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Price gouging for 2nd hand ballas passes. Agree or disagree?
April 7, 2019
4:21 pm
Forum Posts: 1218
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April 25, 2017
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Original price 500. Someone buys up more than one and then tries to re-sell what they don't need for themselves at a higher price. Like say nearly double? Is it moral to do so considering a lot of Juggalos aren't that rich and have to budget best they can for certain ICP events? How far do we take this 'it's a free country/economy' thought? Is CPN correct that doubling the price as NotSlim1 is doing is hurting Juggalos?


How about Juggalos all just say "fuck you" and NOT ONE JUGGALO buys his extra passes that he is selling at a higher price? Then he has to suffer. He is out more money and he makes no more profit. Maybe that will make him or anyone else think twice before they try to price gouge or ticket scalp Juggalos? At this point, while I understand CPN's anger, I have no sympathy for anyone who pays enough money worth the price of two tickets, just to get one ticket from some asshole. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHOW. Violent J isn't going to be mad at you if you don't go. Some Juggalos need to grow up and stop dignifying assholes who price gouge and scalp tickets and then claim "family." And if you fuck up your budget despite being an adult, I HAVE NO SYMPATHY for you like CPN still might.

April 7, 2019
4:25 pm
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When you flip a balla site you’re taking away someone’s equal chance and forcing them to pay double what it’s worth. This dude said he was gonna pay off credit card debt and THEN give away a gathering ticket. His intention is pay off debt, he’s just trying to use a ticket giveaway as a cat’s paw, he’s using that as a smokescreen to seem like he isnt a greedy juff. If you wanna “stimulate the juggalo economy” you dont take AWAY from the juggalo economy. If you wanna stimulate the juggalo economy actually GIVE money to other juggalos, buy juggalo-made food, get juggalo-made tattoos, get juggalo-made art, dont act like people should be thankful that you’re ripping them off when YOU DIDNT pay double the price Psychopathic WANTS people to pay you greedy scalping juffs.
Headless Boogie
The only issue I have is CPN makes a income directly from the Juggalo community, and a pretty nice one at that. Superchats, t shirts, streamlabs, etc(which I have no problem with). I mean we can go round and round with semantics about how it's different, but it's still cashing in in the Juggalo community. You buy 10$ shirts and flip em for double that. I feel like the balla site flippin is wack tho either way....
Superchats are voluntary and dont take away anybody’s equal chances. Buying shirts are voluntary and dont take away equal chances. These guys paid $500 for a balla site, like Psychopathic intended, then they took away somebody else’s chance at a balla site and force them to pay double or nearly triple what it was originally worth all because this guy wants to pay off credit card debt, then he uses a ticket “giveaway” as a smokescreen to seem like he isnt totally greedy. Thats completely different from voluntarily giving money to support a channel. Thats completely different from selling shirts as a business model. Thats called scalping.
Headless Boogie he is also PRODUCING something and adding to the community.

Headless Boogie
@Jugg Official I totally agree man. I guess you're right in a way.
April 7, 2019
4:31 pm
Moe Ray Al
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fuck those assholes

I collect alot of action figures and even started hot wheels recently and it's the same thing in my collector market we call them scalpers, they buy all the rare figures on the first day and then double and even triple the price and sell them online.

these guys have inside men at toys r us and walmart and as soon as the shipment is in they get first dibs they buy all the 1 per case figs, all the treasure hunt hot wheels and all the funko pop chases before they even hit the shelves.

and I live in Canada we still have toys r us here incase you were wondering

Whoop Whoop the_patriot_smack :

Old Mr Dangerous


April 7, 2019
4:41 pm
Moe Ray Al
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on yeah and there was this one dude on facebook that when twiztard released the triple threat album on a gun USB drive bought 50 copies with the full intention of selling them for double on the psychopathic museum 


April 7, 2019
4:53 pm
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Karma's a bitch, #TeamFreeMarket, and a smart scalper would have done everything low-key thru eBay with a minimum bid.  


We do now, jerkoff..."

YouTube Video The Usual Suspects - New York's finest taxi service

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April 7, 2019
5:14 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
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This dude better watch out.  CPN might come to his neighborhood and pee in his neighbor's bathroom.

Whoop Whoop Bonesaw Wizardstick :

April 7, 2019
6:36 pm
215, PA

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Must be nice to have that kinda money. Fuck them f-u-2


April 7, 2019
6:55 pm
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 I say go for it.

I see nothing wrong with cornering a market and setting price$.

The De Beers people have been doing this with Diamonds for years.

This is the same thing I do when I buy up all the popular size tour shirts and then turn around and flip them for a nice profit.

Welcome to America.

If you literally had to scrounge and save up money to get a Ballas pass in the first place, your priorities in life are obviously fucked up to begin with.

I met a ninja at the Gathering who told me, 'Man..I dont have a Job, I had to pawn stuff to afford a ticket and then I had to Hitchhike to get here...bla..bla..'

He thought I would be sympathetic to his plight, I literally laughed at him to his face and said, 'So not securing regenerating income, not having private transportation, but attending a fucking festival was at the top of your to do list?' He got pissy and trotted off.

Truth hurts.

That guy was a prime example of the two basic groups in this country. 

The People who make shit happen, and the people who expect other people to make the shit happen for them.

So instead of being a complete pussy and complaining about someone else hustling Ballas passes for double the retail price, Salute that man for giving you a free lesson in life, Money talks..and well, you know the rest.

Get your shit together and out Hustle the next man, Its literally, that simple.

ICP told y'all on FFF, Fight Back. I guess that's why it didn't sell to well, they where preaching truth to a buncha unmotivated, coddled, complaining bums.

It's a dog-eat-dog world.

Whoop Whoop Karacalla :

Psyral, Miklo Velka


April 7, 2019
7:13 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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^^^ there it is. Dont matter one god damn bit how any of us feel about it, there will always be opportunists...and shit, if the price is too high they won't sell.

Question is how much do you value your comfort?


Personally, I feel like it's a pretty scummy thing to do, but more power to em.

Whoop Whoop Slumerican502 :

Psyral, Karacalla
April 7, 2019
10:52 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Donald_Trump said
fuck those assholes

I collect alot of action figures and even started hot wheels recently and it's the same thing in my collector market we call them scalpers, they buy all the rare figures on the first day and then double and even triple the price and sell them online.

these guys have inside men at toys r us and walmart and as soon as the shipment is in they get first dibs they buy all the 1 per case figs, all the treasure hunt hot wheels and all the funko pop chases before they even hit the shelves.

and I live in Canada we still have toys r us here incase you were wondering  

Okay okay, so THATS what those fuckers were doing some mornings!

I worked at a Toys R Us in upstate Ny for about 1.5 years. Once a month or so these couple guys would come in at opening and ask to see the entire new boxes of Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars. They knew by a certain barcode or series number or some shit and would either purchase the whole boxes or not depending on the given information on the boxes.

I thought they were just serious collectors but I guess they were just doing a side hustle.

The bosses had me bashing open these platforms that the toys are on with a rubber mallet for a few days once. It was some kind of inventory thing. I would find dust balls, old candy, small toys. I found a $5 so dry it felt like it could crumble in my hand.

Then I stumbled upon a half dozen sealed Star Wars figurines underneath one back corner area near the seasonal shit. I dont know much about Star Wars or the value of the figurines, but I innocently showed them to a couple coworkers and they fucking nabbed those dolls like they were vagina opiates. I dont know to this day if they were Star Wars fanboys or looking to make a buck, but I always felt the latter. Fuck me, I probably could have made myself a nice mint. I dont even know the years or actual values on them, but I know that it had been many years since they did that inspection they had me do. Someone probably stashed em to get later but got fired or something, I dunno.

April 8, 2019
5:24 am
영덕, South Korea

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Psychopathic obviously gives no fucks or they would set limits.


Same with merch at shows.


Shit, they are even doing it THEMSELVES now with that psychopathic vault eBay account. They probably hold off some of their tour inventory so they can sell them for a higher cost after the fact.

The CDs on their were more expensive than their website. 

Whoop Whoop Pigg :

April 8, 2019
10:59 am
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I've watched this debacle unfold from the beginning. I get points from both sides. Honestly, I don't really give a shit. People are gonna do what people are gonna do and it is what it is. 

April 8, 2019
1:57 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Old Mr Dangerous said

Donald_Trump said
fuck those assholes

I collect alot of action figures and even started hot wheels recently and it's the same thing in my collector market we call them scalpers, they buy all the rare figures on the first day and then double and even triple the price and sell them online.

these guys have inside men at toys r us and walmart and as soon as the shipment is in they get first dibs they buy all the 1 per case figs, all the treasure hunt hot wheels and all the funko pop chases before they even hit the shelves.

and I live in Canada we still have toys r us here incase you were wondering  

Okay okay, so THATS what those fuckers were doing some mornings!

I worked at a Toys R Us in upstate Ny for about 1.5 years. Once a month or so these couple guys would come in at opening and ask to see the entire new boxes of Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars. They knew by a certain barcode or series number or some shit and would either purchase the whole boxes or not depending on the given information on the boxes.

I thought they were just serious collectors but I guess they were just doing a side hustle.

The bosses had me bashing open these platforms that the toys are on with a rubber mallet for a few days once. It was some kind of inventory thing. I would find dust balls, old candy, small toys. I found a $5 so dry it felt like it could crumble in my hand.

Then I stumbled upon a half dozen sealed Star Wars figurines underneath one back corner area near the seasonal shit. I dont know much about Star Wars or the value of the figurines, but I innocently showed them to a couple coworkers and they fucking nabbed those dolls like they were vagina opiates. I dont know to this day if they were Star Wars fanboys or looking to make a buck, but I always felt the latter. Fuck me, I probably could have made myself a nice mint. I dont even know the years or actual values on them, but I know that it had been many years since they did that inspection they had me do. Someone probably stashed em to get later but got fired or something, I dunno.  

kenner MOC star wars figure's from the late 70's early 80's are worth atleast $200 each depending on the character and could be as high as $1500 a figure .

and hot wheels treasure hunt cars are rare to find but I carry a list of them and every time I see hot wheels cars I look threw them for these cars http://www.hwtreasure.com/2019-super/

Whoop Whoop the_patriot_smack :

Old Mr Dangerous


April 8, 2019
2:34 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Donald_Trump said

kenner MOC star wars figure's from the late 70's early 80's are worth atleast $200 each depending on the character and could be as high as $1500 a figure .

and hot wheels treasure hunt cars are rare to find but I carry a list of them and every time I see hot wheels cars I look threw them for these cars http://www.hwtreasure.com/2019.....super/  

All I remember about the Star Wars ones were that they all had a blue background in the sealed plastic.  They sure as fuck looked older too. I dont know about 70s but definitely 80s is likely. Maybe 70s too, for all I know.

April 8, 2019
3:53 pm
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The price gouging isnt cool. There should be limits on buying things. We seen this happen at Hallowicked. First group thru the door walked out with boxes of stuff and there was less for the rest. There are less fortunate ninjas that save for months that are only looking to get one thing while their there. Its unfair.

I say fuck that dude, everyone stay scrubby and primitive camp. Bone him and his high interest credit cards.

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 8, 2019
5:15 pm
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January 28, 2016
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On the surface,  yeah this is some hoe shit...especially if they are constantly participating in this type of activity.  

With that said...and I'm not defending, just adding extra info.

He hasn't had a job since gathering time last year....plus lots of unfortunate events that put him in more of a hole,  mentally and financially....he gained alot of weight this last 7 months, like I said would happen. 

He even broken-down and was gonna start selling his stuff like a junkie,  but he backed out,  for now. 

He was able to attain a balla pass a few days prior to the official launch and had concerns of it getting refunded due to attaining it during the official launch. 

He also saw an opportunity to be able to fund his way to gathering without having a steady income, gas for his old ass rv will prolly take $250 to get to Indiana.

He also wants to buy a gathering ticket to giveaway in a contest on his YouTube show.

He is entertaining any $1000+ offers,  if they come his way... But he plans to hold a raffle to get the 1000 he ideally wants...ie 20 raffle entries at $50 equals 1000

 he also wants to try to attain another one if there is a round two.

Just a jobless bum trying to gather by any means necessary.

Also this is his 1st time doing this. 

People been doing this for years,  I'm sure there is plenty of others who got atleast 3 passes and will sell them closer to the gathering 

Whoop Whoop SPOOKYtheFUNGI :

April 8, 2019
6:04 pm
jiggles the clown
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Generally speaking; fuck a scalper. Especially the mother fuckers who do shit like run computer programs to buy out tickets within 0.05 seconds of the shit going on sell just so they can flip them and resell them. Or mother fuckers who pay people to stand in line at gamestop for 4 days so they can buy 4 switches on launch day and resell them to some kids mom for a christmas present.


Fuck that shit i hope they all find a nice toasty spot in hell.


BUT. A ballas pass is all about flexing your cash loaf. And if i came upon a ballas pass i didnt need or want? Flex on my nuts bitch boi and PAY. ME.

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

April 8, 2019
6:48 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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At the end of the day who really gives a shit.

We are talking about a few hundred dollars here, I make that every weekday before most of these ninjas get out of bed.

Tired of these big fat lazy scrub ass ninjas bitching about their money problems.

There are jobs all over the place now.


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April 8, 2019
6:59 pm
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September 1, 2014
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Drunkalo said
The price gouging isnt cool. There should be limits on buying things. We seen this happen at Hallowicked. First group thru the door walked out with boxes of stuff and there was less for the rest. There are less fortunate ninjas that save for months that are only looking to get one thing while their there. Its unfair.

I say fuck that dude, everyone stay scrubby and primitive camp. Bone him and his high interest credit cards.  

 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

On the surface,  yeah this is some hoe shit...especially if they are constantly participating in this type of activity.  

With that said...and I'm not defending, just adding extra info.

He hasn't had a job since gathering time last year....plus lots of unfortunate events that put him in more of a hole,  mentally and financially....he gained alot of weight this last 7 months, like I said would happen. 

He even broken-down and was gonna start selling his stuff like a junkie,  but he backed out,  for now. 

He was able to attain a balla pass a few days prior to the official launch and had concerns of it getting refunded due to attaining it during the official launch. 

He also saw an opportunity to be able to fund his way to gathering without having a steady income, gas for his old ass rv will prolly take $250 to get to Indiana.

He also wants to buy a gathering ticket to giveaway in a contest on his YouTube show.

He is entertaining any $1000+ offers,  if they come his way... But he plans to hold a raffle to get the 1000 he ideally wants...ie 20 raffle entries at $50 equals 1000

 he also wants to try to attain another one if there is a round two.

Just a jobless bum trying to gather by any means necessary.

Also this is his 1st time doing this. 

People been doing this for years,  I'm sure there is plenty of others who got atleast 3 passes and will sell them closer to the gathering   

But...But..But, Karacallas a dick when he does it tho'!


Draw a line in the sand and stick to your guns, jr.


April 8, 2019
7:30 pm
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vinyllover said
Original price 500. Someone buys up more than one and then tries to re-sell what they don't need for themselves at a higher price. Like say nearly double? Is it moral to do so considering a lot of Juggalos aren't that rich and have to budget best they can for certain ICP events? How far do we take this 'it's a free country/economy' thought? Is CPN correct that doubling the price as NotSlim1 is doing is hurting Juggalos?

How about Juggalos all just say "fuck you" and NOT ONE JUGGALO buys his extra passes that he is selling at a higher price? Then he has to suffer. He is out more money and he makes no more profit. Maybe that will make him or anyone else think twice before they try to price gouge or ticket scalp Juggalos? At this point, while I understand CPN's anger, I have no sympathy for anyone who pays enough money worth the price of two tickets, just to get one ticket from some asshole. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHOW. Violent J isn't going to be mad at you if you don't go. Some Juggalos need to grow up and stop dignifying assholes who price gouge and scalp tickets and then claim "family." And if you fuck up your budget despite being an adult, I HAVE NO SYMPATHY for you like CPN still might.  

Hi cpn, when is your shower curtain clothing line coming out?

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