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Price gouging for 2nd hand ballas passes. Agree or disagree?
April 8, 2019
7:51 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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Karacalla said

 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

On the surface,  yeah this is some hoe shit...especially if they are constantly participating in this type of activity.  
With that said...and I'm not defending, just adding extra info.
He hasn't had a job since gathering time last year....plus lots of unfortunate events that put him in more of a hole,  mentally and financially....he gained alot of weight this last 7 months, like I said would happen. 
He even broken-down and was gonna start selling his stuff like a junkie,  but he backed out,  for now. 
He was able to attain a balla pass a few days prior to the official launch and had concerns of it getting refunded due to attaining it during the official launch. 
He also saw an opportunity to be able to fund his way to gathering without having a steady income, gas for his old ass rv will prolly take $250 to get to Indiana.
He also wants to buy a gathering ticket to giveaway in a contest on his YouTube show.
He is entertaining any $1000+ offers,  if they come his way... But he plans to hold a raffle to get the 1000 he ideally wants...ie 20 raffle entries at $50 equals 1000
 he also wants to try to attain another one if there is a round two.
Just a jobless bum trying to gather by any means necessary.
Also this is his 1st time doing this. 
People been doing this for years,  I'm sure there is plenty of others who got atleast 3 passes and will sell them closer to the gathering   

But...But..But, Karacallas a dick when he does it tho'!


Draw a line in the sand and stick to your guns, jr.  

April 8, 2019
8:16 pm
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Karacalla said

 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

There's so many rebuttals to this. Infinite number of what if's. Its not just a shirt or a concert, its the entire package. My gathering cost about $800-$1000. For some that's a lifetime of savings. $400 for tickets right off rip. Then a half cross country hike. Then necessities to live for 4-5 days. Then I hope they have the official shirt in my size. After getting there late cause of a flat tire and waiting on AAA. Less fortunate need cold water, not for you to buy all the water and charge them double for it.

If it was ONE to be auctioned off and to make a few bucks its different than buying the 50 thumb drives or buying Hallowicked out of t-shirts. However buying one extra could potentially lead to "lets just buy everything in bulk and raise the price". This isn't the family shit I thought it was and is the anti-family shit I don't like reading about.

And for the record Karacalla is a dick.

Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :


Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 8, 2019
8:20 pm
Forum Posts: 1561
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September 1, 2014
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100% honesty time.

Spooky, its painfully obvious you've never had a strong Male role model in your life brotha.

Allow me to fill that void.

PM with any life questions you might have that your mother or really flamboyant gay uncle just cant seem to answer, or set you straight on.

(No Pun)

Uncle Karacalla probably wont tell you the things you WANT to hear, but it's the things you NEED to hear.

My door and ears are always open...as well as my heart.

God bless.


April 8, 2019
8:48 pm
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Drunkalo said

Karacalla said
 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

There's so many rebuttals to this. Infinite number of what if's. Its not just a shirt or a concert, its the entire package. My gathering cost about $800-$1000. For some that's a lifetime of savings. $400 for tickets right off rip. Then a half cross country hike. Then necessities to live for 4-5 days. Then I hope they have the official shirt in my size. After getting there late cause of a flat tire and waiting on AAA. Less fortunate need cold water, not for you to buy all the water and charge them double for it.

If it was ONE to be auctioned off and to make a few bucks its different than buying the 50 thumb drives or buying Hallowicked out of t-shirts. However buying one extra could potentially lead to "lets just buy everything in bulk and raise the price". This isn't the family shit I thought it was and is the anti-family shit I don't like reading about.

And for the record Karacalla is a dick.  


First I'll start off with...

why a GROWN ass male adult would ever need AAA to come out and change a flat tire, dude, seriously?!?! A flat tire? What are you a fucking fifteen year old girl? A senior citizen? Lmmfao!


Here you are complaining about spending roughly 1k dollars. So you didn't have the money to spend in the first place...yet you still did...on entertainment...then complained about it..alongside the accommodations.


This is the point I've been trying to get across in my last three posts. Why go broke just to fit in with the 'Fam'? That's the most un-Juggalo thing there is...Fam. That's borderline Juffalo territory, Drunk.

Which leads me to..

Psychopathic must really care about you because they are actively stopping people from buying in bulk and driving up the prices.

Oh, wait. They understand this is the American way and would rather get their money first, in bulk, upfront, no matter how and leave you as a mere afterthought, lol.

'Yo J, some guy just bought up all the Large tshirts at once at Hollowicked, should we do something about it?

How'd he pay?


Shiiiiit, we got ours. Now how do we break the news to the upcharged V I P s that we don't have they're exclusive CDS?

Say we'll send it in the mail?

Hell's yea, Whoop Whoop...and then we won't and just sell it back to them for twenty five Mo' mudda fuck'n dollars a couple months later yall!"


April 8, 2019
9:04 pm
Scottie D
Dallas, TX
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For the record, you could NOT buy multiple baller passes in one transaction.  Baller passes were available for all of 5 minutes (maybe less) on the "official" launch date.  With hundreds, possibly thousands of people trying to add the same shit in their cart, enter credit card info, and check out before anyone else can, the possibility of anyone making multiple purchases (from the same device anyways) is small.  People claiming they got multiple passes probably had a crew of ninjas who tried to purchase at the same time, and a few got lucky.

It sucks, and I wholeheartedly disagree with anyone scalping like this..."'Merica" or not.

Whoop Whoop ScottieD :

April 8, 2019
9:12 pm
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*Mic drop*

Neener neener

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 8, 2019
9:19 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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April 18, 2017
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Karacalla said

 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

Hey, person without a leg...have you ever just tried having a leg?  It's way easier than not having one...

April 8, 2019
9:31 pm
Forum Posts: 1561
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September 1, 2014
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Bonesaw Wizardstick said

Karacalla said
 If you had to Save For Months just to buy a tshirt or attend a concert, your priorities are seriously ass backwards and you deserve the constant struggle you are in.

Hey, person without a leg...have you ever just tried having a leg?  It's way easier than not having one...  

Nah man, the person without a leg cant help it. The person with $1000 in their bank account who chooses to spend it foolishly, then regrets it after, can.

I know what your digging at, but that was a poor metaphor Bone.


April 8, 2019
9:32 pm
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September 1, 2014
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Drunkalo said
*Mic drop*

Neener neener  

Betcha Scottie can change a flat tire though.

Neener Neener.


April 8, 2019
9:43 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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April 18, 2017
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Karacalla said

Nah man, the person without a leg cant help it. The person with $1000 in their bank account who chooses to spend it foolishly, then regrets it after, can.

I know what your digging at, but that was a poor metaphor Bone.  

Eh.  I just mean that some people just can't get money.  Once you get to a certain point, it limits what you can do from there and it snowballs.  Like if you get a bad education and have trouble finding a job.  Then you don't have the experience for higher profile jobs and don't get anything good on your resume, and the cost of living keeps going up forcing you to spend all of your money on existing.  That kinda shit.  That's what my metaphor was referring to. I also know what you're driving at which is that people who blow all of their money don't deserve sympathy because it's their own damn fault.  I agree with that, but I don't like your generalization of that being the case for all people who are struggling financially.

As far as my opinion on this issue, I don't really care.  I mean it's kinda shitty, yea, but it's by the rules.  Dude maxed out a credit card just to pull this from what I understand (almost said "gather," heh.)  Me personally, I'm fine financially.  Could have bought myself a pavilion and sat in the middle with a super soaker if I wanted to, but it's not necessary.  I also didn't want a balla lot because it's not necessary for what I'm going to be doing.  Car charger and feet gets me the same thing that a balla lot would get me for 495 less dollars.


EDIT:  I can also change a tire and have done so several times.  Righty tighty lefty your mom! ninja.  But really, the worst part is getting the scissor jack under the exact right part of the frame.

Whoop Whoop Bonesaw Wizardstick :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, SteelCityDahmer
April 8, 2019
11:38 pm
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Bonesaw Wizardstick said

Karacalla said

Nah man, the person without a leg cant help it. The person with $1000 in their bank account who chooses to spend it foolishly, then regrets it after, can.

I know what your digging at, but that was a poor metaphor Bone.  

Eh.  I just mean that some people just can't get money.  Once you get to a certain point, it limits what you can do from there and it snowballs.  Like if you get a bad education and have trouble finding a job.  Then you don't have the experience for higher profile jobs and don't get anything good on your resume, and the cost of living keeps going up forcing you to spend all of your money on existing.  That kinda shit.  That's what my metaphor was referring to. I also know what you're driving at which is that people who blow all of their money don't deserve sympathy because it's their own damn fault.  I agree with that, but I don't like your generalization of that being the case for all people who are struggling financially.

As far as my opinion on this issue, I don't really care.  I mean it's kinda shitty, yea, but it's by the rules.  Dude maxed out a credit card just to pull this from what I understand (almost said "gather," heh.)  Me personally, I'm fine financially.  Could have bought myself a pavilion and sat in the middle with a super soaker if I wanted to, but it's not necessary.  I also didn't want a balla lot because it's not necessary for what I'm going to be doing.  Car charger and feet gets me the same thing that a balla lot would get me for 495 less dollars.


EDIT:  I can also change a tire and have done so several times.  Righty tighty lefty your mom! ninja.  But really, the worst part is getting the scissor jack under the exact right part of the frame.  

Scissor jack, lol. Y'all are wild man.

Hey, unlike Drunkalo at least you dont need another human being to come rescue you from that big bad flat tire monster.

You kind of solidified my point, If your struggling financially, why in the entire fuck would you be dropping any kind of cash down on a festival to begin with? That kind of irresponsible spending is what's holding you back financially in the first place.

Maybe it's the lack of education, not implying all Juggalos are remedial, but man, if your hitchhiking across the country on a wing and a prayer just to see a band, you just might be borderline retarded. Seriously, either you are dumb as dirt, or ICP has you hook-line-and sinker, ala Spooky.

Flavor Flav said it decades ago, Don't believe the hype.


April 8, 2019
11:42 pm
Bonesaw Wizardstick
Forum Posts: 1332
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Karacalla said

Scissor jack, lol. Y'all are wild man.

Hey, man.  I didn't come up with the name.  That's the style of jack that comes in that shitty toolbox with your car.

April 9, 2019
1:57 am
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Bonesaw Wizardstick said

Karacalla said
Scissor jack, lol. Y'all are wild man.

Hey, man.  I didn't come up with the name.  That's the style of jack that comes in that shitty toolbox with your car.  

No, I meant that no one uses the shitty jack that comes with the car. Usually they end up buying an hydraulic jack because having a car fall on you is a bad thing, lol.

Try changing a tire using a scissor jack or bottle jack on side of the interstate when cars are whizzing past you at 70 mph. The wind from them alone will knock your car off balance on those pieces of shit, spend the 25 bucks and save your life and time ninja!

Image Enlarger

And just for Drunkalo....

[Image Can Not Be Found]


April 9, 2019
6:22 am
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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I can change a tire, shithead. Just part of my hypothetical situation. I get where your coming from with your "if you dont have it, dont spend it". But some peoples bucket lists dont involve trips to Paris or New Zealand. Its just a simple gathering with the official t-shirt.

How many flat tires do you get to carry a 3 and half ton floor jack in your car? Thats kinda crazy.

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 9, 2019
6:42 am
Forum Posts: 358
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May 11, 2012
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Nah fuck this cunt! I have the money, I wanted a Ballers Pass. I missed out because of the website outage and as far I could tell there wasn't a very clear announcement as to when exactly the site would go live with days of fuck arounds.

Plus I had to deal with the time difference from Australia.

I logged on as soon as I saw that it was live and they had already gone.

Buying more than you need to make a quick buck off something like this is fucking disrespectful! Bottom line.

Whoop Whoop Radam :

April 9, 2019
8:57 am
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I gotta agree with Karacalla, replace that shitty jack that comes with the car with a good hydraulic one before any major roadtrips. Its also a good idea to have some "Fix a flat or "SLIME" to repair a flat, or bring along a full size spare, cuz the donut isnt made for a long haul.

I've had all manner of mishaps while on the road, my car is stocked with tools for most situations.

I wanted to buy a Ballas pass to resell, but the girlfriend vetoed the idea.

When I gathered in 2016, I bought a bunch of DVDs to resell, but I got like 10 of each so as not to by any one thing out. Took forever to resell them. It did make the Gathering free, but took a few months to recoup the cash.


April 9, 2019
10:15 am
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Do any of you have any creative skills? Make and sell your own things.

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Stay tuned, ive got 4 guys from work, working on a fucking diamond thatll get my ass to the gathering.

Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :

SteelCityDahmer, SPOOKYtheFUNGI

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 9, 2019
3:37 pm
Forum Posts: 334
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December 18, 2017
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Karacalla said

Shiiiiit, we got ours. Now how do we break the news to the upcharged V I P s that we don't have they're exclusive CDS?

Say we'll send it in the mail?

Hell's yea, Whoop Whoop...and then we won't and just sell it back to them for twenty five Mo' mudda fuck'n dollars a couple months later yall!"  

We get it man, you're still mad about this. I guess you spent your money foolishy and that $50 for VIP really hurt your wallet, and your feelings.


Get over it. 

Whoop Whoop SteelCityDahmer :

SPOOKYtheFUNGI, Drunkalo
April 9, 2019
7:09 pm
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September 1, 2014
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SteelCityDahmer said

We get it man, you're still mad about this. I guess you spent your money foolishy and that $50 for VIP really hurt your wallet, and your feelings.


Get over it.   

Nope. I paid for something. Didn't receive what I paid for. That doesn't fly anywhere else, so it's not going to fly with Psychopathic records.

Not about the money, it's the principal.

Complacent fucks, such as yourself and others here, have sat back and allowed this to happen so often its become the norm and people have become desensitized to it to the point where Psy actually re-sells the FREE CD's....that no one recieved...and paid for.

You proud of that? Like you are that passive aggressive to where you pay for goods and services and receive nothing and just walk off going  'Aw, shux man.'

If so, your life must be horribly basic.

Lol at the loss of 50 bucks hurting my wallet. TF I look like, you?

Radam said
Nah fuck this cunt! I have the money, I wanted a Ballers Pass. I missed out because of the website outage and as far I could tell there wasn't a very clear announcement as to when exactly the site would go live with days of fuck arounds.

Plus I had to deal with the time difference from Australia.

I logged on as soon as I saw that it was live and they had already gone.

Buying more than you need to make a quick buck off something like this is fucking disrespectful! Bottom line.  

Dude, you bitch more than a woman on her rag. First it was, Why doesn't ICP come to the Downunda' more often, now you didn't get a balla pass.

Shut up.

Go outside and practice throwing your fucking boomerang or try to out hop a kangaroo or some shit. Take it up with Psy's customer service like errrr body else, mate.

Ole' Now that's a knife ass muh fucka.


April 9, 2019
8:05 pm
Forum Posts: 334
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December 18, 2017
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Karacalla said

Nope. I paid for something. Didn't receive what I paid for. That doesn't fly anywhere else, so it's not going to fly with Psychopathic records.

Not about the money, it's the principal.

Complacent fucks, such as yourself and others here, have sat back and allowed this to happen so often its become the norm and people have become desensitized to it to the point where Psy actually re-sells the FREE CD's....that no one recieved...and paid for.

You proud of that? Like you are that passive aggressive to where you pay for goods and services and receive nothing and just walk off going  'Aw, shux man.'

If so, your life must be horribly basic.

Lol at the loss of 50 bucks hurting my wallet. TF I look like, you?

This is what makes you look so soft. You know nothing bout me. Yet, you're going to just insult me like you've known me for years. You do this anytime somebody calls you. You act like you're better than everybody on this forum. I'd rather have 1,000 KluKluxKlown threads than see your whiny ass name come up once.  

Complacent fucks like myself? Nah, I've always received what I've paid for.  Do you have the right to be mad? Sure. The part that makes it look like it's hurting your wallet and your feelings is how you always bring it up. Write them an email or something and shut the fuck about it because nobody here cares. To quote you "Take it up with Psy’s customer service like errrr body else, mate." Would I have been mad if I didn't get something that I paid for at a VIP meet and greet? yeah, of course. Maybe for about a week or two and then I would have moved the fuck on. It would be have been some bullshit, but I wouldn't bring it up every chance I'd get. Considering what else comes with that $50 VIP ticket. Shit happens. Since you have to get an album pressed before the tour even starts it would be pretty impressive to have the exact amount of cds needed. 

I assume you're talking about the Brother EP that they just sold. If that's the "free" CD you're talking about, then why you mad about the one you didn't get? Since they're "free" cds you didn't really get fucked then did you? 

Whoop Whoop SteelCityDahmer :

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