2:01 am

May 4, 2014

2:20 am
July 28, 2016

vinyllover said
Noah Fence said
You think conservatism is violently exclusionary.
Nope. That’s the liberals who say this. I’m just pointing out they’re wrong.
It’s not.
Good. Thanks for agreeing.
Fascism is therefore American conservatives are fascist.
You literally just contradicted yourself. You just equated conservatives to fascists. Thanks again for proving my point how stupid modern liberals are.
You can violently storm the capital, but also disagree with national socialism as a form of government. I know this is hard for you and other modern liberals to comprehend, but it’s the truth. You can storm the capital and also like free speech and an armed citizenry (Hitler hated both of those).Get a clue, libtard. Drop the “everything is racist” and “everything is fascist” mantra. Come to the side of reality and sanity. Where homosexuals, women and atheists are to be fought for. And protected against Jihad and mass Muslim immigration. Because ya know, misogyny and homophobia, it’s not a whites only thing.
You said that lucems post described conservatives. I said it doesn’t, but that what you call conservative IS fascism.
Again I ask, how does your definition of Fascism and Lucem’s differ?
If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter
4:41 am
April 25, 2017

Noah Fence said
You said that lucems post described conservatives. I said it doesn’t
And that’s because you’re wrong and refuse to accept reality even when it’s explained to you here on page 1. The definition that was given was TOO VAGUE, and conservatives thus, fell under the umbrella/definition that was given. Conservatives qualify as “anti liberal” and “anti socialist” and are often times “violently exclusionary” and also like agendas that are “expansionist” and “nationalist.” KLF even said it was a vague definition that wasn’t done justice by a dictionary. Which was my point. So yeah, I win.
If you guys are going to attempt to define fascism DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME like I did here on page 3. As I also said in that post. “The reason I held off giving a definition for fascism is because I wanted to hold my breath and watch you guys fuck it up. Sure enough, that’s exactly what KLF did.” You then didn’t see how what I posted was at odds with what KLF posted. Same old fallacy. Just because all A’s are B, it doesn’t mean that all B’s are A. Just because you can find a few overlapping things between conservatives and fascists, THAT DOESN’T MEAN that just finding ONLY THOSE overlapping things in a conservatives, makes them a liar trying to hide their fascism. As I said here on page 3, “The language is too vague and it thus includes conservatives; conservatives, as non-liberals, are not fascists.” And I never denied that conservatives could have violent actions to the point of being violently exclusionary. I’m sure plenty of violent conservatives existed decades ago that were targeting blacks back when de-segregation was happening. You then said, conservatism is “violently exclusionary” and then “therefore American conservatives are fascist.” More logical fallacies. All A’s are B, but not all B’s are A.
You and your ilk really need to dispense with the vague, horrible definitions and non sequitor fallacies.
10:10 am
September 18, 2012

I said the dictionary definitions are way too vague and can include anybody with any type of dictator figure. Especially Googles which basically says anybody with a right wing ideology.
So I use the standard set forth by the guy that dedicates his field into studying fascist regimes and movements.
You’re literally the only person here saying conservatives fit that definition while saying that liberals think that while everybody with even a remotely liberal leaning tells you they don’t. Irony probably flies over your head too.
No, conservatism isn’t always violently exclusionary. That’s just a stereotype and of course you operate on stereotypes because you are dumb.
Even when they are, conservativism doesn’t include a savior figure.
I go with this definition because I’ve had the discussion about how vague and ambiguous the term “fascism” is with people much smarter than you. Your half baked “gotchya” didn’t work, sorry.
2:24 pm

March 30, 2018

4:33 pm
April 25, 2017

King Lucem Ferre said
I use the standard set forth by the guy that dedicates his field into studying fascist regimes and movements.
Too bad it’s too vague as already explained.
You’re literally the only person here saying conservatives fit that definition
Because I’m literally the only person smart enough to see how vague of an umbrella it is. Once we get more specific, I.E. The wikipedia and Mussolini clips I put up, we can get a more accurate, NARROW AND PRECISE idea of what fascism is and means. Yeah, damn me for wanting to use as narrow semantics as possible in order to have the most clear and distinct ideas. Curse my demand for high standards and precision.
No, conservatism isn’t always violently exclusionary.
But since it can be AT TIMES, those times are ALL THAT IS NECESSARY to fulfill that burden of violent exclusion. So THAT IS WHY, we needed a MORE PRECISE definition so that we could rule out the conservative elements that tend to overlap with fascism TINY AS THEY MAY BE.
conservativism doesn’t include a savior figure.
That’s a far cry from what you just said previously in this topic:
6 Extreme support of a “natural” leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.
Donald Trump, of course. They have literally called him our savior.
Oh but I get it, that’s you talking about fascism, not conservatism so I got it wrong. Well I already busted you on the fact that this guy used the word “savior” and not “dictator” and that Trump is literally not a dictator. The reason this “academic” uses “savior” is because he knows he can’t use the word “dictator.” So he likens things that aren’t otherwise actually alike. This is why arguments from analogy usually fail!
So yeah I got you there as well. But you tried to make an excuse:
Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist.
To which I replied, Him not being a dictator means he is not a literal fascist. So now who do you have left to attack then…
So yeah, smearing Trump, calling him a fascist and his fans fascists, who have desires for a suspension of the constitution and a dictatorship is insane as it flies in the face of people I already mentioned: Oh so now many of his followers are fascists? Many of his followers want the constitution suspended and want a dictatorship? Really? There are NO repeat…NO conservative fans of his that also hate fascism and national socialism as seen in the racist Nazi state in world war two? There are NO black conservatives that like Trump? LOL
All you had in reply to my solid philosophical arguments were “don’t care” and “keep crying” LOL.
Let’s recap:
1. A vague definition for fascism was used that was too wide and had qualities to it that also applied to conservatives. I pointed this out and went for a more narrow, accurate and correct definition that didn’t blur lines between conservatives and fascists like so many liberals try to do (a big lie on their part by the way) to demonize conservatives.
2. You then bitched and complained that some similarities exist between conservatives and fascists. I said so what, we have to account for the differences, HENCE A NEW DEFINITION WAS REQUIRED TO HAVE BEEN POSTED BY ME. AND IT WAS MORE ACCURATE AND HONEST! It was as literal as can be and didn’t waste space using poetry/analogy by falsely comparing a conservative savior to a fascist dictator.
3. After I took the time to put accurate definitions into the debate and call fallacious arguments from analogy into question, you then said you didn’t care and that I should keep crying.
Debate over. You lost. Trump is not a dictator. He is not pro national socialism as a form of government in America. In fact he is very pro constitution. And not one of you clowns can show me WHERE HE ADVOCATED FOR VIOLENCE AND ACTUAL STORMING OF THE CAPITAL AND BREAKING WINDOWS AND DOORS AND COMMITTING THEFT!
3:11 pm

March 30, 2018

12:37 am
August 6, 2013

Vinyl doesn’t understand dog whistles.
vinyllover said
King Lucem Ferre said
I use the standard set forth by the guy that dedicates his field into studying fascist regimes and movements.Too bad it’s too vague as already explained.
You’re literally the only person here saying conservatives fit that definition
Because I’m literally the only person smart enough to see how vague of an umbrella it is. Once we get more specific, I.E. The wikipedia and Mussolini clips I put up, we can get a more accurate, NARROW AND PRECISE idea of what fascism is and means. Yeah, damn me for wanting to use as narrow semantics as possible in order to have the most clear and distinct ideas. Curse my demand for high standards and precision.
No, conservatism isn’t always violently exclusionary.
But since it can be AT TIMES, those times are ALL THAT IS NECESSARY to fulfill that burden of violent exclusion. So THAT IS WHY, we needed a MORE PRECISE definition so that we could rule out the conservative elements that tend to overlap with fascism TINY AS THEY MAY BE.
conservativism doesn’t include a savior figure.
That’s a far cry from what you just said previously in this topic:
6 Extreme support of a “natural” leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.
Donald Trump, of course. They have literally called him our savior.
Oh but I get it, that’s you talking about fascism, not conservatism so I got it wrong. Well I already busted you on the fact that this guy used the word “savior” and not “dictator” and that Trump is literally not a dictator. The reason this “academic” uses “savior” is because he knows he can’t use the word “dictator.” So he likens things that aren’t otherwise actually alike. This is why arguments from analogy usually fail!
So yeah I got you there as well. But you tried to make an excuse:
Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist.
To which I replied, Him not being a dictator means he is not a literal fascist. So now who do you have left to attack then…
So yeah, smearing Trump, calling him a fascist and his fans fascists, who have desires for a suspension of the constitution and a dictatorship is insane as it flies in the face of people I already mentioned: Oh so now many of his followers are fascists? Many of his followers want the constitution suspended and want a dictatorship? Really? There are NO repeat…NO conservative fans of his that also hate fascism and national socialism as seen in the racist Nazi state in world war two? There are NO black conservatives that like Trump? LOL
All you had in reply to my solid philosophical arguments were “don’t care” and “keep crying” LOL.Let’s recap:
1. A vague definition for fascism was used that was too wide and had qualities to it that also applied to conservatives. I pointed this out and went for a more narrow, accurate and correct definition that didn’t blur lines between conservatives and fascists like so many liberals try to do (a big lie on their part by the way) to demonize conservatives.
2. You then bitched and complained that some similarities exist between conservatives and fascists. I said so what, we have to account for the differences, HENCE A NEW DEFINITION WAS REQUIRED TO HAVE BEEN POSTED BY ME. AND IT WAS MORE ACCURATE AND HONEST! It was as literal as can be and didn’t waste space using poetry/analogy by falsely comparing a conservative savior to a fascist dictator.
3. After I took the time to put accurate definitions into the debate and call fallacious arguments from analogy into question, you then said you didn’t care and that I should keep crying.
Debate over. You lost. Trump is not a dictator. He is not pro national socialism as a form of government in America. In fact he is very pro constitution. And not one of you clowns can show me WHERE HE ADVOCATED FOR VIOLENCE AND ACTUAL STORMING OF THE CAPITAL AND BREAKING WINDOWS AND DOORS AND COMMITTING THEFT!
12:51 am

March 30, 2018

12:53 am
August 6, 2013

12:56 am
August 6, 2013

1:05 am

March 30, 2018

1:27 am
July 28, 2016

vinyllover said
King Lucem Ferre said
I use the standard set forth by the guy that dedicates his field into studying fascist regimes and movements.Too bad it’s too vague as already explained.
You’re literally the only person here saying conservatives fit that definition
Because I’m literally the only person smart enough to see how vague of an umbrella it is. Once we get more specific, I.E. The wikipedia and Mussolini clips I put up, we can get a more accurate, NARROW AND PRECISE idea of what fascism is and means. Yeah, damn me for wanting to use as narrow semantics as possible in order to have the most clear and distinct ideas. Curse my demand for high standards and precision.
No, conservatism isn’t always violently exclusionary.
But since it can be AT TIMES, those times are ALL THAT IS NECESSARY to fulfill that burden of violent exclusion. So THAT IS WHY, we needed a MORE PRECISE definition so that we could rule out the conservative elements that tend to overlap with fascism TINY AS THEY MAY BE.
conservativism doesn’t include a savior figure.
That’s a far cry from what you just said previously in this topic:
6 Extreme support of a “natural” leader, who is always male. This results in one man taking on the role of national savior.
Donald Trump, of course. They have literally called him our savior.
Oh but I get it, that’s you talking about fascism, not conservatism so I got it wrong. Well I already busted you on the fact that this guy used the word “savior” and not “dictator” and that Trump is literally not a dictator. The reason this “academic” uses “savior” is because he knows he can’t use the word “dictator.” So he likens things that aren’t otherwise actually alike. This is why arguments from analogy usually fail!
So yeah I got you there as well. But you tried to make an excuse:
Him not being a dictator doesn’t make his movement less fascist.
To which I replied, Him not being a dictator means he is not a literal fascist. So now who do you have left to attack then…
So yeah, smearing Trump, calling him a fascist and his fans fascists, who have desires for a suspension of the constitution and a dictatorship is insane as it flies in the face of people I already mentioned: Oh so now many of his followers are fascists? Many of his followers want the constitution suspended and want a dictatorship? Really? There are NO repeat…NO conservative fans of his that also hate fascism and national socialism as seen in the racist Nazi state in world war two? There are NO black conservatives that like Trump? LOL
All you had in reply to my solid philosophical arguments were “don’t care” and “keep crying” LOL.Let’s recap:
1. A vague definition for fascism was used that was too wide and had qualities to it that also applied to conservatives. I pointed this out and went for a more narrow, accurate and correct definition that didn’t blur lines between conservatives and fascists like so many liberals try to do (a big lie on their part by the way) to demonize conservatives.
2. You then bitched and complained that some similarities exist between conservatives and fascists. I said so what, we have to account for the differences, HENCE A NEW DEFINITION WAS REQUIRED TO HAVE BEEN POSTED BY ME. AND IT WAS MORE ACCURATE AND HONEST! It was as literal as can be and didn’t waste space using poetry/analogy by falsely comparing a conservative savior to a fascist dictator.
3. After I took the time to put accurate definitions into the debate and call fallacious arguments from analogy into question, you then said you didn’t care and that I should keep crying.
Debate over. You lost. Trump is not a dictator. He is not pro national socialism as a form of government in America. In fact he is very pro constitution. And not one of you clowns can show me WHERE HE ADVOCATED FOR VIOLENCE AND ACTUAL STORMING OF THE CAPITAL AND BREAKING WINDOWS AND DOORS AND COMMITTING THEFT!
I’m going to try this another way because things don’t seem to be going through.
You have said that conservatives fit one small portion of that larger definition and thus the definition is too vague.
I’ve asked you repeatedly to tell me how your definition and lucems differ and you keep saying lucems definition which listed multiple alarming things such as violence and religious like adulation of key figures could apply to conservatives because it’s too vague so maybe we should try this another way.
I believe the current American conservative movement is fascist. I understand that you disagree so, using the sources that you’ve linked could you explain how your movement differs from Hitler and Mussolini? Using your definition of Fascism, what disqualifies the current administration?
If you really believed that all lives matter we wouldn't need to say black lives matter
1:48 am

March 30, 2018

2:38 am
August 6, 2013

8:20 am
April 25, 2017

8:42 am

May 4, 2014

10:55 am
July 31, 2014

vinyllover said
The fact that Noah Fence doesn’t understand the difference between the structure of government when comparing an American republic to an Italian or even German fascist state shows how lost he truly is.
Dont fool yourself. I guess some of them (Lucem, I guess) said it already, but here it is one more time: Hitler didnt start out as the asshole that he was (edit: better to say: Germany didnt start out as the asshole that it became). I dont wanna compare Trump with Hitler, dont get me wrong please. But Germany in fact was a democracy before it fell for Hitler. Hitler didnt take the power, he got elected and then he undermined the Weimar Republic (-> as the German state from 1918-1933 is called). With his fairly achieved power he disempowered the parlament law-by-law. The fascist was elected, the power was given to him legally, and then his movement got rid of all democratic supervisory authorities.
So this is the comparison. It’s not between Hitler and Trump, it’s this huge danger that is when the democratic values of a democracy get treated like those capitol-rioters did with em. It’s those politicians who dont acknowledge election results, even if there’s no serious proof of election fraud. I know I know, here we go again, some believe there is fraud, which I think is stupid and dangerous, but that’s not what I’m about right now.
I just wanted to say, you cant compare a democratic republic with a full blown fascist regime. But the way to a possible fascist regime is shorter than some may think. And to compare how it went in other states not too long ago, when they were on their way to an actual fascist regime, might be useful. Just look how violence-accepting krunk’s words are.
There’s not this one big thing that crosses the line, it happens step by step.
BUT, I also wanna make clear, OF COURSE there are huge (!) differences between a young, unstable republic like the Weimar Republic was and a grand old nation with a long democratic tradition like the US are. It’s way harder to undo democratic values if so many citizens are that proud of that. But – it might happen nonetheless.
On a personal note – so many Germans thought Hitler was doing the right thing, my grandpa was one of them. Their frowning came way too late. – I KNOW. The US are not early Germany – God bless! But dont think any single human being is safe from doing something fascist.
… Jesus I was rambling, sorry. I hope its understable what I wrote, I still struggle with the English language.
12:14 pm
August 6, 2013

Surprising no one…
People in the mob were trying to assassinate members of congress.
Trump called them special and said he loved them.
No proto fascism here!
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