERATION that were willing to fight and die to stop Hitler who was an INTERNATIONALIST and wanted to dominate the world. Nationalists got together and agreed they needed to maintain a BALANCE OF POWER in the world to stop tyrants like Hitler.

But since you think you know more than the academics who have studied(and taught) on the issue for decades, how would you define fascism?

I just let Hitler and Mussolini explain it. I don’t have to make shit up like some posters on here when Hitler and Mussolini themselves have already put pen to paper and explained their doctrine. Mussolini’s essay Doctrine of Fascism is a really good start. Hitler explained himself in Mein Kampf.  


like that’s the answer to “what law she broke” and “how did they try to circumvent the constitution” and “how is it a coup”. They broke into the capitol building to stop them from completing the next and final step in announcing Biden as the winner of the election. 

I don’t mean to yell but Holy Fuck the mental gymnastics you do is incredible. This was beyond a protest. 

Anyway, onto the rest. Nationalism is bad in a lot of ways but it was more the “violent and exclusionary” part that I was referring. Again, your mental gymnastics are incredible. 

So you can’t define it but you reject the definition provided. Gotcha. 

You need actual law quotes to see how breaking into the capitol building is illegal but you refuse to define for yourself what fascism is and would rather let fascists who are known for being experts in propaganda define it for you. Great. 

If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter

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